At some point you may need to move your legal website to a new web host. Sometimes you might just find a new webhost, sometimes you might be moving your site to a new web designer or maybe your current webhost either goes out of business or just provides horrible hosting service.
In order to succesfully move your domain name to a new webhost, you must first have control of the domain name. This means you need to be the registered owner of the domain name and you must have login access to wherever the domain name was bought. To switch to a new webhost, you must be able to change the DNS settings of the domain name.
So the first thing to do is have the new webhost setup in advance. Then you need to transfer all the site files to the new webserver so they are in place. Then if you have existing email accounts, its a good idea to setup the email accounts with the new webhost in advance and have the new settings ready to enter into any of your machines that have email for that domain name.
We just helped a Chicago Lawyer move their main website from an older more expensive web host to a more reliable less expensive host. Then we are in the process of helping an Ohio Law Firm with moving three sites that they have with an existing company and not only setting up new webhosting, but we are also creating new legal websites for Ohio Tax Lawyers, Ohio Family Attorneys & Ohio Bankruptcy Law.
If you need any assistace or have any questions about moving your law firms website to a new webhost, please contact us.
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