WordPress Plugins for Lawyers – WordPress Automatic Upgrade
It is very important that WordPress is upgraded regularly as old versions can leave you prone to attack. A lot of people will just never upgrade and this can leave some security holes, so its key to upgrade your legal WordPress site or blog on a regular basis. Its pretty easy to upgrade WordPress by just downloading the software and then following the basic instructions, but it’s even easier with this auto upgrade plugin! WordPress Automatic Upgrade allows a user to automatically upgrade the wordpress installation to the latest one provided by wordpress.org using the 5 steps provided in the wordpress upgrade instructions. WordPress automatic upgrade upgrades your wordpress installation by doing the following steps. Backs up the files and makes available a link to download it. Backs up the database and makes available a link to download it. Downloads the latest files from http://wordpress.org/latest.zip and unzips it. Puts the site in maintenance mode. De-activates all active plugins and remembers it. Upgrades wordpress files. Gives you a link that will open in a new window to upgrade installation. Re-activates the plugins. The plugin can also can be run in a automated mode where in you do not have to click on any links to go to the next step. Go here to download this plugin now
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