Law Firm Logos

Law Firm Logos – Update Your Law Firm Graphics

Law Firm Logos – Graphics for Law Firms Two things you should go overboard on when setting up a new law firm website. Your website hosting and your firms logo. The first thing people will see is your logo and they will usually see it on every page. So makes sense to spend a little extra and get a great designer. Does your law firm have its logo updated? You might want to consider updating your law sites logo to a more modern and sharp design. If you are updating your website, makes sense to update your firms logo possibly.  Unless you are married to your existing logo and have it in all your branding, then it might make sense to upgrade it and get something that fits your company. New Logo Process 1- Find other logos that you like and send URLs 2- Describe what you like in other logos and what you want in your new logo 3- Send images to use in new logo if desired Thats all it will take to get a brand new logo for your law firm.  The cost of logos varies greatly from $10-5,000. Yes Ive seen someone with the balls to advertise a $5,000 logo!  I mean how good can it be?! We have numerous designers who can get the work done cheap and offer great value.  Logo for law firms cost anywhere from $150-500.   Contact us for more information.  

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