How To Setup Custom Domain Name For Blog

You can create a basic blog using most blogging services like Typepad or Blogger but your then stuck with a generic domain name.

If you want to use a customized domain name like, you must first setup some advanced settings in the blogging software and then also with your web hosting or domain accounts. Here are the steps needed at Typepad to setup a customized domain name with your registar.

1)  Setup your blog with Typepad and then goto the control panel, choose "site access" and then "domain mapping". Then you need to run through the wizard to setup the domain.

2)  Setup your domain name with your registar like and make sure the domain name is parked.

3)  At, choose Total DNS Control and create a CNAME record and enter the information from the Godaddy wizard in step #1.

4)  Then once the CNAME record is setup, go back to the typepad blog and the domain mapping section and set the domaim name as "active".

That’s it, now instead of having a long domain name with the address, you can have a geographic specific keyword rich domain name like Chicago Estate Planning Law.

Not all registars will allow you to make advanced DNS changes and sometimes you might have a domain name that is already setup with a web hosting account, in that case you can usually make the same kind of edits with your web host.

2 thoughts on “How To Setup Custom Domain Name For Blog”

  1. I’ve heard a lot of stories about domain name importance. However, check out the figures below – here are the top five most expensive domain sales in the last few years: – $7.5 million – $5.1 million – $3.3 million – $2.9 million – $2.2 million
    I am not sure how such an investment – paying millions of USD for a simple name – can be recovered and used to produce profit. There was a story about Coca-Cola, which said that if the company lost all its infrastructure, but kept the name and brand characteristics, it could bounce back in about 4 years. However, if the company managers were left with all the infrastructure, but lost the Coca-Cola name, the company would be very likely to go bankrupt. Do you think this is also true for domain names?
    Michael Rad – learn how to make money online

  2. Great post. Like to try it on my blog. Thanks for the tip though will add it to my list and try and guage the response. I’ve been reading along I will be reading more of your posts in the future. Keep it up!

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