Mobile Advertising

Mobile Is Bigger for Lawyers

MOBILE Mobile Mobile for Lawyers Most law firms have mobile sites by now, but actually some still have NO mobile presence and dont even know it.  Google has been stressing mobile more then ever, and it seems like every article is about making sure your site is mobile friendly. So the more mobile you can get the better. Yet start with at least having your site pass the Google mobile friendly test.  Yet there is a lot more your firm can do with mobile as far as creating a mobile app, doing mobile advertising, doing videos for mobile and optimizing different pages specifically for mobile.   NOW is the time to go ALL IN with Mobile. Mobile for Solo Attorneys and Small Law Firms CONTACT US FOR A FREE MOBILE SITE ESTIMATE Call us today at 630-393-0460 or fill out the form below regarding what kind of MOBILE service you need for your law firm.  

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Is Your Site Mobile Friendly in the Eyes of Google?

GOOGLE WANTS YOU TO HAVE A MOBILE FRIENDLY SITE, DO IT! Google has been preaching mobile for a long time and they want YOU to make sure your site is mobile friendly.   Looks like they are already making a big change here in the mobile search results. They are putting a big obvious tag as you can see below saying MOBILE FRIENDLY, so most people might just skip a site that doesnt have that mobile friendly tag on it.    SO its REALLY important now to have some kind of mobile friendly site. IS YOUR LAWYER SITE MOBILE FRIENDLY? According to Google…….. A page is eligible for the “mobile-friendly” label if it meets the following criteria as detected by Googlebot: Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash Uses text that is readable without zooming Sizes content to the screen so users don’t have to scroll horizontally or zoom Places links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped If you want to make sure that your page meets the mobile-friendly criteria: Check your pages with the Mobile-Friendly Test Many sites today are “responsive” and that means they are mobile friendly and adjust to look good on any device.  YET Most sites are not setup to be responsive, so that means you need to then have another solution to get your site mobile friendly. FROM GOOGLE Blog – 11/18/14 Have you ever tapped on a Google Search result on your mobile phone, only to find yourself looking at a page where the text was too small, the links were tiny, and you had to scroll sideways to see all the content? This usually happens when the website has not been optimized to be viewed on a mobile phone. This can be a frustrating experience for our mobile searchers. Starting today, to make it easier for people to find the information that they’re looking for, we’re adding a “mobile-friendly” label to our mobile search results. This change will be rolling out globally over the next few weeks. A page is eligible for the “mobile-friendly” label if it meets the following criteria as detected by Googlebot: Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash Uses text that is readable without zooming Sizes content to the screen so users don’t have to scroll horizontally or zoom Places links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped If you want to make sure that your page meets the mobile-friendly criteria: Check your pages with the Mobile-Friendly Test Read our updated documentation on our Webmasters Mobile Guide on how to create and improve your mobile site See the Mobile usability report in Google Webmaster Tools, which highlights major mobile usability issues across your entire site, not just one page Check our how-to guide for third-party software like WordPress or Joomla, in order to migrate your website hosted on a CMS (Content Management System) to use a mobile-friendly template The tools and documentation above are currently available in English. They will be available in additional languages within the next few weeks. We see these labels as a first step in helping mobile users to have a better mobile web experience. We are also experimenting with using the mobile-friendly criteria as a ranking signal.

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Pay Per Click and Mobile For Lawyers

PAY PER CLICK MARKETING AND MOBILE I see it all the time, lawyers who are advertising with Google adwords or other pay per click programs and they do NOT HAVE A MOBILE SITE. So unless they go in and change the settings to not include mobile devices, then anyone on a mobile device will then see the ad, and possibly click on it, and then they will be led to a NON MOBILE FRIENDLY Site, which is hard to read and has to be tapped in to navigate. People might leave if it’s hard to navigate your site and are less likely to continue on your site.  SO if your paying for these visitors, then it might be like throwing money away.  Example of Desktop Site on Smartphone                  Non Mobile                                        Mobile Friendly   CHANGE YOUR PPC CAMPAIGN SETTINGS If you do not have a mobile friendly site, then its probably best to change the campaign settings within Google Adwords so that you uncheck the box for mobile devices. This way your ad will NOT be shown to people on smartphones. YET that then means your losing out on all that valuable mobile traffic. SO the better idea is to first off get a mobile site for your law firm, one that is easy to read, navigate and contact you.  Then after you have a mobile site, it makes sense to create a Google adwords campaign that just focuses on mobile devices. Then you would make your landing page your mobile friendly site home page.  So now the visitors that come from these Pay Per Click campaigns will see your mobile friendly site and have a much better experience. LEGAL MOBILE WEB DESIGN So make sure you create a mobile friendly version of your lawyer site and then utilize it in your PPC campaigns.  If your not doing this, your possibly throwing money away and also losing potential clients.   Visit MOBILE FOR LAWYERS For assistance with both legal mobile design and Google Mobile PPC Campaigns.

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Example of Lawyer Site Where Mobile Traffic is Soaring

MOBILE IS BIG AND GETTING BIGGER Everyone basically now knows how big Mobile is. It makes sense because so many people are on smart phones these days. So it stands to reason that more people would use smart phones to search and visit web sites. The main way to see exactly how many people are visiting your site via mobile devices like Iphones, Androids and blackberry phones, is to view your Google analytics. Google tells you not only how many people are visiting your site via mobile, but exactly which mobile devices they are using. I’ve started to notice over the last 6 months that the mobile share of traffic was growing on most lawyer sites.  Yet it was only like 3-5% of traffic, yet now Im seeing 10, 15 and even 25% of total traffic coming from mobile. That is BIG!  That alone is reason to make sure your lawyer site has a mobile friendly version of it setup.  Otherwise people will visit the desktop version of your site and it will be hard to read and navigate and they probably will leave! OVER 20% OF TRAFFIC COMING FROM MOBILE If you look at the graphic below, this is from Google analytics for a lawyer client and they have had over 5000 visitors to the site in July. 1,159 of them came via a mobile device! Thats over 22% and this number has been growing steadily. IF YOUR SITE IS NOT MOBILE FRIENDLY, PEOPLE WON’T STAY LONG The above graphic shows that people that did come to site on a mobile device didnt stay nearly as long as people on desktop versions.  This is because this lawyer doesnt have his site setup in a mobile format.  We are in the process of setting this up and it makes sense because once its setup, then these 1159 people will then see a easier to read version of site, where they can click to call the lawyer, email him and easily navigate around the mobile friendly version of site. Contact us today for help on setting up a mobile version of your lawyer site.

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iMobiTrax to Combat Mobile Ad Network Click Fraud

On Friday, the team behind iMobiTrax spoke an uncomfortable truth: the mobile advertising networks on which most advertisers place their mobile advertisements  run rampant with click fraud. This means millions of dollars are being wasted by honest advertisers while the mobile ad networks are making fortunes providing sometimes useless and even fraudulent traffic practices. If you’re not familiar, iMobiTrax is a self-hosted application designed specifically to track and optimize campaigns that target mobile devices. With iMobiTrax, merchants, agencies and affiliates will be able to quickly and accurately analyze click data from smart phones, feature phones and tablets, right down to the device, carrier and operating system. This will allow for incredibly accurate post-click optimization, resulting in higher ROIs and increased scalability. “Mobile marketing is way more than just its own unique marketing channel, it’s a UNIQUE mass media,”says managing partner of iMobiTax, Ralph Ruckman. “Even thought TV, Print and Internet advertising was before it, mobile advertising is the most widespread form of mass media worldwide. It’s also the most personal. What makes mobile advertising such an effective marketing tool for advertisers is that you are reaching consumers one at a time on their mobile devices versus tv, print, radio and Internet advertising where you are reaching mass audiences all at once.” “Advertisers whom utilize the Proprietary mobile tracking platform of iMobiTrax have already reported less click loss from mobile devices which have slower load speeds than traditional computers,” Ruckman added. “In mobile, a fast platform is essential in retaining the clicks and visitors you already paid for. iMobiTrax has been benchmarked and optimized for speed, reducing the chance that any request will time out.” Source: Mobile Marketing Watch

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Create a Mobile PPC Campaign at Google AdWords

What is Google AdWords? Google AdWords is Google’s main advertising product and main source of revenue. Google AdWords offers pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, cost-per-thousand (CPM) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for text, banner, and rich-media ads. Google Adwords MOBILE Interested in showing ads on mobile devices? AdWords allows you to target high-end mobile devices, WAP-enabled devices, or both. High-end mobile ads look like desktop ads and can show on high-end mobile devices, like smartphones. WAP mobile ads are shorter than normal ads and can show only on WAP-enabled devices (sometimes called “feature phones”). High-end mobile ads High-end mobile devices, such as smartphones, have full Internet browsers and can display websites similar to the ones you’d see on a desktop computer. To compensate for the smaller screen size, these devices typically allow you to zoom in and out to more easily navigate around a page. High-end mobile ads come in two varieties: text ads and image ads. High-end mobile text ads: These ads look like normal text ads that you’d see on a desktop computer. The main difference is that we can show more ads per page when someone’s searching on a desktop computer, and fewer ads per page when someone’s searching on a mobile device. High-end mobile image ads: These ads are similar to normal image ads that you’d see on a desktop computer. However, the most common size for ads on mobile devices is the 300 x 50 banner. Learn more about mobile image ad sizes. To have your text ads run on mobile devices, just select the “Mobile devices with full browsers” device option when creating your campaign. To have your image ads run on mobile devices, make sure your campaign is opted in to the Display Network. To run on mobile apps and sites that are designed for mobile devices, your image ad size should be 300 x 50. WAP mobile ads WAP-enabled devices let people browse mobile websites that are specifically designed for small mobile devices. These websites are typically much simpler than the full-fledged websites you’d normally see on a desktop computer. WAP mobile ads come in two varieties: text ads and image ads. WAP mobile text ads: These ads have two lines of text, with as many as 12 or 18 characters per line, depending on the language you use. Your website URL appears on the third line, if you want to enter one. You can also add a “Call” link that allows customers to call you directly from your ad. WAP mobile image ads: These ads look like whatever image file you’ve uploaded. See our guidelines for WAP mobile image ads. Google Mobile AdWords Pay Per Click Marketing for Attorneys Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC) is one of the best ways to market your legal site. Its a way to control when your ads shows up, how often and you can also set a budget per day or per month. Its a great way to drive focused and qualified traffic to your site. Google Adwords MOBILE is a really good idea because right now the cost per click (CPC) is lower typically on mobile search vs. normal search. We can help your lawyer practice succeed via Google Adwords for Mobile. We have helped many lawyer clients market via Adwords and have driven a steady stream of qualified visitors that have turned into new clients. Google Adwords is one of the best ways to market your lawyer site online and it can give you immediate results. MOBILE is getting bigger and bigger and now is the time to get in and this is one way to do it and an easy way, do it! Contact us at 630-393-0460 or visit our Google Adwords for Attorneys page.  

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Mobile Industry Stats

More mobile industry stats showing that more people are using mobile and more people are going to use mobile ! By 2015, 81% of U.S. cell users will have smartphones (Source: Goldman Sachs, 2011) Android expected to have 31pc market share by 2016 (Source: IDC, 2012) 53% of American consumers use their smartphones to access search engines at least once a day (Source: Google and Mobile Marketing Association Survey) Globally, 80% of consumers have used computers to access the Web within the previous seven days. Sixty percent used their mobile devices to do so (Source: Google and the Mobile Marketing Association Survey) By the end of 2011, Android is predicted to have nearly 40% of the total global market share, with Symbian at just over 20%, the iOS platform with 16% and RIM 14.9% (Source: IDC 2011 report) US mobile subscriptions officially crossed the 100% penetration mark in Q4 2010 (Source: Chetan Sharma Consulting) The smartphone market is now larger than the PC market. Smartphones outsold PCs in Q4 of 2010 101 million to 92 million (Source: IDC) Smartphones and tablet computers will increase mobile Web traffic by 26 times during the next four years (Source: Cisco Systems, 2011) 86% of mobile internet users use their mobile device while watching TV with 37% of those browsing the internet for non-related TV material (Source: Yahoo, 2011) The number of Smartphone users worldwide is predicted to exceed 1 billion by 2014 (Parks Associates, 2010) 25% of US mobile web users only access the web from their mobile phones (Source: On Device Research, 2010 as reported by MobiThinking) It is predicted there will be 80 million new smartphone users in 2011 added to the already existing 60 million consumers who already own one (Nielsen, 2010) It is expected that half of the US population will use a Smartphone by the end of 2011 (, 2010) More than 65 million smartphones are to ship in 2010 in North America (Canalys, 2010) Mobile is predicted to be bigger than internet in 5 years (Morgan Stanley, 2010) 74 percent of online retailers have already, or are currently, developing a mobile strategy(Forrester Research study produced in conjunction with, 2010) The number of available mobile retail applications has increased 350% from 2009 to 2010 (Acquity Group) 7% of Internet Retailer’s Top 500 e-retailers have downloadable mobile apps available to consumers (Internet Retailer, 2010) 44% of retailers plan to enable a mobile app in 2010 (Forbes Insights) Apparel, accessory and footwear retailers plan to spend an average of $65,000 on mobile this year (Internet Retailer, 2010) BlackBerry, iPhone and Android devices will account for over 80% of smartphones shipped in the region this year (Canalys, 2010) Source:

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Mobile Stats

Mobile is growing bigger and bigger every day and below are some of the recent stats about the growth of mobile.  Make sure your law firms site is in a mobile friendly format and consider setting up a Mobile App for your legal practice. Mobile Commerce and Engagement Stats 47% of consumers confirm they use their smartphone to search for local information, such as information about a local store they want to visit. 46% of consumers look up prices on a store’s mobile site, and 42% check inventory prior to shopping in the store (Source: Local and the e-tailing group, 2012) Nearly two of three shoppers use at least one device to research and purchase while shopping, and 28% use two devices at a time. More than one in three shoppers made at least one purchase with their mobile devices during the past six months, and tablet shoppers have an even higher propensity to make a purchase on the device, with one in four having purchased six times or more in the past six months (Source: Local and the e-tailing group, 2012) The number of US mobile phone owners who have used 2D barcodes in the past 3 months increased from 1% in 2010 to 5% in 2011 and reached 15% among smartphone users (Source: Forrester, 2011) 62% of shoppers search for deals digitally for at least half of their shopping trips (Source:GMA/Booz & Company Shopper Survey) 50% of U.S. cellphone users have smartphones (Source: Nielsen, 2012) 55 percent of consumers express an interest in mobile coupons but only 10 percent have actually received one from a merchant (Source:Mercator Advisory Group, 2012) 66% of Americans ages 24-35 own a smartphone (Source: Nielsen, 2012) 18 percent of consumers have redeemed a mobile coupon in the past 90 days (Source: Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire, Feb 2012) 21 percent of consumers search for a coupon on their mobile device while in a store (Source:Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire, 2012) 80 percent of mobile users prefer locally relevant advertising and 75 percent are more likely to take an action after seeing a location-specific message (Source: Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire, 2012) 52% of adult cell phone owners use their devices while in a store to get help with purchasing decisions (Source: Pew American & Internet Life Project, 2012) 1.2 billion apps were downloaded during the holiday week between December 25-31 (Source: Flurry, 2011) On Cyber Monday, 10.8% of people used a mobile device to visit a retailer’s site, up from 3.9% in 2010. Additionally, mobile sales grew dramatically, reaching 6.6% on Cyber Monday versus 2.3% in 2010 (Source: IBM’s fourth annual Cyber Monday Benchmark, 2011) Sixty-five percent of mobile users said they used their mobile device to find a business to make an in-store purchase (Source: Google, 2011) Forty-three percent of mobile shoppers have downloaded a retail app (Source: Retrevo, 2011) Approximately 52 percent of smartphone users will use their device to research products, redeem coupons and use apps to assist in their holiday gift purchase (Source: Acquity Group, 2011) Sixty-seven percent of consumers plan to make a purchase via mobile this holiday season (Source: PayPal, 2011)

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Google: 1 Billion People Will Use Mobile As Primary Internet Access Point In 2012

Former AdMob executive Jason Spero, who is now Google’s head of mobile sales, took the stage earlier today at the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona to offer up some new,global smartphone user survey data and 2012 predictions. The Google-sponsored survey had a sample size of roughly 1,000 respondents in each of the represented countries: US, UK, France, Germany, Spain and Japan. The data reflect that mobile search usage has nearly 100 percent penetration among smartphone owners, most of whom search at least once a week. Though it’s not made clear in the data released I assume this is browser-based search and does not include search via mobile apps. Google’s browser-based mobile-search share is 97 percent globally, according to StatCounter. In addition Google’s Spero offered mobile predictions for 2012: More than 1 billion people will use mobile devices as their primary internet access point. There will be 10 days where >50% of trending search terms will be on mobile Mobile’s role in driving people into stores will be proven and it will blow us away “Mobile driven spend” will emerge as a big category Smartphones will prove exceptional at driving a new consumer behavior Tablets will take their place as the 4th screen New industry standards will make mobile display easy to run 5 new, mobile first companies will reach the Angry Birds level of success The ROI on mobile and tablet advertising will increase as a result of the unmatched relevance of proximity The intersection of mobile and social will spark a dramatic new form of engaging consumers 80% of the largest 2,000 websites globally will have an HTML5 site One million small businesses globally will build a mobile website This is all amazing information and it shows that mobile is just taking over. So its time to think about your mobile presence.  Can people find your site when they are on a mobile device and if so, is it setup for mobile users?

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Over One-Third of American Adults Now Own a Smartphone

Any more proof that you need a strong mobile site? It should come as no surprise to anyone that more people are browsing the web from their phones than ever before.  For the past few years, not only have more people decided that smartphones should play an integral part of their daily lives, but those smartphones have gotten better, faster, stronger. The Pew Internet & American Life Project has just released a new study that shows more Americans now own smartphones than have college degrees. According to the survey, 83% of Americans own some sort of cellphone and 35% own a smartphone – as defined as running on iOs, Android, Blackberry OS or Windows 7. Of those that own smartphones, 87% said that they use it for email or to browse the internet.  68% said that in a typical day they use their smartphones to access the web.  And here’s the big number – A quarter of those surveyed said that they access the internet mostly on their smartphones.  That’s right, for 25% of Americans, the smartphone has virtually replaced the desktop of laptop. These “smartphone mostly” internet users are more likely to be young, non-white women according to the survey. And using a smartphone definitely makes it more likely that a person will use the phone for browsing the internet.  Only 28% of total cellphone users said that they browse the internet daily on their devices. The breakdown of smartphone ownership also has definite economic, racial and generational markers. The more financially well-off a person is, the more likely they are to own a smartphone.  Of individuals earning over $75,000 a year, 59% reported owning a smartphone.  That figure is 48% when it comes to those with college degrees. The people most likely to own a smartphone fall into the age range of 25-34.  Race also plays a factor, as 44% of the African-Americans and Latinos surveyed said they own a smartphone. Only 30% of the whites surveyed reported ownership.  The research also confirmed that African-Americans and Latinos were much more likely to use their devices for internet browsing, games and multimedia content. Finally, according to the study, Android is the most popular platform, followed by the iPhone and Blackberry in a dead heat for second place. What’s the takeaway?  Not only are people using smartphones more and more, but they are using them to access the internet.  Some are even solely using their mobile devices to browse the web.  Having an easily browsable, functioning mobile site will become even more important as this trend continues to grow.   – Source ********* This is a good story and Ive been saying for awhile that your law firm site needs to also be easily readable on a mobile device.   Most sites are readable enough, but its important to have a mobile version of your site that is easy to read, navigate and contact you. We help lawyers create mobile versions of their sites, contact us for further information on lawyer mobile.

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