Pay Per Click Marketing

Google AdWords for Lawyers: Example of how to save money for Law Firm Ads

Adwords for Law Firms - How to Save Money on Campaigns Google Adwords is the main way your going to…

7 years ago

4 Reasons a High Google Adscore Will Save Your Law Firm Money

Google Adwords Marketing for Lawyers - Quality Score (QS) I would say most lawyers would NOT know what a Google…

7 years ago

Google Adwords Quality Score (QS) Explained

Google Adwords Marketing for Lawyers Quality Score, aka QS is super key when it comes down to how the whole…

7 years ago

Pay Per Click Marketing for Lawyers, Worth It?

Lawyer Google Adwords MarketingPPC for Lawyers, Good Idea?? --> YES 100% for Sure, if Done Right!Pay per click marketing for…

7 years ago

Google AdWords Has New Enhanced Campaigns

GOOGLE PPC FOR LAWYERS Google announced an upgrade to AdWords called Enhanced Campaigns that will allow advertisers to target consumers…

12 years ago

Pay Per Click and Mobile For Lawyers

PAY PER CLICK MARKETING AND MOBILE I see it all the time, lawyers who are advertising with Google adwords or…

13 years ago

iMobiTrax to Combat Mobile Ad Network Click Fraud

On Friday, the team behind iMobiTrax spoke an uncomfortable truth: the mobile advertising networks on which most advertisers place their…

13 years ago

Getting Top Listings at Google AdWords

Everyone wants to be at the very top of the search engine listings, both in the organic results and also…

13 years ago

Create a Mobile PPC Campaign at Google AdWords

What is Google AdWords? Google AdWords is Google’s main advertising product and main source of revenue. Google AdWords offers pay-per-click…

13 years ago

Google Adwords Tip for Lawyers

GOOGLE ADWORDS MARKETING TIPS Marketing your site with Google Adwords is a very good idea, but theres a lot of…

13 years ago