Mobile PPC

Mobile Is Bigger for Lawyers

MOBILE Mobile Mobile for Lawyers Most law firms have mobile sites by now, but actually some still have NO mobile presence and dont even know it.  Google has been stressing mobile more then ever, and it seems like every article is about making sure your site is mobile friendly. So the more mobile you can get the better. Yet start with at least having your site pass the Google mobile friendly test.  Yet there is a lot more your firm can do with mobile as far as creating a mobile app, doing mobile advertising, doing videos for mobile and optimizing different pages specifically for mobile.   NOW is the time to go ALL IN with Mobile. Mobile for Solo Attorneys and Small Law Firms CONTACT US FOR A FREE MOBILE SITE ESTIMATE Call us today at 630-393-0460 or fill out the form below regarding what kind of MOBILE service you need for your law firm.  

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Time to Go Mobile is Now Lawyers!

3 Essential Mobile Ad Extensions to Get More Clicks from Mobile Devices With the recent announcement of Enhanced Campaigns, Google has made mobile advertising much easier for the average advertiser. Previously it was much harder and Google had advised marketers to create separate campaigns targeting different locations and device types in order to ensure ROI on mobile advertising. This quickly became too complicated and time-consuming for most advertisers, especially small law firms and solo lawyers. Now, with Enhanced Campaigns, AdWords users can target mobile users with the same campaigns they use for desktop search. It’s just a matter of checking a box that tells Google you want a given ad to run on mobile. The best way to optimize the ad experience for mobile users is to take advantage of ad extensions – essentially enhancements that will make your ad more compelling and clickable for mobile users. (These are really big deals) Here are the top three new or completely overhauled ad extensions you should use in your mobile campaigns to increase clicks and conversions. 1. Offer Extensions Offer Extensions are a brand new feature, one which wasn’t publicly available until this week! This exciting new extension type allows you to attach a redeemable offer (such as a coupon, rebate, or discount) to your AdWords ad. On a mobile device, it looks like this: When a user clicks on the offer extension link users will be taken to a Google-hosted landing page. From there, they can print out the offer or save it by sending it to the “My Offers” section for later in-store use.  (Now for lawyers you could put a Free Consultation, Free 1/2 hour meeting or some other kind of creative enticement to get them to visit your site) 2. Location Extensions At least 1 in 3 mobile searches have local intent, so if you’re the type of businesses that can benefit from local searches on mobile, you need to take advantage of location extensions. Location extensions allow you to add location data about your business to your ad, like a phone number and address. When combined with click to call extensions, that phone number becomes clickable, so mobile users can call you with one click. The advantages for you, the advertiser, include: A bigger, more noticeable ad: Location information, at a basic level, adds more lines to your ad, so it will stand out more from the competition that isn’t using location extensions.  (This is HUGE) Giving the user what they need now: Mobile users tend to be further down the funnel than desktop searchers. They’re on the go, in your area, and they want something now. Making your physical location or phone number available immediately, without them having to search around on your site for it, increases the chances that they will call you. 3. Click to Call Extensions Click to call extensions make your phone number clickable so a mobile user only has to click the number to make an appointment at your law firm. Again, since mobile users tend to be “hot” leads, in the sense that they are ready to convert immediately, it’s crucial to make the pathways to conversion as smooth as possible, or you could lose those leads to a competitor. According to Google’s Surojit Chatterjee, Group Product Manager of Global Mobile Search Ads, “When an advertiser uses click-to-call ads with call extensions and location extensions, we see an average CTR increase of 6-8%.” Mobile Campaigns Are Easier, More Measurable Enhanced Campaigns are a game changer because they make it much easier for small, local businesses to get ROI from mobile search ads – these are the types of businesses that stand to gain the most from mobile search, but (due to time and budget constraints) were least likely to advertise on mobile under the previous system. Does your law firm have a mobile advertising strategy yet? If not, now is the time! Contact Mobile for Lawyers for more info on creating a mobile version of your lawyer site. *  Professionally Done Mobile Design *  Custom Mobile Logo for site *  Custom Mobile Site Backgrounds *  Setup of Call To Action Buttons (Click to Call, Email & Maps) *  Conversion & Setup of Main Pages to Mobile *  Inclusion of firm images and other professional legal images *  Setup of Firms Blog RSS Feeds, YouTube Videos and other Social Media *  Custom Mobile Domain Setup – *  Mobile SEO Setup ; Custom Titles & Descriptions setup for mobile pages *  Mobile Web Hosting, Maintenance, Updates & SEO Included in monthly fee

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Benefits of a Mobile Site for Lawyers

Benefits of a Mobile Site for a lawyer As an attorney in a high-tech world, increasing the business potential of your practice can be challenging. Game-changing technology is constantly emerging and it really is a matter of embracing the changes and working them to your advantage. It is true that this takes time, money and expertise, but rising to the challenge is the key to business growth. You are also welcome to dig your heels in and refuse- your competitors will be real pleased, for sure. The current online- marketing must-have for any niche is the ‘mobile site’. No matter how fancy, professional or high-ranking your current website is, it will be next to useless to your clients and potential clients who access the internet via their smart phone. Having to pinch and zoom and slide the screen around to read your information, the potential client will become frustrated and give up. It really is as simple as that. What is a Mobile Site? A mobile site is so much easier for your client to navigate. It basically is a version of your current website that is optimized for use on smartphones such as iPhone and other handheld devices. The layout on a mobile site is optimized for: 1. The smaller screen of a handheld device 2. The touchscreen platform of a handheld device A mobile site for your legal practice takes away the need for pinch and zoom navigation. All of the essential tabs are listed neatly, usually in a vertical fashion, providing your client with an instant ‘call to action’ in the form of a Contact Us button. Benefits of a Mobile Site Because of this instant call to action set-up, a mobile site can grow your legal practice like no other technology available. A conventional website can be quite distracting and overload the visitor with information. They may get so busy reading the information on your site that they forget to click the contact button. A mobile site avoids this scenario as it offers all the vital information in a pleasing yet non-distracting fashion. Conversion rates are higher with a mobile site because the Contact Us button is the first thing a client is offered when they access your legal practice’s mobile site. They can then complete the Contact Us form quickly and easily from their handheld device and there you have it; a client has initiated contact with your firm with no hassles as they sit on the train pondering their legal problem. An even more exciting use for a mobile website is the ease with which a client can call your office. When a client accesses your mobile site from their smart phone and clicks through to your Contact Us page, the phone number-integration feature means they literally are just one click away from calling your office. It is therefore an excellent idea to have your phone number on the Contact tab. The client simply clicks on it and their smartphone dials your firm. Too easy! For more information on the benefits that a mobile site can bring to your legal practice’s marketing campaign, visit Mobile For Lawyers for a free mobile site quote.  

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iMobiTrax to Combat Mobile Ad Network Click Fraud

On Friday, the team behind iMobiTrax spoke an uncomfortable truth: the mobile advertising networks on which most advertisers place their mobile advertisements  run rampant with click fraud. This means millions of dollars are being wasted by honest advertisers while the mobile ad networks are making fortunes providing sometimes useless and even fraudulent traffic practices. If you’re not familiar, iMobiTrax is a self-hosted application designed specifically to track and optimize campaigns that target mobile devices. With iMobiTrax, merchants, agencies and affiliates will be able to quickly and accurately analyze click data from smart phones, feature phones and tablets, right down to the device, carrier and operating system. This will allow for incredibly accurate post-click optimization, resulting in higher ROIs and increased scalability. “Mobile marketing is way more than just its own unique marketing channel, it’s a UNIQUE mass media,”says managing partner of iMobiTax, Ralph Ruckman. “Even thought TV, Print and Internet advertising was before it, mobile advertising is the most widespread form of mass media worldwide. It’s also the most personal. What makes mobile advertising such an effective marketing tool for advertisers is that you are reaching consumers one at a time on their mobile devices versus tv, print, radio and Internet advertising where you are reaching mass audiences all at once.” “Advertisers whom utilize the Proprietary mobile tracking platform of iMobiTrax have already reported less click loss from mobile devices which have slower load speeds than traditional computers,” Ruckman added. “In mobile, a fast platform is essential in retaining the clicks and visitors you already paid for. iMobiTrax has been benchmarked and optimized for speed, reducing the chance that any request will time out.” Source: Mobile Marketing Watch

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