
Track Your Lawyer Reviews

Reviews for Lawyers Reviews these days are everywhere and it seems like people expect to see reviews before making a purchase.  Having NO reviews can sometimes look bad, especially if your a bigger law firm.  People expect to see something!  So there are a lot of places for lawyers where reviews come into play, legal specific sites like AVVO are really important and it makes sense to have good reviews if someone finds you on AVVO.  YET more important these days are your reviews at GOOGLE. Google My Business Listing Every law firm has a Google business listing. The first step is making sure its verified with Google by claiming the listing and having Google call your business phone # or send you a postcard at your address.  Either way once you verify your listing, you can then edit your listing and add content, photos and videos.   THIS is also the place where clients can leave you a review.  SO if your going to get a review, it would make sense to get it here if possible.   Google will also list your reviews in some cases from other sources such as AVVO, but the Google reviews are what people will see when visiting your Google plus page.   Also the reviews can stand out on your local listing if setup correctly.  This can make a big difference if you have ten 5 star reviews and your the only listing that has the reviews visible within search results. OTHER REVIEW SOURCES – Monitor Your Reviews There are many other sources of reviews including Yelp, Yahoo Local, Superpages and many other possible places that someone could leave a review about your law firm.  It makes sense that you have someone monitor for any possible reviews, both good and bad.   There are a number of services that will let you check your current reviews and then setup alerts for new reviews. GET NEW REVIEWS How do you get new reviews is the big question? YELP says you shouldnt ask for them, while Google seems to be a little more relaxed on this, they still dont want any false reviews.   Sometimes people will try and get fake reviews and I guess it could work, but in the long run you want to focus on getting real reviews from real people.  So you have to take action here and make it EASY for your clients to leave a review for you.  There are many ways you can setup a page that will make it an easier process for your client to leave a review.   I have a client handout that I use that can be customized to your law firm that can be sent to your clients or handed out to them.  Its part of the Lawyer Review Campaign service I offer.   I can assist your law firm with the following #1- Audit your current firm and any reviews you now have and produce report #2- Setup advanced monitoring software to monitor any reviews you might get #3- Setup system on your site to have clients leave reviews, with instructions how to leave reviews at different review sites. #4- Custom PDF Review document that can be given to your clients with instructions on how to leave reviews #5- LAWYER Monitoring service.  We will show you how your lawyers are coming up in Google searches and how the search listings can be improved by removing negative stuff and moving more positive stuff onto first page of search results. Contact us at 630-393-0460 or fill out form below for more information. [si-contact-form form=’1′]

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Google Plus Changes its Look

Google plus is Google’s answer to facebook and every Attorney should have a personal Google plus profile setup for starters. Then you also should have a page setup for your law firm. Google plus has made some big updates to the design of the pages and a number of other updates. It looks like these updates are to the Google plus pages and also to Google+ local pages. From Sara McKinley at Google: We spend lots of time listening to your feedback, and today we’re launching some profile and page updates that you’ve been asking for. These include: – A new tab for your Local reviews. In addition to your photos, +1’s and YouTube videos, there’s now a place for all your Local reviews. Highlight your favorite restaurants, or hide the tab completely via settings — it’s completely up to you. – An easier way to edit your info. The ‘About’ tab now consists of separate cards (like Story, Places, and Links) — each with its own prominent edit link. As always: you can share specific fields with specific circles, or keep them just for you. – Bigger cover photos, with a better aspect ratio. Cover photos are much larger than before (up to 2120px by 1192px), and they display in 16×9 when fully expanded. This way more images can be used as cover photos, and there’s more room for your selection to shine. I think this looks pretty good and lawyers needs to make sure they setup a Google+ Profle ASAP.  Contact us and we can assist you with this. [si-contact-form form=’1′]  

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What is Google Plus?

Google Plus is one more Social Media network you should have your legal practice setup with.  Its the new player on the block but its growing quickly and I really like it. Google Plus is a social network, with similarities to Twitter and Facebook, but some interesting differences as well. The site is based around the idea of offering users some control over who they share information with through a feature called “Circles.”Essentially, a circle is a group of people you define and curate, designed specifically for sharing information. The site also features “Huddles,” which are group chats, “Hangouts,” which are group video chats, and “Sparks,” which are streams of content from around the Web based on topics you’re interested in. Instead of having a wall like on Facebook, the primary user experience is through viewing feeds of information, similar to Twitter or the Facebook news feed. But what’s unique about Google Plus is that you can view one feed of everyone you’ve added to a circle under the “home” view, select to view unique streams of information based on the circles you’ve created, or view a feed called “incoming” for people who have added you to a circle that you haven’t added to one of your own. Your posts aren’t limited to a short character length, and you can edit a post once you’ve shared it. Like a Facebook wall, you can comment on people’s posts and interact with other people, and if they’ve posted publicly, you can comment on someone’s post even if they didn’t share it directly with you. Google Plus integrates the +1 feature that the company launched last month, which has similarity to a Facebook “like,” except that it doesn’t actually share the content on your Google Plus profile. For example, you can +1 a comment or a post on Google+, just like you can +1 a website or blog post that has added the +1 button. GOOGLE PLUS FOR LAWYERS Should lawyers have a Google plus page?  YES! Without a doubt it makes sense to have a Google plus page for your law firm. Even though Google plus just started, it just makes sense to do anything related to Google. Especially because it appears that it can have a positive effect on your organic SEO rankings. Below is a great video describing what Google Plus is and how it compares to Facebook.

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Google Plus

What is Google+? It is Google’s latest attempt in gaining some market share in the social network area. Here is how Google explains the new service: We realize that today people are increasingly connecting with one another on the web. But the ways in which we connect online are limited and don’t mimic our real-life relationships. The Google+ project is our attempt to make online sharing even better. We aren’t trying to replace what’s currently available; we just want to introduce a new way to connect online with the people that matter to you. Sounds pretty cool, huh? And it is. There are 5 main features to Google+: Circles, Hangouts, Instant Upload, Sparks and Huddle. Circles While most social networks are about sharing with a wide audience, Google has gone in the other direction. Circles allows you to group friends, family, and various associates into groups and optimizing the flow of information to each one. This is a great way to keep your professional and private life separate and something which Facebook doesn’t easily provide. Hangouts In my opinion, this is the coolest feature of the project and it’s what sets Google+ apart from Facebook. Hangouts lets up to 10 users simultaneously video chat with each other face-to-face. Instant Upload This is a simple way to ensure that all the photos you take on your phone are easily accessible. While you’re snapping pictures, Google+ adds your photos to a private album in the cloud. This way they’re always available across your devices—ready to share as you see fit. Sparks Think of it as anything that is meant to “spark” a conversation. Google+ will keep a feed of content that is based on your interests which you can view at any time and then share with your friends who have the same interests. Huddle Huddle is a group text-chat tool within Google+ for having private conversations within a Circle. You can use this feature directly from your phone – that’s if you use an Android 2.0+ or iPhone 4.0+ phone. There are some great videos explaining each feature in more depth here. Other things you should know about Google+: An Android app is currently available for Google+ Google has submitted to Apple’s App Store an iOS app for using Google+ and it is awaiting approval Businesses looking to market on Google+ won’t be left out. “Pages” similar to Facebook “fan pages” will be coming soon, according to Google’s Jeff Huber Google has already been forced to tweak its privacy setting on Google+ by completely eliminating the ability to share certain semiprivate posts to your wider network of friends You still own everything you put on Google+ (unlike Facebook which takes co-ownership”). The Google+ Terms of Service state “You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services.” Rumors of games in Google+ are already doing the rounds in the blogosphere Facebook has responded to the launch of Google+ with the announcement of “something awesome” tomorrow (Wednesday 6th July). We hear it is a deal with Skype to launch a video chat service Mashable have already provided instructions on how to import your Facebook contacts into Google+. Now that’s keen! How can I get into Google+? That’s the hard part. Unless you have already scored yourself an invite, then you’re going to be waiting a while. As of late last week, Google closed any new sign-ups for invitations as it was overwhelmed with the number of people who had joined already. So for the time being all you can do is sign-up to receive notifications of when new invites will be available. You can do so here.

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