Lawyer Mini Sites: City and Practice Area Specific
Its a good idea to focus on one specific geographic location and one specific practice area and create your content around the location and practice area instead of putting 10 different practice areas on one site. The key is putting in unique content related to that location and practice area, create detailed pages discussing your practice area such as personal injury, DUI, litigation, tax law, probate law, etc. Create articles around your practice area, list any recent success stories and also publish new content on a regular basis to your blog. We have created a number of mini sites for law firms that focus on a specific practice of law or geographic location. If your law firm practices law in multiple locations, it makes sense to get a domain name and create a website for each area. The goal is to attract potential clients who are interested in your legal services, so if you can focus your site on just one specific set of keywords, it can help get you better overall rankings and give you another website working for the firm. The key is creating unique content for each site and having someone maintain a blog on each site where you post content related to your location and practice focus. Creating city sites like Sarasota DUI, Auburn Personal Injury Lawyers, Redmond Accident Attorneys, Fort Wayne Accident Lawyer or St. Petersburg DUI Lawyers, can help your overall online marketing campaign. It can be another web site that can generate traffic and also be a site you can link your other sites from. If your law firm needs assistance with creating new City and Practice Area sites, contact Lawyers Court today. We focus on creating websites for lawyers and assisting attorneys with Internet Marketing including SEO, Pay Per Click and social media.
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