Social Media Management

Social Media Marketing for Lawyers

PPC for Lawyers – Social Media Marketing Social Media is big and Social Media Marketing is getting bigger every day.       Social Media Marketing is different then Social Media Management.    Social Marketing is more about doing Facebook Ads and other paid advertising at different social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others. DOES SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WORK FOR LAWYERS?    Ask Joey!! Social media management for lawyers is about managing your different social media accounts, doing posts of new content, videos and images and then doing that on a regular basis.     Sometimes and a lot of times you combine the two.  If your doing a facebook post and then you boost that post or do some kind of facebook ad around the post, then your doing both. Social Media Marketing for Lawyers Social Media is another way to advertise your law practice and possibly get new clients.    A lot of lawyers do not use social media at all, let alone for marketing.  So that should mean its wide open for those that decide to use it!   No doubt most of the time I see that getting clicks are cheaper at Facebook ads vs. Google adwords.          Yet you can not bid on keywords at Facebook like you can at Google adwords. Its a different kind of advertising.  Its more about targeting the right people and then also using the facebook pixel to track visitors to your website, then you can do campaigns of ads that only get shown to those people who showed interest in your site in the past up to 180 days.  Many other things you can do with facebook marketing and you should at least take a look and see if it would be a good fit for you. SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS TO DO SOCIAL MARKETING #1- Facebook #2- Twitter #3- LinkedIn #4- YouTube So first off you want to make sure these social media accounts are setup and optimized with images for your logo and banner. Then you want to make sure that you update these accounts with content, images and videos.   Then you can run ads at the different programs and use the content you posted along with images and videos.     We can help you setup the accounts, then create different ad campaigns that consist of different ad groups.   Each Ad group will focus on a different audience and within each ad group we will have 2-5 ads running.   These ads will have different images, videos and ad copy.    You want to test out what works and sometimes you need to spend a little money to get the best data, then once you optimize the campaigns, the costs can go down because your ads have a HIGH RELEVANCY SCORE with facebook.  Contact us for a FREE Estimate for your law firm. ** Special Social Media Marketing Program for Lawyers – First Month FREE Special ** PRICING–> $500 FLAT Fee to Setup Program ; $300 per month for ongoing monitoring, content, images and more. —>  Call us at 312-620-6190 or fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form to take advantage of this deal ASAP. —> 2018 Social Media Marketing for Law Firms —> 2018 Social Media Management for Lawyers

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Social Media Management SPECIAL for Law Firms

LAWYER SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT We Will Manage Your Social Media Accounts & Create Content ** Special Social Media Management Program for Lawyers – First Month FREE Special ** PRICING–> $500 FLAT Fee to Setup Program ; $250 per month for ongoing monitoring, content, images and more. —>  Call us at 312-620-6190 or fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form to take advantage of this deal ASAP.   We have a special social media management program for lawyers that includes the following: Review and Optimization of your main 5 Social media Accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube and Instagram) Setup of any social accounts you do not have already setup – Includes graphic work for accounts. Setup of all social media accounts in special Legal Social Media Management Software that will keep track of all account, post content to all accounts. Creation of new Content to use within blog and social media sites (We can take existing content and images and create a video to use in a new post) Creation of high quality images to use in blog and social media accounts. Creation of high quality videos to use in blog, Youtube and Facebook. Curation of content to use from other related websites RSS feeds Setup of CONTENT QUEUES for different social media sites to post content automatically on a set 2-5 times per week. Social Media Reports showing traffic, Likes, Followers and other key info related to social media accounts PRICING–> $500 FLAT Fee to Setup Program ; $250 per month for ongoing monitoring, content, images and more.  (*Additional social media accounts extra) —>  Call us at 312-620-6190 or fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form to take advantage of this deal ASAP. —> 2018 Social Media Marketing for Law Firms —> 2018 Social Media Management for Lawyers CONTENT MARKETING CALENDAR  There are a number of ways you can do this and I use a few different social media management programs that allow you to manage multiple accounts, post content on a regular basis and setup a schedule where you can post content from different sources to your different accounts.  Sometimes you can post every hour of every day, or just once a week.   The key is having the content and then setting up a schedule to have the content posted on certain times of certain days. MONITOR YOUR SOCIAL ENGAGEMENTS You also want to monitor your inbox and engagements of your social media content.   If people have questions and post to your wall, the sooner you get back to them, the better.    If people make comments, respond if you can and the more engagement that you can create, the better. CREATE UNIQUE CONTENT, IMAGES AND VIDEO Make sure you create a steady flow of new content, custom images and videos around the content.   You  can also currate content and find other blogs that have interesting or related stories and post those on your social sites.     You can create a content queue for your facebook account and just have content post to your facebook page, then have a queue for your Twitter account and all other accounts. —> fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form —> 2018 Social Media Marketing for Law Firms —> 2018 Social Media Management for Lawyers

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Facebook Ads for Lawyers

Internet Marketing for Attorneys Facebook Social Media Marketing for solo lawyers and smaller law firms.  Does it work? Does it make sense? YES AND YES FACEBOOK ADS & SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING FOR LAW FIRMS Facebook ads are HUGE business for Facebook, just like Adwords is huge for Google.   Facebook ads are different then adwords because your not bidding on keywords. Instead your putting up your ad and showing the ad to a specific audience.    How specific and good that audience will determine how well your advertising goes.   You want to show your ad to people who might want to see it, so for starters it should be shown to people who live within a certain mile radius from your firm and where your serve people.   You can really pinpoint it and only show ads to people 5 miles from this zipcode, and people who are business owners, or are married or own a home.   There are a lot of combinations and for lawyers its a littler trickier because they are not selling something that everyone might want.    So you dont want to just show your ad to everyone and have it show up in some 18 year old high school seniors facebook feed or someone over 65 who is in town visiting. SELECTING THE RIGHT FACEBOOK AUDIENCE You can create as many different audiences as your want and thats the key.  You want to create a number of different audiences and then test them out on the different campaigns you will run.     So you will need to be creative and test different combinations of things out but sometimes it can be as simple as choosing people within 2 miles of a zipcode that make over a certain income, are married and in certain age bracket. USING FACEBOOK PIXEL AND CREATING RE TARGETING CAMPAIGN You want to get the facebook pixel setup on your lawyer site ASAP.  This will help facebook track all the traffic that goes to your site.  Then once that builds up a little, you can then create a pixel custom audience of JUST the people that visited your site over say the last 60, 90 or up to 180 days of stats.   Then your ad would just be shown to those people on facebook. CREATING A CUSTOM AUDIENCE USING AN EMAIL LIST You can also create a custom audience from an email list.  So if you have a client list of say 500 emails of people who joined your newsletter or are somehow on your email list, then you can take that list and import it into facebook. They will then match that list up and find those people on facebook if they can, usually they can.   Then just like the pixel audience, this audience of your email list will then see whatever ads you show. CREATING LOOK A LIKE AUDIENCES You can then have Facebook create a LOOK A Like audience which will take your pixel data and go out and find an audience that is pretty close to the people on that list and then create a new audience.  You can then whittle that audience down and then test out different audiences on different campaigns. SETTING UP CAMPAIGNS, ADSETS AND ADS You will want to setup a campaign for each of your main topics that you want to promote.   So if your a firm that handles bankruptcy and personal injury matters, you might setup 3 campaigns.  One for each of those practice areas and then a general law campaign.   So for the first campaign of Bankruptcy, you would then create ADSETS for each bankruptcy topic.   The adset is where you will choose the audience that will see your ad and then under each adset you will have multiple ads.   SO the first ADSET here would be General Bankruptcy and I would choose an audience, choose how much I will pay and how I will be billed (Per Click, impression, etc), THEN I would create ads under that adset which would have images or videos, along with text describing what the ad is about.    So here it might just be an ad with the firm name and that it handles bankruptcy matters in that area.  THEN you can create a 2nd ad which might have different text and images. THEN you could create the next adset for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and then you would choose a new audience (You could here choose a pixel audience if you have this created OR an email list audience or any other custom audience)     Then you would create different ads and then keep that process going. PAYING FOR THE ADS So the first thing to do is set a daily budget of no more then $5-10. Then also set an end date for your campaign so they are just going forever. Then you can choose if you want to pay every time someone clicks on your sites link OR you can choose to pay on impressions and a few other options.   So this is another place it can be tricky and you need to pay attention to this and monitor things to see what works.  Sometimes you need to stop campaigns and switch it up to something else.  Change images, use videos, use different ad copy and landing pages. —> Social Media Management for Lawyers  —> Social Media Marketing for Attorneys

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Social Media Marketing for Attorneys

Social Media Marketing Program for Attorneys Social Media is another way to advertise your law practice and possibly get new clients.    A lot of lawyers do not use social media at all, let alone for marketing.  So that should mean its wide open for those that decide to use it!   No doubt most of the time I see that getting clicks are cheaper at facebook ads vs. Google adwords. We have a program available that will create a social media marketing campaign for your firm.   You can do a number of things here including creating a Facebook Like campaign to build the number of likes to your site. You can create a facebook ad campaign that targets ONLY people from your Email List,  Or a campaign that targets a Look a Like audience that is close to your email list.  There are many things you can do with facebook ads including just putting up an ad and targeting people in your local area. Does Facebook Ads for Law Firms work? YES, just ask Happy Joey! You can also advertise on other social media networks including Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, pretty much everywhere! YET You only want to advertise where it would make sense for you, You have to figure out where your potential clients would most likely be and then put your ad in front of them in order to get them to your site.   Then once they are on your site, you want to make some contact with them and the best idea is to get them to join your email list or facebook messenger bot. SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT FOR ATTORNEYS We have a special social media management program for lawyers that includes the following: Review and Optimization of your main 5 Social media Accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube and Instagram) Setup of any social accounts you do not have already setup – Includes graphic work for accounts. Setup of all social media accounts in special Legal Social Media Management Software that will keep track of all account, post content to all accounts. —> Read more on Social Media Management Program for Lawyers PRICING–> $500 FLAT Fee to Setup Program ; $250 per month for ongoing monitoring, content, images and more. —>  Fill out the online contact form to take advantage of this deal ASAP.

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Social Media Management for Lawyers

Social Media Accounts for Law Firms Lawyers first off need to HAVE Social Media accounts, but once you do, then you need to have them managed.  You want to make sure that your updating these accounts on a regular basis, building new fans and followers and engaging with your followers.    Thats a lot of things to do! ** Special Social Media Management Campaign for Lawyers – First Month FREE Special ** —>  Call us at 630-202-9208 or fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form to take advantage of this deal ASAP. We have a special social media management program for lawyers that includes the following: Review and Optimization of your main 5 Social media Accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube and Instagram) Setup of any social accounts you do not have already setup – Includes graphic work for accounts. Setup of all social media accounts in special Legal Social Media Management Software that will keep track of all account, post content to all accounts. Creation of new Content to use within blog and social media sites (We can take existing content and images and create a video to use in a new post) Creation of high quality images to use in blog and social media accounts. Creation of high quality videos to use in blog, Youtube and Facebook. Curation of content to use from other related websites RSS feeds Setup of CONTENT QUEUES for different social media sites to post content automatically on a set 2-5 times per week. PRICING–> $500 FLAT Fee to Setup Program ; $250 per month for ongoing monitoring, content, images and more.  (*Additional social media accounts extra) —>  Call us at 630-202-9208 or fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form to take advantage of this deal ASAP. The main social media accounts every lawyer should have right now are: #1- Facebook #2- Twitter #3- LinkedIn #4- Instagram #5- Google #6- Pinterest #7- YouTube So first off you want to make sure these social media accounts are setup and optimized with images for your logo and banner. Then you want to make sure that you update these accounts. Now if you do this manually, it will take forever.   So you need to automate this process and have a Content marketing schedule and post content your sites blog, and then also to your social accounts. CONTENT MARKETING CALENDAR  There are a number of ways you can do this and I use a few different social media management programs that allow you to manage multiple accounts, post content on a regular basis and setup a schedule where you can post content from different sources to your different accounts.  Sometimes you can post every hour of every day, or just once a week.   The key is having the content and then setting up a schedule to have the content posted on certain times of certain days. MONITOR YOUR SOCIAL ENGAGEMENTS You also want to monitor your inbox and engagements of your social media content.   If people have questions and post to your wall, the sooner you get back to them, the better.    If people make comments, respond if you can and the more engagement that you can create, the better. CREATE UNIQUE CONTENT, IMAGES AND VIDEO Make sure you create a steady flow of new content, custom images and videos around the content.   You  can also currate content and find other blogs that have interesting or related stories and post those on your social sites.     You can create a content queue for your facebook account and just have content post to your facebook page, then have a queue for your Twitter account and all other accounts. —> fill out the Social Media for Lawyers contact form

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