Legal Website Design – New Lawyer Website

NEW LEGAL WEB SITE DESIGN – Chicago Illinois Lawyers Here is a site redesign for a Chicago, IL law firm. We upgraded the firms old site from a basic HTML site to a wordpress CMS site so the lawyers can easily make edits to the site. Horowitz & Weinstein is a Chicago law firm with a history that has evolved over the past 31 years.  We represent a broad range of local and international businesses and individuals solving their complex legal problems and litigating their difficult disputes. We updated the firms content and reorganized the practice areas. We added a twitter feed for the firms multiple twitter accounts, added a contact form and then an RSS feed from the firms tax law blog. Visit the Chicago Attorneys to view site. If your law practice needs a new legal website design or need assistance with your legal Internet marketing campaigns, contact Lawyers Court today for all your legal web marketing and design needs.

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