Hacked Sites

Getting Dreaded “Your Site Has Malware” Message from Google

Ive had a number of lawyer clients contact me regarding the Malware message from Google.  Usually its only noticed when someone does a search for the firms name and the site will come up in the search listings BUT have a warning that tells the user that the site MIGHT have Malware and to not proceed.  Thats not good! You could be losing traffic and potential new clients right now and not even know it. Thats why you need to make sure that your site is well protected from hackers who will plant malware on your site if they figure our your login information.  It happens every single day and sometimes you would never even know anything is wrong, until you see that dreaded message. SO HOW DO YOU FIX THIS PROBLEM? The first thing is that you have to fix the malware problem and get it off your server.  Usually if you go into your Google webmaster tools account, they will notify you of this malware and list the URLs of the offending malware.  SO the first thing is to get these files deleted, but you also want to contact your web host right away and inform them of this issue.  Then you want to run a malware scan and see if you can find anything else, then remove it.   Then they will always suggest that you change ALL of your logins associated with this account. Then once you do all of this, you can ask Google to review the issue after you let them know you have fixed it.  Usually it will only take a day or two to get the message removed.    Yet at this point its time to lock down your site and make sure your have top security setup. We can fix this for you If your law firm needs assistance with setting up security on your website, contact us today at 630-393-0460 or fill out free consultation form.    

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Google Launches Webmaster Help For Hacked Sites

Has your lawyer site been hacked or compromised? If you are in doubt about the chances of your site getting compromised, the recent release of Google’s webmaster help for hacked sites should be a good indicator on just how widespread this problem is. If you have a website, be advised that it does not matter if it is big or small, your site stands an equal chance of being compromised. Perhaps, the more popular ones are more prone to attacks, but then again, those popular sites are likely to have increased “defenses” and proper “recovery plans” in place, in case something happens. How about your site? Google knows that this is not a small risk to site owners and in lieu of the ever increasing threats out there, has created a whole new section on how to tackle matters if your site has sadly been compromised. Start by reading these articles on how to increase your websites security, specially in you are on WordPress… WordPress Security Plugins, Protect Your Online Business WordPress Security For Blogs and Small Business, Why care? Create A Strong And Unique Password (oldie but still works) Password Management Guide (downloadable for free) The articles (and guides) above, if you have read and implemented some of the suggestions, will not guarantee 100% security. Nonetheless, it will help to increase your websites security and prevent as much as possible attempts to hack your site. Now, in the likelihood that those suggestion have failed to avoid your site from being compromised, this is where you may want to head over Google’s Hacked site help section for further information on how to deal with the problem. WATCH VIDEO FROM GOOGLE ON HACKED SITES Following the discovery that your site has been compromised, follow through the next steps, as provided on Google’s help for hacked sites. 1 Watch the overview (completed – you just watched it, right) Beginner 2 Contact your hoster and build a support team Beginner 3 Quarantine your site Intermediate 4 Touch base with Webmaster Tools Intermediate 5 Assess the damage (hacked with spam) or Assess the damage (hacked with malware) Advanced 6 Identify the vulnerability Advanced 7 Clean and maintain your site Advanced 8 Request a review Intermediate If you need assistance with your lawyer site that has been hacked or compromised, contact us today. [si-contact-form form=’1′]

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