Video Marketing

Top Advantages of Using Video Content in Legal Marketing

Video Services for Lawyers - Video Content Marketing Video marketing has become an essential tool for law firms, revolutionizing the…

3 months ago

Exploring Advantages of Video SEO in Legal Marketing

Video SEO For Lawyers - Creating New Legal Videos If you're a legal professional looking to enhance your marketing efforts,…

1 year ago

Types of YouTube Video Ads

Different YouTube VideoAd Formats Lights, Camera, Action: Picking the Right YouTube Ad Format for Your Law Firm Choosing the right…

1 year ago

Running Paid Video Ads at YouTube

Setting up YouTube Ads For Lawyers YouTube Ads for Lawyers: Your Secret Weapon in the Battle for Clients In the…

1 year ago

Social Media Marketing for Lawyers

PPC for Lawyers - Social Media Marketing Social Media is big and Social Media Marketing is getting bigger every day. …

6 years ago

Do You Use Video in Your Attorney Site?

DOES YOUR LAW FIRM USE VIDEO? Using video to promote your law firm has been around for awhile now, but…

12 years ago

New Google research: Reaching your audience effectively with YouTube TrueView Ads

With many Americans spending as much time online as watching TV, media-savvy advertisers are turning to creative new formats to…

13 years ago

YouTube Video Manager Gets An Update & A Facelift

YouTube always seems to group their major announcements in little bunches. Hot on the heels of the brand new site-wide…

13 years ago

5 Tips for Using Online Video to Market Your Law Firm

Statistics show that video improves online visibility and drives more action online than plain images and text. For example, according…

15 years ago

178 million Americans watched 33 billion videos in December

Nearly 178 million U.S. Internet users watched 33.2 billion online videos during December 2009, according to the latest data from…

15 years ago