Legal Directory

Law Firm Directories

Below is a list of lawyer directories.  Most offer free listings and the ability to claim your law firms listing.  Some offer premium listings and the ability to make your site stand out. These are GOOD Links to your lawyer site and good Citations as well.  You want as many links and citations to your lawyer site as possible, especially links from sites that are the same theme as yours. So if your a DUI Lawyer, you want listings on other sites that talk about DUI, same with personal injury, criminal law and every other niche. Law Firm Niche Directory List: Alphalegal PR3 Attorney Directorydb PR5 AttorneyFee PR4 AttorneysLawyers PR0 AttorneyYellowPages PR2 Avvo PR6 Best Attorneys Online PR3 PR3 Dilawctory PR3 eLocal Lawyer PR5 Find Lawyer by City PR1 FindLaw PR7 FindMeALawyer PR0 PR0 PR7 Justia PR7 Law Fuel PR0 Law Referral PR4 LawBlogs PR* LawDeeDa PR1 LawFirmDirectory PR4 LawGuru PR6 LawLink PR4 LawQA PR3 Lawyer Legion PR3 Lawyer Ratingz PR4 Lawyercentral PR3 LawyersDB PR1 Lead Counsel PR4 Legal Docs PR5 Legal Financing PR* LegalWebFinder PR2 List-Lawyers PR0 MoreLaw PR4 My Legal Practice PR1 PathLegal PR0 Target Law PR4 USA Attorneys PR0 USLegal PR5

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New Personal Injury Lawyer Directory

If you are a personal injury lawyer, you know how tough the competition is online!  Both for organic SEO and also Pay per click marketing.   If you want to achieve good organic SEO rankings, you need to have good content and links from other quality trusted web sites. Getting links is not an easy process, one way to get quality links is to get a listing in either search directories such as Yahoo, Best of the Web, Joe Ant or others. Another option is getting a link from a legal directory and if your a personal injury lawyer, getting a link from a specific personal injury site could make a big difference. PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT LAWYER DIRECTORY The personal injury attorney directory has listings of the top personal injury lawyers from around the United States.  List your personal injury, auto accident, truck accident, wrongful death or other kind of personal injury related site in the directory today. The directory has 3 different types of listings starting at $250 per year. This includes a listing on multiple pages using the link text you would like.  This is a Follow directory, which means the links do count. Some directories are “No Follow”, meaning even if you get a link from the site, it doesnt really count as far as potentially improving your organic search engine marketing efforts.

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Legal Web Directories

Getting visitors to your website from the Internet is done in a variety of ways including legal directories such as AVVO,, Law Firm Directory and a variety of other free and paid lawyer directories. LAWYER DIRECTORIES There are many different types of lawyer directories including AVVO,, Law Firm Directory and many other.  Some offer free listings and others offer paid listings.  Some work better then others, meaning some drive more focused and qualified traffic to your site on a consistent basis. Some listings are free, others are very expensive.  We make sure you get the most value for your dollar by listing your site in the directories that will drive the most focused and qualified traffic to your web site. Getting links from any other site that has a similar theme to your site can be valuable for organic search engine purposes if the linking site is also well linked and ranked. Some directories provide a good link, while others don’t provide any value at all. Sometimes the value a link provides is worth the listing fee alone because it can help your legal site’s link popularity score. Then if your site is also optimized, it can lead to better overall search engine listings. If it also can drive traffic to your site from the directory, then it really is a good value. We will list your web site in our legal directory and a number of other top free legal directories. We then will devise a legal directory strategy for the client and take care of listing the site with premium legal directories in the appropriate legal categories. Contact us to learn more about our Internet Marketing services including legal directories.

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Lawyers List Your Site in Legal Directories

One of the many things you have to do in order to get your site well ranked at the search engines is to get links from other well established sites, especially legal sites that are focused on your legal practice area such as DUI, Personal Injury, Tax Law, etc. Links from other sites are one of the many things that make up how your site is indexed by Google and a pretty important one.  Google looks at links to your sites like Votes for your site, the more votes you get and more importantly the quality of those votes, can go a long way in determining where your site gets ranked in the search engines. Getting links from legal directories can be one way to obtain a quality backlink to your site, especially if the site your getting the link from is an older well established site and the real key is that the link is a FOLLOW link, versus a NO Follow link. A No Follow link will tell Google to basically not count the link. Another factor to consider when listing with a legal directory, is where your placed and how much traffic that directory gets per month.   Yet even if you just get 10 visitors a month from the directory, it can be worth it, especially combined with the fact you can also get a quality link to your site. There are many different legal directories out there. I use a variety of different legal directories for my clients. Some of the ones I use are: –   Law Firm Directory – List your legal site for as low as $20 per month or $250 for the year. Premium listings are $995 for the year. –  Personal Injury Directory – List your personal injury or accident lawyer site here. –  Washlaw Legal Directory – Free .EDU Link from lawyer directory. –  DUI Lawyer Directory – Get your DUI Attorney site listed. Contact us if you need assistance with your law firms Internet marketing or legal directory needs.

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List Your Law Firm in the Law Firm Directory

If you are an attorney or legal professional, consider listing your legal web site in the LAW FIRM DIRECTORY. September 2009 $250 per year special.  A legal listing in the lawyer directory can help drive more focused and qualified traffic to your site and also give you a valuable link to your legal web site.   Getting links to your site from other sites is one of the more important factors when determining overall search engine rankings.  Getting links from a well established site that has the same legal theme as your site is even better.  This is a search engine friendly directory and is a good value at only $21 per month. The Law Firm Directory helps consumers find top lawyers, law firms and legal consultants by geographic location or legal practice area. Some of the latest lawyers who have listed recently in the law firm directory: Austin Child Custody Lawyers – Attorneys at the Duke Firm, PC handle divorce, family law, child support and custody, personal injury, wrongful death, criminal defense, probate, and business law for clients in Austin. Deer Park Lawyer – Family law attorneys located in the Deer Park, Texas area. Boston Personal Injury Lawyers – The law firm of Feinberg & Alban focuses on car accidents, personal injury, product liability, burn injuries, wrongful death, nursing home abuse, and premises liability for clients in Boston. North Carolina Personal Injury Law – Attorneys at Anastopoulo & Clore provide legal advice for clients in North Carolina who are victims of brain injury, traumatic brain injury, head injury, medical malpractice, and commercial accidents. Los Angeles Insurance Defense Lawyer – Los Angeles, California law firm specializing in insurance defense. California DUI Lawyer – The Law Offices of David B. Pastor is a Walnut Creek law firm with over 30 years of experience defending those who have been accused of a crime, including drunk driving and DUI crimes.

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