What is Local SEO Marketing in 2017?


What is Local SEO for Lawyers in 2017?

Local SEO for Attorneys

Local SEO for law firms is a different animal than organic SEO, it’s more about how your legal site comes up in the local search results. Usually it’s a reference to the Google Local Business directory listings that come up when a user does a search of a local area or zipcode.

The Google Map comes up along with 3 listings, otherwise known as the Google “3 Pack”, this has changed over the years and keeps going down. You want your law firm to be in these listings for your local city and zipcode.   

Visitors from your own city deliver high-quality traffic and leads to your law firm.  So you want to make sure for starters that your Google My Business is setup, verified and optimized.   Then there are a whole bunch of different business directories that you want to make sure your legal site is setup at.  Some are obvious like Yelp and AVVO, but there are 100’s of different possible sites that your site might already be setup at. YET the key with Local SEO is consistency and you want to make sure that your law firms NAP (Name, Address and Phone #) are all coming up the same at the different directories. This means the exact same spelling, same phone #’s and everything else. If you have older office locations still coming up, then you might have a more difficult time with Local SEO.

You want to get “Citations” of your firms contact info.  Citations are mentions of your law firm with your contact info at different sites and directories.  The more citations you have at high quality sites, the better your Local SEO results will be.   Getting citations from local area businesses can make a big difference in your Lawyer Local SEO campaign.


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