Iphone Apps for Lawyers

Dropbox – Get it!

I posted a few weeks back about the IPad Application of Dropbox. This is much more then an Ipad app, its something you setup and then are able to access your files from any computer, and then also allow others to share them.  Its really a great way to keep yourself better organized if you have multiple offices and computers. Its a great way to keep everything in sync and if you have people who work for you, then you can create folders for them and have them put all their files and work they do in that folder. This way you can keep things organized and an eye on what they are doing in real time! As soon as they make an update to a dropbox file in their folder, you are notified on your computer or Ipad, and can then see what they have done.  Its really slick and its FREE for under 2 GB of space and for most people thats enough. I upgraded and now have 50 GB of space (mr big shot!) but for $10 per month, thats a really good deal. I would think most lawyers could benefit from this program.  Its also really nice to have the Ipad app, because you can then see all the files and if you have the MS office app, you can pretty much open anything and edit it on your Ipad, anywhere! So this would mean a lawyer could work on his brief or argument or pleading or pretty much anything on his Ipad, in ANY location.  Then his secretary or paralegal could do other things such as create letters, other documents and pleadings related to case and put them in a folder for the lawyer to review.   The lawyer could then go home and have dropbox installed on his home machines and could instantly pick up where he left off and see anything new his secretary or paralegal has done.   Then when he goes back to the office on Monday, all the same docs are right on his office computer in his dropbox.  Its a no brainer for every lawyer to do this. Just like its a no brainer for every lawyer to have a web site and to have a mobile version of that website!

Dropbox – Get it! Read More »

Fastcase Iphone App for Lawyers – 2010 New Product of Year

The Fastcase iPhone app has been selected by the American Association of Law Libraries as 2010 New Product of the Year.  This is the app that lets you do full case law and statute research for free on your phone. The award recognizes new legal information products that enhance or improve existing law library services or procedures. It will be presented during the AALL’s annual meeting in Denver later this month. According to Fastcase’s press release announcing the award, an iPad version will be released at the AALL meeting and versions for the Android and Blackberry are in the works.  – From the Law Sites Blog The Fastcase App for your iPhone Have you ever found yourself in a courtroom hallway preparing for oral argument and wishing that you could search for a few more cases? Would you like to be able to log some legal research time during your subway or bus commute? How about double-checking a statute provision before walking into a client meeting or a settlement negotiation? Now you can. Fastcase for the iPhone is the largest free law library on the iPhone and it uses smart search technology from Fastcase’s fully-featured Web-based legal research application, which allows you to sort the most relevant results to the top of the list, customize and re-sort search results, and integrate citation analysis tools right into the results list. This application is free, but you will need to register an account so that you can save favorites and your own customized search history. There are tons of customizable features, so the more you use the Fastcase App, the better it fits you! From the Law Sites Blog

Fastcase Iphone App for Lawyers – 2010 New Product of Year Read More »