Domain Names

Choosing the Right Domain Name for your Law Firm

Choosing the  right domain name or domain names can be pretty key when starting up your law firm’s website. Domain names are considered to be pieces of Intellectual Property and are highly valued. Usually you can get a good enough domain name at Godaddy for $10 per year, yet sometimes you might consider buying a premium legal domain name when the high quality names are taken.   Having your firms main keywords in the domain name can be very beneficial towards your organic SEO campaign.    Yet finding a name like Chicago Probate Lawyer or New York Injury will probably not happen, those names are long gone.  So if you want a premium domain name, you will need to pay for it. Its always a good idea  to get a domain name expert to help you find the best value and best available names for your practice. There are a few important points to consider when choosing the right domain names for your law firm. The most important is that you probably want to register multiple domain names  and the first domain names a law firm should register are its full name (, a hyphenated name (, or an abbreviated name ( or Then any major practice areas should be considered (, in addition to website names that contain any other keyword phrases (, If a firm is successful at getting good domain names, success with search engine traffic should follow.   You should only register names though if you plan on utilizing them at some point as websites or blogs and having unique content on each.  It wont work to just buy a lot of names and just point them to the same site, or create  a bunch of duplicate sites.  Yet it would prevent your competition from having those names, so many law firms will buy multiple domain names with the idea of using them down the road, and also preventing anyone else from using them. .COM’S ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE THE BEST DOMAIN NAME Many new domain name extensions have come along over the years, but a .com is still the most valuable. Usually you always want your main law firm name to be a .COM.  Then even your practice area or geographic specific names should be .com.  Yet .NET and .ORG can still work very well if its a good name.   Its better to get the name of ChicagoEstateLawyer.NET then settle for a .com like .  Usually you want to have a shorter memorable name and avoid names that have dashes in them, unless its a short two word name with one dash, like DOMAIN NAME CONSULTING FOR LAWYERS We can assist your law firm with finding the right domain names for your legal practice. We can help find your main domain name and register it in your firms name, and also we can help find the best available geographic and practice area related domain names.  Contact Lawyers Court for more information on domain names for lawyers.

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First Ever Criminal Prosecution for Domain Name Theft Underway

Over the years hundreds of stories of domain name theft have been reported, most famous among them of course is the theft of  Even as recent as last week, reports of stolen domains sent a chilling reminder through the domain industry as valuable domains, and others were stolen from Warren Weitzman. Until recently, there hasn’t been a case of a domain theft where the thief was caught and arrested. However, on July 30th, Daniel Goncalves was arrested at his home in Union, New Jersey and charged in a landmark case, the first criminal arrest for domain name theft in the United States. In a similar fashion to the theft, the events that led to Goncalves arrest involve a long back story, one that spans well over 2 years, and many players.  Although insiders familiar with this case contend that Goncalves has stolen other valuable domains, this case centers on the theft and subsequent sale of the domain name The VictimsIn 2005, internet entrepreneur and domain name investor Marc Ostrofsky and attorney Albert Angel along with his wife Lesli Angel partnered to purchase the domain name for $160,000 from a Wisconsin company, Port to Print Inc. The domain industry was heating up in 2005, as was the emerging peer to peer music business and the co-owners of the domain name saw a great deal of potential with this investment and future development of the domain. Ostrofsky is a well known investor in the domain space. His name was etched in domain name history with his 1999 sale of for $7.5 million and the multi-million dollar domain holding company,IREIT, that he helped form with investment backing from Howard Schulz and Ross Perot. Albert Angel is an attorney and former Justice Department prosecutor with a background in internet payment processing. Angel and Ostrofsky have known each other for over 25 years and have done business together in other ventures. The Angels had already invested in a small portfolio of domain names including and (2 more domains reportedly stolen by Goncalves). As a nurse who dealt with teen drug abuse issues, Lesli Angel became interested in buying and building sites on domains in the late 90’s. Domains such as gave her a means to reach out to some of the same audience that she was already helping as a nurse.  As the domain space heated up, Angel continued buying domains and built up a portfolio of around 800 domain names. Read the full story at Domain Name News

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How To Setup Custom Domain Name For Blog

You can create a basic blog using most blogging services like Typepad or Blogger but your then stuck with a generic domain name. If you want to use a customized domain name like, you must first setup some advanced settings in the blogging software and then also with your web hosting or domain accounts. Here are the steps needed at Typepad to setup a customized domain name with your registar. 1)  Setup your blog with Typepad and then goto the control panel, choose "site access" and then "domain mapping". Then you need to run through the wizard to setup the domain. 2)  Setup your domain name with your registar like and make sure the domain name is parked. 3)  At, choose Total DNS Control and create a CNAME record and enter the information from the Godaddy wizard in step #1. 4)  Then once the CNAME record is setup, go back to the typepad blog and the domain mapping section and set the domaim name as "active". That’s it, now instead of having a long domain name with the address, you can have a geographic specific keyword rich domain name like Chicago Estate Planning Law. Not all registars will allow you to make advanced DNS changes and sometimes you might have a domain name that is already setup with a web hosting account, in that case you can usually make the same kind of edits with your web host.

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