Mobile Apps

Top 4 Entertainment Apps for Attorneys

 Top Entertainment Apps for Lawyers As a busy lawyer you are likely using your smartphone or tablet for all work and no play. How boring! There are many fun apps that attorneys are loving right now. From joke books to virtual law firms in your pocket, why not have a bit of fun laugh now and then? We have handpicked these highly rated apps just for the attorney who is looking to lighten up Francis. Lawyer Games #1 – Phoenix Wright This recently ugraded game is totally addictive. Step into fantasy land and become Phoenix Wright, the rookie defense lawyer who is new to the court scene with the wildest cross-examination skills in town. Prove your seemingly guilty client’s innocence, no matter how dire the circumstances may seem through five intriguing cases to reveal dramatic, stunning and even comical court proceedings. Great fun for lawyers and law students too; this is a genuinely comical game with cool graphics and intelligent gameplay. #2- Pocket Law Firm Grow your own virtual law firm by putting your legal wit and sense of logistics to the test. Decide if potential clients have a right, match them with the right lawyer, and win the case. The more clients you serve and the more cases you win, the faster your law firm grows! This is the most popular game ever made by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s iCivics program. Highly rated and totally free, this game has been well-received by attorneys and law students alike.  Its also a fantastic game for the children of lawyers who want to learn more about what mom or dad is doing at the office. #3 – Kaplan MBE Flash Cards OK, so not technically a game but this is a GREAT app and is loads of fun for law students to play around with. Basically, cards pop up, showing a legal term. The definition is revealed, giving law students the chance to test their knowledge. Many law students are raving about it this app, saying that it makes study for the Multistate Exam. Also provides instructional videos to give you some insight into passing your exams. Lots of fun. #4- Lawyer Jokes Ok, so attorneys don’t really like lawyer jokes- and that’s fair enough. You can run, but you can’t hide. Whether you like it or not, attorney jokes are out there and people are using them. How will you fight back if you don’t know what you’re up against? Try these apps with lawyer jokes written by people that think they are soooo clever. We all know who they come running to when they are in trouble!! So download these apps and have the last laugh. Lawyer Jokes HD This app is formatted as a book for iPad and has some pretty cool sound effects. Some old classics as well as some updated jokes thrown in for good measure. 500 Lawyer Jokes For Android platform, this is definitely the nastiest collection of jokes about lawyers we have ever set eyes on. Worth checking out as these lawyer jokes hit lower than ever.  LAWYER MOBILE APPS Need a mobile app for your legal practice? Visit Mobile For Lawyers for assistance with developing a mobile app for your law firm.

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Top 5 Legal Apps for Lawyers

With heavy demands on their time, lawyers will be pleased to know that there are several smartphone apps available to help them organize their work. From arranging your legal research neatly to managing the details of your client’s case as well as tracking your own billable hours, we bring you the Top Five Smartphone Apps for Lawyers: #1 – Fastcase If you have a subscription to the desktop edition of Fastcase, then it makes sense to download the free app for iPhone, which has won the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries New Product of the Year Award.  Fastcase for the iPhone/iPad also uses smart search technology from Fastcase’s fully-featured Web-based legal research application, which allows you to sort the most relevant results to the top of the list, customize and re-sort search results, and integrate citation analysis tools right into the results list. #2-  Black’s Law Dictionary There is nothing quite like being able to travel light. Smartphone technology makes life so much easier for lawyers in so many ways. It really can help to cut down on the amount of books lawyers have to carry around with them. Legal research is a large part of legal practice and lugging heavy books everywhere is inconvenient. With Black’s Law Dictionary now available for iPhone, lawyers can now have this invaluable Thomson Reuters reference text in their pocket at all times. View rest of top 5 list at Mobile for Lawyers…

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Mobile Stats

Mobile is growing bigger and bigger every day and below are some of the recent stats about the growth of mobile.  Make sure your law firms site is in a mobile friendly format and consider setting up a Mobile App for your legal practice. Mobile Commerce and Engagement Stats 47% of consumers confirm they use their smartphone to search for local information, such as information about a local store they want to visit. 46% of consumers look up prices on a store’s mobile site, and 42% check inventory prior to shopping in the store (Source: Local and the e-tailing group, 2012) Nearly two of three shoppers use at least one device to research and purchase while shopping, and 28% use two devices at a time. More than one in three shoppers made at least one purchase with their mobile devices during the past six months, and tablet shoppers have an even higher propensity to make a purchase on the device, with one in four having purchased six times or more in the past six months (Source: Local and the e-tailing group, 2012) The number of US mobile phone owners who have used 2D barcodes in the past 3 months increased from 1% in 2010 to 5% in 2011 and reached 15% among smartphone users (Source: Forrester, 2011) 62% of shoppers search for deals digitally for at least half of their shopping trips (Source:GMA/Booz & Company Shopper Survey) 50% of U.S. cellphone users have smartphones (Source: Nielsen, 2012) 55 percent of consumers express an interest in mobile coupons but only 10 percent have actually received one from a merchant (Source:Mercator Advisory Group, 2012) 66% of Americans ages 24-35 own a smartphone (Source: Nielsen, 2012) 18 percent of consumers have redeemed a mobile coupon in the past 90 days (Source: Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire, Feb 2012) 21 percent of consumers search for a coupon on their mobile device while in a store (Source:Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire, 2012) 80 percent of mobile users prefer locally relevant advertising and 75 percent are more likely to take an action after seeing a location-specific message (Source: Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire, 2012) 52% of adult cell phone owners use their devices while in a store to get help with purchasing decisions (Source: Pew American & Internet Life Project, 2012) 1.2 billion apps were downloaded during the holiday week between December 25-31 (Source: Flurry, 2011) On Cyber Monday, 10.8% of people used a mobile device to visit a retailer’s site, up from 3.9% in 2010. Additionally, mobile sales grew dramatically, reaching 6.6% on Cyber Monday versus 2.3% in 2010 (Source: IBM’s fourth annual Cyber Monday Benchmark, 2011) Sixty-five percent of mobile users said they used their mobile device to find a business to make an in-store purchase (Source: Google, 2011) Forty-three percent of mobile shoppers have downloaded a retail app (Source: Retrevo, 2011) Approximately 52 percent of smartphone users will use their device to research products, redeem coupons and use apps to assist in their holiday gift purchase (Source: Acquity Group, 2011) Sixty-seven percent of consumers plan to make a purchase via mobile this holiday season (Source: PayPal, 2011)

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Creating a Mobile App for your Lawyer Site

MOBLE APPS FOR LAWYERS Everyone today knows what an “App” is and has probably downloaded one on their Iphone, blackberry or other smart phone device. Apps for lawyers are a somewhat new marketing tool and not one that many lawyers have utilized.   It seems that mostly personal injury lawyers have mobile apps but more and more attorneys are creating mobile apps of their legal sites just becasue so many people are using mobile phones these days to access the Internet.  

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