Legal Web Directories

Getting visitors to your website from the Internet is done in a variety of ways including legal directories such as AVVO,, Law Firm Directory and a variety of other free and paid lawyer directories.


There are many different types of lawyer directories including AVVO,, Law Firm Directory and many other.  Some offer free listings and others offer paid listings.  Some work better then others, meaning some drive more focused and qualified traffic to your site on a consistent basis. Some listings are free, others are very expensive.  We make sure you get the most value for your dollar by listing your site in the directories that will drive the most focused and qualified traffic to your web site.
Getting links from any other site that has a similar theme to your site can be valuable for organic search engine purposes if the linking site is also well linked and ranked. Some directories provide a good link, while others don’t provide any value at all. Sometimes the value a link provides is worth the listing fee alone because it can help your legal site’s link popularity score. Then if your site is also optimized, it can lead to better overall search engine listings. If it also can drive traffic to your site from the directory, then it really is a good value. We will list your web site in our legal directory and a number of other top free legal directories. We then will devise a legal directory strategy for the client and take care of listing the site with premium legal directories in the appropriate legal categories.

Contact us to learn more about our Internet Marketing services including legal directories.

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