Video Marketing

Top Advantages of Using Video Content in Legal Marketing

Video Services for Lawyers – Video Content Marketing Video marketing has become an essential tool for law firms, revolutionizing the way they connect with their audience. Incorporating video content in your legal marketing strategy offers numerous benefits that can enhance your firm’s online presence and engage potential clients. Using video content in legal marketing allows you to bridge the gap between your law firm and your audience. It provides an opportunity to establish trust and showcase your expertise, making your firm more approachable and relatable. Whether it’s client testimonials, explainer videos, or other forms of video content, you can demonstrate your dependability and reliability effectively. Key Takeaways: Video marketing helps build trust and credibility with clients. It simplifies complex legal concepts and increases reach through repurposing content. Video content adds personality and branding to your law firm. Including videos on websites and in blogs improves search engine visibility. Video content captures attention, delivers information effectively, and increases credibility. Why Should Lawyers Use Video Marketing? Video marketing offers several compelling advantages for law firms. In today’s digital age, incorporating video content into your legal marketing strategy is essential for staying competitive and engaging your target audience effectively. First and foremost, video marketing helps build trust and credibility with clients. By showcasing successful case resolutions and client testimonials, you can demonstrate your expertise and track record of success. This not only builds confidence in potential clients but also strengthens relationships with existing clients. Another reason to use video content in legal marketing is the ability to simplify complex legal concepts. Videos allow you to break down complicated topics into easily digestible explanations, making it easier for viewers to understand and connect with your message. Video marketing adds a personal touch to your firm and helps establish your brand identity. By incorporating videos on your website and in your blogs, you can showcase the personality and values of your firm, making it more relatable to your audience. Furthermore, video content can significantly improve your search engine visibility. Search engines prioritize video content, and by optimizing your videos with relevant keywords and metadata, you can increase your chances of appearing in search results. The Benefits of Video Marketing for Law Firms: Advantages Description Building Trust and Credibility Showcasing successful case resolutions and client testimonials establishes trust and credibility with clients. Simplifying Complex Legal Concepts Videos break down complicated topics into easily digestible explanations, making it easier for viewers to understand. Adding Personality and Branding Video content adds a personal touch to your firm and helps establish your brand identity. Improving Search Engine Visibility Optimizing video content with relevant keywords and metadata can significantly improve search engine ranking. The Impact of Video Marketing Video marketing has revolutionized the legal industry by providing law firms with a powerful tool to engage their target audience and enhance their online presence. The impact of video content on legal marketing cannot be understated, as it captivates attention, effectively delivers information, and increases the credibility of law firms. One of the key benefits of video marketing is its ability to capture attention. Unlike traditional written content, videos offer a more dynamic and visually engaging experience. By incorporating compelling visuals, captivating storytelling, and emotional appeal, law firms can create videos that leave a lasting impression on their audience. Beyond capturing attention, video marketing is an effective way to deliver information. Complex legal concepts can be simplified through visual explanations, making them easier for viewers to understand and digest. This not only helps potential clients grasp the intricacies of the law, but it also positions law firms as knowledgeable and trustworthy authorities in their respective fields. Moreover, video content significantly enhances the credibility of law firms. By showcasing successful case resolutions, client testimonials, and the expertise of attorneys, law firms can establish themselves as reliable and reputable practitioners in the legal industry. This credibility translates into increased trust from potential clients, leading to higher conversion rates and a stronger reputation within the legal community. Table: The Impact of Video Marketing in Legal Marketing Impact Explanation Captivating Attention Video content captures attention through dynamic visuals and compelling storytelling. Effective Information Delivery Video simplifies complex legal concepts, making them easier for viewers to understand. Enhanced Credibility Video showcases successful case resolutions, client testimonials, and the expertise of attorneys, establishing law firms as reliable and reputable practitioners.   In conclusion, video marketing has had a profound impact on the legal industry. By capturing attention, delivering information effectively, and enhancing credibility, law firms can leverage video content to engage their audience, expand their reach, and ultimately attract potential clients. Incorporating video marketing into a comprehensive marketing strategy is essential for law firms looking to thrive in today’s digital landscape. Creating Effective Video Content Incorporating videos into your legal marketing strategy can provide numerous advantages for your law firm. From building trust and credibility to engaging your audience, videos have the power to convey information and connect with potential clients in a way that text alone cannot. To ensure your video content is effective and captures the attention of your target audience, follow these video marketing tips for legal professionals. Understanding Your Target Audience Before creating video content, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience. Research their demographics, interests, and pain points to tailor your videos accordingly. By addressing their specific needs and concerns, you can create content that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to take action. Developing a Content Plan A well-thought-out content plan is crucial for creating effective video content. Define your goals, messaging, and desired outcomes for each video. Plan the structure, script, visuals, and any additional elements to ensure a cohesive and engaging video. By developing a content plan, you can stay focused and deliver valuable information to your viewers. Emphasizing Quality and Visual Appeal Quality matters when it comes to video content. Invest in good equipment and consider working with professional videographers or video production agencies for high-quality results. Ensure your videos are

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What is legal content marketing

Exploring Advantages of Video SEO in Legal Marketing

Video SEO For Lawyers – Creating New Legal Videos If you’re a legal professional looking to enhance your marketing efforts, incorporating video content into your strategy can provide numerous benefits. In today’s digital age, video has become an increasingly popular and effective way to reach and engage with potential clients. Here are some of the advantages of using video content in legal marketing: Video marketing for lawyers can improve online visibility and search engine optimization (SEO). Video content strategies for law firms can help build trust and credibility with potential clients. Videos can increase engagement and conversion rates, leading to more clients for your firm. Utilizing video across multiple channels can help reach a wider audience and attract new clients. Staying current with video marketing trends in the legal industry can keep your firm ahead of the competition. These are just a few of the many reasons to incorporate videos in your legal marketing efforts. In this article, we’ll explore each of these advantages in more detail and provide tips for leveraging video content for legal marketing success. Key Takeaways Video marketing for lawyers can improve online visibility and SEO Building trust and credibility with potential clients is easier with video content strategies for law firms Videos can increase engagement and conversion rates Utilizing video across multiple channels helps attract new clients Staying current with video marketing trends in the legal industry keeps your firm ahead of the competition Boosting Online Visibility and Search Engine Optimization As a legal professional, you understand the importance of being visible to potential clients. With the rise of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) has become a crucial aspect of legal marketing. By incorporating video content into your marketing strategy, you can boost your online visibility and enhance your SEO efforts. SEO involves optimizing your website so that it appears higher in search engine rankings when potential clients search for keywords related to your legal services. With video marketing, you can create engaging content that not only attracts clients but also improves your website’s SEO. Videos are a powerful tool for increasing user engagement and dwell time on your website, both of which are crucial ranking factors for search engines. When using videos in your legal marketing strategy, it’s important to ensure that they are SEO-friendly. This involves optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords. You should also include transcripts or closed captions to make your videos more accessible and easier for search engines to index. Partnering with a digital marketing agency that specializes in legal search marketing can also help you maximize the benefits of video marketing. These agencies can provide you with comprehensive digital marketing services, including SEO, video production, and video marketing campaigns. Overall, incorporating video content into your legal marketing strategy can significantly enhance your online visibility and improve your SEO efforts. By partnering with a digital marketing agency that specializes in legal search marketing and video marketing, you can take advantage of the many benefits that video content has to offer. Building Trust and Credibility As a legal professional, building trust and credibility is crucial to expanding your client base. Video content is an effective tool to help enhance your legal marketing strategies and establish a trustworthy reputation. Through video marketing, you can showcase your expertise and provide valuable insights into the legal industry. By utilizing video content, potential clients can see and hear from you directly, helping to establish a personal connection with them. This personal touch can build trust and increase the likelihood of conversion. Furthermore, videos can serve as evidence of your professional knowledge and experience, which can further enhance your credibility. Seeing and hearing directly from you can help potential clients feel more confident in your abilities and may ultimately lead to more business. Incorporating video content in your legal marketing strategies can help you stand out in a crowded industry and establish a reputation as a trusted legal expert. Increasing Engagement and Conversion Rates Video content is an excellent tool for increasing engagement and conversion rates in legal marketing. By leveraging video content, law firms can effectively communicate their messages and engage with potential clients in a more personalized way. Additionally, video content can help viewers understand complex legal concepts and build trust in the firm’s expertise. When developing video content strategies for law firms, it’s important to keep up with video marketing trends for maximum impact. For instance, shorter videos tend to perform better on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, while longer interview-style videos can be effective on a law firm’s website. To increase engagement, law firms can use storytelling techniques to create compelling video content that resonates with viewers. This can include featuring client testimonials, highlighting the firm’s values and mission, and showcasing successful case outcomes. Conversion rates can be improved through the use of call-to-action (CTA) buttons or links within the video content. These CTAs can instruct viewers to contact the firm for a consultation or provide a link to a relevant landing page. By strategically placing CTAs, law firms can guide potential clients towards taking actions that ultimately lead to more conversions. Overall, leveraging video content for legal marketing success requires a deep understanding of video content strategies for law firms. When done effectively and in line with current video marketing trends, law firms can increase engagement and ultimately drive more conversions through the use of video content. Utilizing Video Across Multiple Channels Video content isn’t just limited to your law firm’s website or social media platforms. In fact, incorporating video into multiple channels can significantly enhance your legal marketing efforts. Consider utilizing video in email marketing campaigns to increase open rates and engagement. A well-crafted video can catch the viewer’s attention and encourage them to click through to your website or contact your firm. Additionally, including a video in your email signature can leave a lasting impression on potential clients. Another channel to consider is online legal directories. Many directories allow you to upload

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Types of YouTube Video Ads

Different YouTube VideoAd Formats Lights, Camera, Action: Picking the Right YouTube Ad Format for Your Law Firm Choosing the right YouTube ad format for your law firm can be a bit like picking the right legal strategy for a complex case. It’s all about understanding the options, knowing your goals, and selecting the approach that gives you the best shot at success. Let’s break down the most commonly used formats and how they can spotlight your legal expertise.  Check out our past post about how to setup a YouTube video ad campaign for your law firm. Choosing a Video Ad Format TrueView Ads: The Opening Argument of Your Law Firm TrueView ads are the opening arguments of your YouTube campaign. They run before, during, or after other videos, grabbing the viewer’s attention when they’re already engaged. The real beauty of TrueView ads? You only pay if the viewer watches at least 30 seconds. For example, a compelling testimonial from a satisfied client can really make an impact in this format. And with YouTube counting every view, even the ones that skip after 5 seconds, it’s a way of building your firm’s credibility and reach. TrueView Discovery Ads: Your Law Firm on the Witness Stand TrueView discovery ads are like your firm taking the witness stand. They show up in YouTube search results or next to related videos, testifying to your firm’s abilities and inviting users to click and learn more. They’re perfect for thought leadership content, such as a brief explainer video on a complex legal concept or a quickfire Q&A session on common legal questions. Remember, you’re charged per click, not per view, so make those titles and descriptions count! Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads: Your Law Firm’s Closing Statement Non-skippable in-stream ads are your closing statement. They can’t be skipped and ensure that your full message is seen. Ideal for succinct, impactful messages, these ads can be perfect for a quick overview of your firm’s unique selling points or a compelling call to action. While the cost per view is higher, the guarantee of complete message delivery can be worth it. Bumper Ads: The Courtroom Soundbite Bumper ads are like the memorable soundbites from a courtroom drama. They’re short, sharp, and unskippable, making a quick impression that can linger in a viewer’s mind. Consider using these bite-sized ads to spotlight a catchy slogan or a striking statistic about your firm’s success rate. Choosing the right ad format for your law firm’s YouTube campaign can make a world of difference in reaching potential clients and making a lasting impression. So take a cue from your courtroom strategies, assess your options, and choose the format that lets your law firm shine. Checklist for Lawyers setting up YouTube Paid Ads 1. Determine the target audience and the message the video ad should convey. 2. Create a script and storyboard for the video ad. 3. Choose an appropriate video format and length for the ad. 4. Create a Google Ads account and link it to a YouTube channel. 5. Determine the budget and bidding strategy for the video ads. 6. Choose relevant keywords and targeting options for the video ad. 7. Upload the video ad to the YouTube channel and optimize it for search engines. 8. Set up ad groups, campaigns, and ad formats for the video ads. 9. Monitor the performance of the video ads and adjust bids and targeting as necessary. 10. Track and analyze the effectiveness of the video ads using metrics such as view rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Tips for Law Firms – Make sure the video ad portrays the law firm in a professional and trustworthy way. – Use attention-grabbing visuals and compelling messaging to engage viewers. – Consider including a call to action in the video ad to encourage viewers to take action. – Test different targeting options and bidding strategies to optimize performance. – Regularly monitor and optimize the video ad campaigns to ensure the best results.

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Running Paid Video Ads at YouTube

Setting up YouTube Ads For Lawyers YouTube Ads for Lawyers: Your Secret Weapon in the Battle for Clients In the highly competitive legal world, standing out from the crowd can be as challenging as winning a complex case. Traditional marketing methods might not cut it anymore. Enter: video ads. A tool so powerful, it can transform your law firm’s visibility faster than a judge’s gavel thumps. Why should lawyers consider video ads? Imagine a potential client, scrolling through an ocean of text on various law firms. Then, your video ad pops up – a dynamic, engaging snapshot of your services. Which do you think will be more memorable? That’s right. The video. Video ads are not just engaging; they’re persuasive. They’re your elevator pitch, your firm’s personality, your success stories, all rolled into a compelling visual package. It’s like delivering a strong closing argument, convincing a jury (or in this case, potential clients) of your expertise and commitment. So, lawyers, it’s time to swap your briefcases for video scripts and transform your online presence. Let’s explore the world of video ads together and set the stage for your firm’s starring role in the legal marketing arena. Unleashing the Power of Video Ads in the Legal Sector Yes, we know. YouTube might seem like a place for cute cat videos and not legal advice. But think again! It’s a goldmine for law firms aiming to reach potential clients and enhance their brand. And don’t worry, no felines will be involved in your ads (unless that’s your thing, of course). Step 1: Uniting Google Ads and Your YouTube Channel: A Marriage of Convenience Like a good legal partnership, linking your Google Ads account to your YouTube channel is a relationship built on mutual benefits. Doing so lets you keep an eye on those all-important campaign analytics and retarget potential clients, much like keeping tabs on a rival attorney. Step 2: Your Legal Campaign Objective: Charting Your Course Google Ads offers various campaign objectives, kind of like choosing the right legal strategy for a case. ‘Leads and Website Traffic’ can drive potential clients to your website, faster than a lawyer rushing to file a last-minute motion. ‘Brand Awareness and Reach’, on the other hand, can amplify your firm’s reputation, making it echo through the halls of the internet. Step 3: Selecting the YouTube Ad Format: Your Legal Billboard Choosing the right YouTube ad format is like selecting the best legal argument. TrueView Ads are great for raising awareness about your law firm, almost like delivering a powerful opening statement. Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads can showcase successful case studies, just like unveiling critical evidence at the right moment. And Bumper Ads? They’re perfect for quick introductions, kind of like a lawyer’s elevator pitch. Step 4: Setting Your Legal Campaign’s Budget, Schedule, and Bid Strategy: The Art of Campaigning Just like planning a legal strategy, setting your YouTube ad campaign requires careful thought. You wouldn’t go to court without knowing your budget, right? The same applies to scheduling ads for optimal visibility and devising a bid strategy. It’s all part of the game to ensure you’re seen and heard at the right time, just like a perfectly timed legal objection. Winning Clients with YouTube Ads: Your Legal Success Story Let’s face it. In the legal world, competition is fiercer than a cross-examination. But with YouTube ads, you can rise above the rest, capturing the attention of potential clients like a compelling closing argument. So, gavel in hand, take a step forward and embrace the power of YouTube ads. Here’s to your next winning case (or ad campaign)! Prepare for a journey into the thrilling world of YouTube advertising, where every view is a potential client and every ad a closing argument. Let the battle for clients begin! Note: This guide was prepared for you by Legal Search Marketing, your trusted advisor in the wild world of legal marketing. For more tips and strategies, visit us at And remember, in the courtroom and in marketing, strategy is everything. Checklist for Lawyers setting up YouTube Paid Ads 1. Determine the target audience and the message the video ad should convey. 2. Create a script and storyboard for the video ad. 3. Choose an appropriate video format and length for the ad. 4. Create a Google Ads account and link it to a YouTube channel. 5. Determine the budget and bidding strategy for the video ads. 6. Choose relevant keywords and targeting options for the video ad. 7. Upload the video ad to the YouTube channel and optimize it for search engines. 8. Set up ad groups, campaigns, and ad formats for the video ads. 9. Monitor the performance of the video ads and adjust bids and targeting as necessary. 10. Track and analyze the effectiveness of the video ads using metrics such as view rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Tips for Law Firms – Make sure the video ad portrays the law firm in a professional and trustworthy way. – Use attention-grabbing visuals and compelling messaging to engage viewers. – Consider including a call to action in the video ad to encourage viewers to take action. – Test different targeting options and bidding strategies to optimize performance. – Regularly monitor and optimize the video ad campaigns to ensure the best results.

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Social Media Marketing for Lawyers

PPC for Lawyers – Social Media Marketing Social Media is big and Social Media Marketing is getting bigger every day.       Social Media Marketing is different then Social Media Management.    Social Marketing is more about doing Facebook Ads and other paid advertising at different social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others. DOES SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WORK FOR LAWYERS?    Ask Joey!! Social media management for lawyers is about managing your different social media accounts, doing posts of new content, videos and images and then doing that on a regular basis.     Sometimes and a lot of times you combine the two.  If your doing a facebook post and then you boost that post or do some kind of facebook ad around the post, then your doing both. Social Media Marketing for Lawyers Social Media is another way to advertise your law practice and possibly get new clients.    A lot of lawyers do not use social media at all, let alone for marketing.  So that should mean its wide open for those that decide to use it!   No doubt most of the time I see that getting clicks are cheaper at Facebook ads vs. Google adwords.          Yet you can not bid on keywords at Facebook like you can at Google adwords. Its a different kind of advertising.  Its more about targeting the right people and then also using the facebook pixel to track visitors to your website, then you can do campaigns of ads that only get shown to those people who showed interest in your site in the past up to 180 days.  Many other things you can do with facebook marketing and you should at least take a look and see if it would be a good fit for you. SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS TO DO SOCIAL MARKETING #1- Facebook #2- Twitter #3- LinkedIn #4- YouTube So first off you want to make sure these social media accounts are setup and optimized with images for your logo and banner. Then you want to make sure that you update these accounts with content, images and videos.   Then you can run ads at the different programs and use the content you posted along with images and videos.     We can help you setup the accounts, then create different ad campaigns that consist of different ad groups.   Each Ad group will focus on a different audience and within each ad group we will have 2-5 ads running.   These ads will have different images, videos and ad copy.    You want to test out what works and sometimes you need to spend a little money to get the best data, then once you optimize the campaigns, the costs can go down because your ads have a HIGH RELEVANCY SCORE with facebook.  Contact us for a FREE Estimate for your law firm. ** Special Social Media Marketing Program for Lawyers – First Month FREE Special ** PRICING–> $500 FLAT Fee to Setup Program ; $300 per month for ongoing monitoring, content, images and more. —>  Call us at 312-620-6190 or fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form to take advantage of this deal ASAP. —> 2018 Social Media Marketing for Law Firms —> 2018 Social Media Management for Lawyers

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Do You Use Video in Your Attorney Site?

DOES YOUR LAW FIRM USE VIDEO? Using video to promote your law firm has been around for awhile now, but not many lawyers seem to utilize it. Having video on your lawyer site can be a big advantage.   People tend to not want to read as much as they want to easily watch something.  So if you can create a short video that explains who you are and what you do, it can go a long way to building trust with a website visitor. ADVANTAGES OF HAVING ATTORNEY VIDEO If the person who comes to your site and is looking for a lawyer and they visit other lawyer sites and you are the only one that has  video, that might make the difference.   Also if you have a video, now you can do things with it. Not only put it on your lawyer site, but you can also create a YouTube account and setup your videos so they can come up in the Youtube and google search results. Then you can also easily embed your video anywhere else, so if you have a blog or another site you want to include your video, its a simple cut and paste process. THINK MOBILE VIDEO More people then ever are on mobile devices and are visting websites in record numbers. These numbers will keep growing and according to Bytemobile’s February 2012 Mobile Analytics Report, online video now accounts for half of all mobile traffic and up to 69 percent of traffic on certain wireless networks. If a visitor to your website that is looking at a smaller smartphone screen that has a choice of scrolling through text or watching a short video, they no doubt would rather press a button and watch your video.  Its so much more powerful then just having mobile site that has a lot of text or worse having to see a lawyer desktop site on a mobile phone, people will leave. INTERNET MARKETING AND VIDEO Having a video can help your Internet Marketing and organic search rankings for many reasons.  The first is that you can submit your video to mutliple video services such as YouTube and this alone can help your overall Internet Marketing campaign because your video can now get traffic from YouTube AND also in some cases Google will include youtube videos for certain keyword searches, so this can be another chance to get someone to view your video, visit your site and contact you. Also there are many other things you can do with videos and Ive seen more and more that videos can really help your overall organic SEO rankings . Most law firms dont want to do video because its costly and time consuming. Yet you can have someone shoot a professional video for a very reasonable cost these days.  Also if you don’t want to be on your video or spend a lot of money on it, you can have a BASIC VIDEO for lawyers done, where it just includes your Firm logo, images and text about your firm.  The bottom line with these videos are that they at least give you a video to use on your site and at YouTube and other video services. Contact us for more info on creating and marketing Video for Law Firms.

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New Google research: Reaching your audience effectively with YouTube TrueView Ads

With many Americans spending as much time online as watching TV, media-savvy advertisers are turning to creative new formats to attract attention and customers. We recently surveyed more than 1,600 Americans aged 18-45 and got some interesting insights into TrueView Video Ads, the family of YouTube ad formats that give viewers choice and control over which advertisers’ messages they want to see and when. Some of the best findings from our study include: 8 of 10 viewers preferred TrueView to standard in-stream ads 9 of 10 viewers thought TrueView created a better viewing environment 8 of 10 viewers thought the skip button was very clear Only 1 viewer in 10 always skips ads Other results give insight into how advertisers can make their TrueView ads even more effective so that viewers watch, not skip, their ads. Based on the research, here are some of the best ways to make your TrueView ads stickier: Make great ads that people want to watch and that spark their curiosity. Viewers have the option to skip a TrueView in-stream ad after five seconds, so piquing their interest quickly is important. By far the most popular survey response from people who chose to watch an ad was this one: “I was curious to see what the ad was for.” Attention-grabbing openers and humor also keep people watching. Include branding in those first seconds. TrueView advertisers pay only when people actually watch their ads. They’re buying real value, not paying per impression. So, insert your logo or brand name in the first five seconds—which cost you nothing if the viewer doesn’t keep watching. Enjoy those free impressions! Include new, different information in your TrueView ad if it’s been airing on TV. In our study, we found that seeing ads on TV affected whether viewers later skipped those same ads on YouTube. To keep them engaged across multiple screens, be sure to provide new product information in the TrueView ad messaging and make it personally relevant to the viewer. Check out this case study from HGTV for great ideas on tweaking and optimizing your TrueView ad. To read full details of the study and get more tips about creating effective TrueView ads, visit Think Insights.

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YouTube Video Manager Gets An Update & A Facelift

YouTube always seems to group their major announcements in little bunches. Hot on the heels of the brand new site-wide redesign, they’ve just announced another big change for YouTube creators. Today they announced a new YouTube Video Manager that has a new look, some new features, and an overall streamlined approach. Highlights of the new Video Manager are: Simplified top and left navigation bars to help you get to the tools you need more quickly Icons to indicate privacy status, if monetization is enabled and scheduled publish status Badges to indicate whether videos are HD, Creative Commons and/or captioned A new look that’s consistent with our fresh coat of digital paint If your a lawyer, its a good idea to have a YouTube video account where you can store all of your videos. Then you can easily embed the videos into any posts or pages you create on your website.  YouTube is a very popular site and another reason to have your videos setup at YouTube is that Google will at times use some YouTube video results in its universal search results.  

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5 Tips for Using Online Video to Market Your Law Firm

Statistics show that video improves online visibility and drives more action online than plain images and text. For example, according to the BIA Kelsey Group, viewers engage more after watching a video, with clicks for more information increasing by 30-40% and phone inquiries by 16-20%. Whether you choose to do-it-yourself or hire a pro, marketing your business with online video doesn’t end with the production. Remember, videos need to be seen. Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your video marketing: 1. Aim for Authentic, Actionable Content Don’t worry about stock photography, templates, or videographers who will make you look like all their other clients. Be authentic. Be personal. After all, this is your big chance to highlight your strengths and show what really makes you different. Keep the video short and the less scripted, the better — since customers are jaded by typical sales pitches and marketing buzzwords. Creating authentic video that captures the human element behind any business allows customers to connect on a personal level. This is TRUE and creating a video that is personal and shows who you are and what you do can be a big factor when a new client chooses your law firm.  Also creating a video of client testimonials can be another powerful tool. And don’t forget to incorporate a call to action. While your authentic video builds trust and drives action, viewers must be given a reason and a way to call you, visit your website, or stop by your store. Be sure to include some action path — for example, a trackable URL, a coupon, discount code, or unique phone number to call. This not only encourages viewers to engage with you, but also provides a tangible way to measure the results of your video. 2. Optimize Video for Google Search The advent of blended or universal search has changed the search game. Search engines now display more and more videos, images, blogs, maps, and books in their results. These new search algorithms weigh video heavily, giving you a great opportunity to increase your relevance in search results (and even achieve that coveted first page ranking on Google). In fact, Forrester Research ran an experiment on the top-searched keywords and discovered that videos have an 11,000-to-1 chance of appearing on the first page of Google’s results, while text has a 500,000-to-1 chance of making it on the first page — in short, video has a 50 times better chance than plain text for getting to the top of search rankings. Even with this incredible opportunity, many marketers don’t yet think about making their video Google-friendly. There are several simple steps you can take to optimize your online video content. 3. Add Video to Your Facebook Page Most likely, your Facebook fans are already customers — the social network gives you the chance to strengthen existing relationships, build your brand, present special offers, as well as find some new customers as you reach into the extended networks of your current fan base. On Facebook, use video to show the human side of your company. Think fun and creative. Show a ‘behind the scenes’ peak at your office or shop. Use video to announce a new contest or special. Post video highlights of past events, customer testimonials, etc. 4. Put Video on YouTube and Other Video Sites YouTube has quickly grown from a network of user-generated content to become an invaluable repository of content. Next to Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine, with more than 3.5 billion queries a month according to comScore. YouTube and other video sites are great vehicles to reach an audience who might not find you otherwise. Best of all, you can create a branded YouTube channel and host your videos without incurring any bandwidth costs. And don’t worry — you don’t necessarily have to create the next viral sensation to find success on YouTube. Small businesses can create valuable new relationships and build sales without generating a million views. 5. Add Video to Your Google Local Business Listing By adding video to your business listing on Google Local, you’ll be able to tell your story and connect with those people who are looking for your products or services, at the very point in time when they’re actively researching or ready to buy. This ultra-targeted form of marketing is highly effective for driving clicks and calls. And amid a list of company names, addresses, and phone numbers, an engaging video brings your listing to life and sets you apart from the crowd. Most Importantly – Get Started There’s no time like the present to get started with video. While spare time is always in short supply for the small business owner, online video can be less time intensive and is relatively low cost compared with other marketing initiatives. Most importantly, video will reap dividends in both the short and long term. This is all great video advise.  Putting a video on your lawyer website is a great move for many reasons, just do it! Read full post at Reel SEO

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178 million Americans watched 33 billion videos in December

Nearly 178 million U.S. Internet users watched 33.2 billion online videos during December 2009, according to the latest data from comScore Vedio Metrix. This means Americans watched an average of 187 videos per viewer during the month. Here are some other related stats from comScore's announcement: 86.5 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video in December. 134.4 million viewers watched more than 13 billion videos on — 97.1 videos per viewer. 44.9 million viewers watched 423.3 million videos on MySpace Sites — 9.4 videos per viewer. The average Hulu viewer watched 22.9 videos, totaling 2.2 hours of videos per viewer. The duration of the average online video was 4.1 minutes. It's no mystery any more, you should create videos for your law firms practice!

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