Why Creating City Specific Sites is a Good Idea

Having more then one site for your law firm is becoming much more common these days.   Many times you will have a main site and then a blog using a different domain name.

Creating mini sites or wordpress blogs around different practice areas or the different geographic locations the law firm practices in is a good idea for multiple reasons.

#1-   You Can Focus on Specific Keywords – With one website, it can be harder to get ranked organically at the search engines for many different keyword combination’s.  Sure you can get top 10 rankings for your main city and state, but what about the other 10-15 areas that people might do searches in?

So having a city specific site that has content focused on your legal practice area and that geographic location, can make it easier to get ranked on those keywords such as Edmonds Personal Injury, if you were focusing on that city for your personal injury practice.

#2-   You Can Capture Clients better by showing them Your Near Them geographically – Creating a site site around your location means that your header logo will include your geographic location and your content will have your city name in it multiple times.  So this will instantly let a new visitor know that your highly focused on that location and that you can help  them.

#3-   You Can Build Your own Legal Site Network – Getting links to your site is a valuable thing and if you have your own group of sites, you can interlink them strategically.  These sites can then assist your main site.

The bottom line is that you only want to create sites that make sense and have some kind of unique content. You also want to do them right and have them look good, be functional and most importantly be listed high in the search engine rankings for the terms your focusing on.