Link Building

Mastering Backlink Strategies for Legal Websites

Backlink Strategies for Lawyers & Law Firms – Backlinks SEO Backlinks are a crucial element in improving the visibility and authority of your law firm’s website. In the competitive legal industry, having a strong backlink profile is essential for optimizing your website for search engines and attracting potential clients. The one thing that remains consistent over the years with SEO is that you need backlinks from other high authority websites, in order to rank higher in the Google results. It also remains one of the more difficult things to do and why a lot of law firm sites have a very small number of backlinks. Both referring domains and overall number of links. There are other things you need as well, like social signals from the different social media accounts, but links will always be a key factor. In this guide, we will explore effective backlink techniques specifically tailored for law firms, helping you improve your website’s authority and boost your online presence. Key Takeaways: Implementing backlink strategies is essential for improving the online presence of legal websites. Focus on generating quality backlinks rather than quantity. Gaining backlinks from authoritative legal websites, law schools, and reputable legal directories is crucial. Guest posting and utilizing legal directories are effective techniques to start with. Building relationships, providing value, and engaging with industry associations can lead to acquiring authoritative backlinks. Mastering Backlink Strategies for Legal Websites: A Guide The Anatomy of a Quality Backlink When it comes to improving your law firm’s online presence, understanding the anatomy of a quality backlink is crucial. A quality backlink is one that possesses relevance, authority, and is a dofollow link. Let’s break down each component to understand why these factors are essential. Relevance In the context of backlinks, relevance refers to the connection between the linking website and your law firm’s niche. For example, a backlink from a legal website or a reputable law school carries more weight than a backlink from an unrelated source. Search engines recognize relevance as an indicator of trust and credibility, boosting your law firm’s search engine ranking. Authority The authority of a backlink is determined by the reputation and trustworthiness of the linking website. Backlinks from high-authority sources in the legal industry, such as renowned legal directories or respected legal publications, hold more value than backlinks from low-quality or spammy websites. These authoritative backlinks help establish your law firm as a reliable and reputable source, signaling to search engines that your website provides valuable content. Dofollow Link A dofollow link is a type of hyperlink that passes on SEO value to your law firm’s website. When a search engine crawls a webpage and encounters a dofollow link, it follows that link and considers it as an endorsement of your website’s credibility. Dofollow links contribute to your law firm’s search engine ranking, helping it climb higher in search results. By understanding and implementing the anatomy of a quality backlink, you can focus your efforts on acquiring relevant, authoritative, and dofollow links. These high-quality backlinks not only improve your law firm’s online visibility but also enhance its reputation within the legal industry. Characteristics Importance Relevance Signals trust and credibility Authority Establishes reputation and reliability Dofollow Link Contributes to search engine ranking Getting Started with Link Building for Law Firms When it comes to link building for law firms, there are a few key strategies you can implement to start generating quality backlinks. Two effective methods to consider are guest posting and utilizing legal directories. By focusing on quality over quantity, you can establish a strong backlink profile that will benefit your law firm’s online presence. Guest Posting: Showcasing Your Expertise Guest posting involves writing and contributing articles to legal blogs, law school websites, or general news sites as a guest author. This strategy not only allows you to showcase your expertise to a wider audience but also provides an opportunity to include a backlink to your law firm’s website. When guest posting, it’s essential to create value-driven content that provides insights or advice to readers, positioning yourself as a knowledgeable authority in your field. Legal Directories: Increasing Visibility Legal directories are another effective avenue for acquiring backlinks for your law firm. These directories allow you to list your law firm’s information and provide a backlink, boosting your online visibility and credibility. When selecting directories, it’s important to choose relevant ones that are specific to the legal industry. Regularly updating your law firm’s information on these directories and encouraging satisfied clients to leave positive reviews can further enhance the SEO benefits. By starting with guest posting and utilizing legal directories, you can lay the foundation for a strong link building strategy for your law firm. Remember, quality backlinks are key, so focus on establishing relationships, providing valuable content, and leveraging reputable platforms in the legal industry. Benefits of Guest Posting Benefits of Legal Directories 1. Establish yourself as an authority 1. Increased online visibility 2. Reach a wider audience 2. Improved credibility 3. Drive targeted traffic to your website 3. SEO benefits through backlinks 4. Build relationships within the legal community 4. Access to potential clients Remember to approach link building with a focus on quality over quantity. Building strong relationships, providing valuable content, and utilizing reputable platforms will ultimately lead to a stronger online presence for your law firm. Leveraging Guest Posts Guest posting is a powerful strategy for acquiring backlinks and increasing your law firm’s online visibility. By contributing value-driven content to legal blogs, law school websites, or general news sites, you can establish yourself as an authority in the legal industry and cultivate relationships with other professionals and potential clients. When leveraging guest posts, it’s essential to focus on providing value to the readers. Consider sharing insights, case studies, or practical tips that showcase your expertise and address common legal concerns. By offering valuable information, you can engage and connect with the audience, positioning yourself as a trusted resource. Engaging with the comments section of your guest posts is

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Effective Guest Posting on Legal Blogs and Forums

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Off-Page SEO Marketing for Lawyers: Guest Posting If you’re a lawyer looking to expand your online reach and build your professional network, guest posting on legal blogs and forums is an excellent way to achieve both. By sharing your legal insights and expertise with a wider audience, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche and attract potential clients and collaborators.   Guest posting on legal blogs and forums also offers SEO benefits, as it can boost your website’s search engine rankings and attract more traffic to your site. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to network with other legal professionals and organizations and stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends.   However, it’s important to approach guest posting strategically, selecting platforms that are relevant to your legal niche and crafting compelling content that resonates with readers. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of guest posting on legal blogs and forums, from identifying suitable platforms to leveraging SEO strategies for maximum exposure. Key Takeaways: Guest posting on legal blogs and forums can help enhance your online presence and network within the US legal community. Select legal blogs and forums that are relevant to your niche and can provide value to your target audience. Craft compelling guest posts that incorporate legal expertise and provide value to readers. Guest posting offers an opportunity to network with other legal professionals and organizations. Optimize your guest posts for SEO benefits by including relevant keywords and backlinks. Why Guest Posting is Essential for Lawyers As a lawyer, you are constantly seeking opportunities to expand your professional horizon, establish your online presence and build a network of valuable connections within the legal community. One of the most effective methods to achieve these goals is through guest posting on legal blogs and forums. Gaining exposure on legal platforms can boost your credibility and help you reach a wider audience. This not only results in increased visibility but also has a positive impact on your search engine rankings. Through legal guest posting services, you can take advantage of guest posting opportunities on legal blogs that provide niche-specific content. By writing compelling content that aligns with the interests of your target audience, you can gain trust and establish yourself as an authority within your legal niche. The content can also help you attract potential clients who are looking for legal services related to your niche. Legal guest posting opportunities offer a unique chance to build relationships with influential professionals within the legal community. By guest posting on their platforms, you can establish yourself as a valuable contact, leading to potential collaborations or partnerships in the future. In summary, legal guest posting is a crucial aspect of your legal marketing strategy. It can help you establish your online presence, expand your network, and attract potential clients. Take advantage of legal guest posting services and guest posting opportunities on legal blogs and forums to enhance your professional reputation within the legal community. Identifying Suitable Legal Blogs and Forums for Guest Posting When it comes to guest posting on legal blogs and forums, identifying suitable platforms to publish your content is crucial. It’s important to find blogs and forums that cater to your legal niche and have an engaged audience. But how do you find them? One way is to use search engines such as Google and Bing to look for legal blogs for guest posting. Use keywords such as “legal blogs guest post” or “guest blogging on legal forums” to find potential platforms. Once you come up with a list, it’s time to evaluate each one to determine its suitability for your content. One factor to consider is the blog or forum’s audience. Does it have a large following, particularly within your legal niche? You want to choose a platform that can give your content the exposure it deserves. Additionally, you want to ensure that the blog or forum is credible by checking the quality of their articles, the number of comments and shares they receive, and their overall reputation within the legal community. Another factor to consider is their guest posting guidelines. Some blogs and forums may have strict guidelines for guest posts, such as word count, tone, and topics. Make sure to read and follow these guidelines to increase your chances of getting published. By following these tips, you can easily identify suitable legal blogs and forums for guest posting. Not only will this help you reach a wider audience, but it will also enhance your online presence within the legal community. Crafting Compelling Guest Posts for Legal Blogs and Forums When it comes to guest posting on legal blogs and forums, crafting the perfect guest post is crucial to ensure your content is well-received and shared widely. It’s important to remember that your guest post is not only a reflection of you, but also the legal niche you are associated with. Here are some tips on crafting compelling guest posts for legal blogs and forums: Focus on legal niche guest posting: When selecting legal blogs or forums for guest posting opportunities, ensure they are relevant to your area of expertise. This will help you write content that provides value to the readers and highlights your legal knowledge. Use storytelling: Incorporate storytelling elements to make your guest post engaging and memorable. By sharing real-life examples and anecdotes, you can effectively illustrate your points and leave a lasting impression on the readers. Provide actionable advice: Offering practical and actionable advice or tips can help establish your authority in the legal niche and encourage readers to share your content. Be sure to back up your advice with supporting evidence and case studies where possible. Include legal expertise: Guest posting on legal blogs and forums presents an opportunity to showcase your legal expertise and knowledge. Make sure to incorporate relevant legal terminology and concepts to add value to your guest post. Include a

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Effective SEO Strategies for Lawyers

Effective Backlink Strategies for Legal Websites

Lawyer SEO Marketing – Backlink Strategies for Lawyers If you have a legal website, you know how important it is to be visible online. A strong online presence can be the difference between acquiring new clients and losing them to your competition. One of the most effective ways to improve your online visibility is through backlink strategies. Backlinks are links from other websites that lead to your website. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the more authoritative your website appears to search engines. This leads to higher SEO ranking and can drive targeted organic traffic to your site. However, not all backlinks are created equal. Low-quality backlinks from spammy websites can actually harm your SEO ranking. That’s why it’s essential to focus on obtaining high-quality backlinks relevant to your legal website. Key Takeaways: Backlink strategies are crucial for improving your legal website’s online visibility and SEO ranking. High-quality backlinks are essential for driving targeted organic traffic to your site. Focusing on relevant, authoritative websites is key to obtaining high-quality backlinks. Understanding the Legal Industry’s Link Building Challenges Link building is a crucial part of any SEO strategy for legal websites. However, the legal industry poses unique challenges that can make it difficult to obtain high-quality backlinks. One such challenge is the strict ethical and professional guidelines that attorneys and law firms must abide by. Link building for legal websites requires a delicate balance between promoting your services and maintaining your professional image. This means that certain types of backlinks and link building techniques may not be suitable for legal websites. Another challenge that legal websites face is the highly competitive nature of the industry. With so many law firms and attorneys vying for the same clients, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and acquire backlinks. Understanding the Legal Industry’s Regulations The legal industry is strictly regulated, and attorneys and law firms must comply with ethical rules and guidelines. For example, attorneys are prohibited from making false or misleading statements, and they must avoid any activities that could be seen as solicitation. These ethical rules also extend to link building. For example, attorneys should avoid using deceptive or misleading anchor text and should not pay for links. Additionally, links from irrelevant or low-quality sources can harm your reputation and violate ethical guidelines. Overcoming Link Building Challenges Despite these challenges, it is still possible to build high-quality backlinks for legal websites. One effective strategy is to focus on creating valuable content that provides useful information to your target audience. This can include blog posts, articles, and other resources that answer common legal questions and provide insights into relevant topics. By creating quality content, you can attract natural backlinks from authoritative sources and establish your website as a go-to resource in your industry. Another effective strategy is to leverage your existing network of contacts and professional relationships. Reach out to other attorneys or legal professionals in your industry and explore opportunities for collaboration and partnership. This can include guest blogging, participating in webinars or podcasts, or co-authoring articles or whitepapers. By focusing on building relationships and creating quality content, you can overcome the unique challenges of link building in the legal industry and establish your website as a trusted and authoritative source of information. Identify Authority Websites for Relevant Backlinks One of the most effective backlink strategies for legal websites is obtaining links from authority websites within the legal industry. These links not only drive targeted traffic to your site but also boost your domain authority and improve your search engine rankings. But how do you identify relevant websites that can offer high-quality backlinks? First, consider the nature of your legal practice and the specific areas of law that you specialize in. Look for websites that cover topics related to your practice areas and have a strong online presence. You can use search engines to find relevant websites and also check out legal directories, industry associations, and legal blogs for potential link building opportunities. When approaching these websites for backlinks, make sure to personalize your outreach emails and offer valuable content that aligns with their interests. A generic email that simply asks for a backlink is unlikely to be successful. Instead, provide potential link sources that are relevant to their content and explain how your website can offer value to their readers. Remember that building relationships with these authority websites takes time and effort, but the benefits of obtaining high-quality backlinks from them are well worth it. So, keep researching and networking within your industry to identify relevant websites for link building opportunities. Identify Authority Websites for Relevant Backlinks: Step Action 1 Consider your legal practice and areas of expertise 2 Search for websites related to your practice areas 3 Check legal directories, associations, and blogs for potential link building opportunities 4 Personalize outreach emails and offer valuable content that aligns with their interests By following these steps and investing time and effort into building relationships with relevant authority websites, you can effectively improve your backlink strategies and boost your online visibility and search engine rankings. Guest Posting as a Powerful Backlink Strategy Guest posting is a highly effective backlink strategy that can boost your legal website’s online visibility and search engine ranking. By writing informative and relevant content for other websites, you can attract high-quality backlinks to your site and establish yourself as an authority in the legal industry. To find guest posting opportunities, start by researching relevant blogs and websites within your legal niche. Look for sites that have a large and engaged audience, as well as a good reputation in the industry. Reach out to the site owners or editors and pitch your ideas for guest posts. Make sure your content is well-written, informative, and relevant to their audience. When creating guest posts, include a bio or author box at the bottom of the article. This should include a brief description of yourself and your legal website, as well as a link back to your

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Setting up Polls & Quizzes (Lawyer Movie Quiz)

Setting UpPolls & QuizzesFor Lawyers Setup a Quiz or Poll on your Lawyer Site There might be a time that you want to poll your audience, or possibly provide a quiz about your services. Setting up quizzes can also be a lead generation tactic. Where you create a free quiz that someone can take by entering their email address. Ive create a sample quiz about lawyers in movies below. Its a 5 question quiz and once you do the 5 answers, it then asks for your email to get the results. You can also set it up without any email validation or set it up before they take the quiz they must enter email. Here is a QUIZ about Lawyers in Movies. Its a 5 questions quiz.

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Personal Injury Lawyer Links & SEO Marketing

Personal Injury Lawyer SEO Personal Injury Back Links for Attorneys One thing that still holds true is that LINKS are important and a key part of the overall Lawyer Internet and SEO Marketing strategy. It doesn’t matter what kind of lawyer you are, personal injury, DUI, criminal defense, or bankruptcy, everyone needs solid backlinks to their lawyer websites in order to have the best possible Google SEO organic rankings.     Links are only part of the formula but as always an important one. So links come in many different shapes and the bottom line is if you can somehow get a backlink to your lawyers website from a bar association, law school, other lawyers websites or blog, or a local area business, do it! TYPE OF LINKS FOR PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS If you are a personal injury lawyer, you want to first focus on getting branded links to your site.  These are links that are using your brand name in the anchor text and going to your homepage. Then after you build your branded links and make sure most of your links are using your firms name.  You then should get links to your other power pages and posts that you want to rank higher in Google.  With these links, they will be either partial keyword matches or blended brand and keyword anchor text.    You want to stay away from exact match anchor texts usually.   This means if you are a Chicago personal injury lawyer, you do not want your anchor text of your links to read that exact term, instead you want either your firm name, or a combo. Something like “Personal injury lawyers at Johnson & Jones” or “Contact the car accident lawyers for a free consultation”. Getting Backlinks to Your Lawyer Site Top Links are not easy to get usually, but in some cases all you have to do is make sure you have an account setup and you can claim your lawyer listing at some online legal and business directories.  Then you can optimize the listing and usually include a link to your website. Now a lot of times these links may not be DO Follow and not as valuable as a DO Follow link, but you want to get as many relevant links as you can.  This includes no-follow links because you want to get branded links and citations for your legal site. So if you can get a link from a legal directory that is in your legal niche, that will be helpful towards your overall SEO strategy.   You want to build your brand and get as many branded links using your firms name in the anchor text and having it goto your homepage. Also for local SEO, citations are very important.  Citations are the listings of your law firms NAP, Name, address and phone #.  Again even if its no follow link, its still a citation usually from a relevant site.  The thing here is that most all of these links are FREE, most have a paid option, but the key here is just getting as many relevant links as you can. These are the obvious links that most lawyers will have, but you should have these also to have a better chance of ranking high at Google. Then the trick is to then make sure you have more links than your competitors, and not just any links, high-quality relevant links from authority sites. Its a multiple phase process and you want to start with getting some links and getting the low hanging fruit links.   Yet if you do not set these up manually or hire someone to do it, you will not get the link.  The more work you put into building your backlinks, the better your search engine rankings will be at Google. Below are some personal injury links to start with. Once you get this first phase of links, then you want to start writing a lot of quality content and getting links from guest posts on other legal websites. Good Personal Injury Links: Here are some starter links for all personal injury and car accident lawyers to have to their lawyer website.  The key here is making sure that you claim these lawyer listings and then update them and include a link to your website.   In some cases you will have to pay a premium fee to get a link to your website.   In some cases it will be worth it and thats the trick here, knowing which listings to pay for.   Yet in almost all cases, you can get a free link if you verify the account. Good Legal Directory Links Social Links: Google+ Pinterest YouTube Storify LinkedIn Medium Personal Injury SEO Marketing Personal Injury Legal News  Workplace Accidents and You. Are you Eligible? Personal Injury Settlement Calculators – How much is your Case worth? Well Known Actors Who Have Had Motorcycle Accidents 5 Steps to Help Your Car Accident Claim Personal Injury vs. Workers Compensation

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Guest Posting Services for Lawyers

Guest Posts for Attorneys & Law Firms You might be wondering what exactly is a guest post and why on earth should I bother with this? Fair enough and there are enough things to worry about these days with your lawyer website. Yet guest posting is the #1 way to get backlinks from other relevant legal web sites. Backlinks are the #1 factor in getting better Google SEO Rankings. This, in turn, can help build your law firms website authority and then help improve and earn new Google SEO rankings for keywords that bring potential clients to your site. How Guest Posting for Lawyers Works The idea with a guest post is that YOUR firm will create a unique piece of quality content, usually 750-1000 words on a relevant topic.  So if you’re a personal injury attorney, you want to create articles related to car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and other personal injury topics. You will then have that unique article posted on a relevant high authority website and you will include a link to your website from within the body of the content, and then usually in the author bio at the end of the post. This process makes sense all around IF you can find the right website to do these guest posts on.  Not every website will allow this and you want to try and focus only on websites in your legal niche. All legal sites are good, but specific legal sites like a divorce directory or personal injury blog might be better.   Also, other high authority sites that are close to your niche can work as well, they might not be as relevant BUT if you can get a link from a high DA(Domain Authority) site, you usually will want to take it. Anchor Text for Guest Posting In the old days you could just use as many Exact Match anchor texts as you wanted and rank #1!   Yet now its more about establishing your law firms brand first and building trust with Google. Let Google know that you are an expert and an authority in your legal field but mainly let Google know that you are indeed a BRAND. Anchor text are the keywords that are linked, so if you have a link from another website that reads Lawyers Court, you can see the words Lawyers Court are the ones linked and thus the anchor text keywords. That example is also one of a BRANDED Link, this is simply where the keywords of the link are your law firm or brand name.     THESE are what MOST of your firms website links should be. Usually you want to have a high % of branded anchor texts pointing to your homepage.  You then want to have other links pointing to your subpages, usually your most important practice area pages, results pages and other key pages or posts that you want to rank with Google. With these pages, you want to use more of a blended anchor text strategy and then maybe 1-3 exact match anchor texts for really high authority sites. Obviously its ok if you have some exact match links and its natural that someone might link to your legal site using personal injury lawyer keywords or your location and what you do, like Chicago auto accident lawyer. Different Kinds of Anchor Texts There are a number of different types of anchor texts you could and should have. Branded Anchor Text Blended Anchor Text Naked URL Anchors Exact Match Anchor Text Branded anchors is the main one, but there are also URL Anchors, Blended Anchors, Exact Match and a number of others.   The key is having the right mix of all of them. You do NOT want to have a high percentage of exact match anchor texts because this could raise a serious RED FLAG with Google.  Usually, you only want to have 1-2% of exact match anchors, so that means for every 100 links you get, you only want 2 with the exact match of keywords that you want to rank for. Yet the key here is that those 2 links that you get using the exact match anchor text, those should be your two TOP authority links if possible. This almost doesn’t make sense because you might be thinking, “well how the hell am I going to ever rank for these keywords?” and its all about being patient these days with Google. You need them to recognize your brand name and have them see you getting links from other sites using your brand name.   Then you need to create a lot of unique content for your site’s blog and do a lot of good on-page SEO work, and then combine that with a few other things to get higher SEO rankings with Google. If you were a Newport Beach California personal injury firm with the firm name of the Smith Trial Group Below would be some examples with suggested ratio percentages of the different links you are getting to your site. Most of the time you will not have any say in what the anchor text is, so you need to know what your current anchor text rations are before getting any new links. When you do have a say in what the anchor text is, you need to be careful that you do not go overboard and just have all the links say the same thing, or have them all be exact match anchors because you think that will help you rank faster (it will not). Make Your Exact Match Anchors From The Top Sites For your 1-3 % of exact match anchor texts, you want those coming from your best possible links.  So if your firm is getting a link from a law review article, or from Forbes or some other high authority site.  You want this link to be an exact match anchor text link. For this example, you would want this top quality link using the keywords

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New FREE Link Analysis Tool for Lawyers

Link Building for Lawyers Free Tool Saint Neil Patel has put out another free SEO Link tool that seems to rival the big boys at AHREFs and SEMRUSH. Ive just started to use it, but it seems pretty solid! It allows you to simply put in your site or your competitors URL and see how many links the site has, how many referring domains and what your overall link score is.   It also shows you how many do follow and no follow links you have, as well as a few other things You can find new links easily that you do not have BUT your competition does.  Its not easy believe me to get new links, but this tool will help you.   This can be the #1 factor in your law firm site climbing the Google rankings.  You need link love from other sites to show Google you are a legit law firm and to get to #1 for your keywords. Links for Lawyers Do you have more links than your law firm competition or does your competition have more links than you? This Backlink tool shows you the number of links pointing to any domain or URL. From total link count, to .edu and .gov links to even the exact number of unique referring domains. Link tools for lawyers and law firms can help you find your competitor backlinks. You can get those same links and help improve your sites SEO rankings. You can test it out by visiting the link analysis tool page here –  Lawyer Competitive Analysis Imagine being able to find new legal link building opportunities in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is put in your competitors’ URL. This tool shows you everyone who is linking to your competition and isn’t linking to you. You can easily find new opportunities that will help you boost your lawyer SEO rankings. Is Your Legal Competition Ranking Higher in Google? Link Relevancy Matters You want to get as many links as possible to your website, BUT just getting 50,000 generic links pointing to your site will never work. In fact, a site that has only 12 links might easily rank higher then the site with 50,000 low quality links from sites that are not related. If you are a lawyer and have a legal website, you need to get links from other LEGAL sites.  Even better if your a personal injury lawyer, you need to get links from legal sites and personal injury related sites if possible. This tool can help you find relevant links that your competitors have but you do not.  This tool will simply show all the links, listed by authority score, and so in some cases it might be pretty easy to just follow the link and get a link for your law firm. Yet thats only if its a free legal directory or social media account that allows you to include a link.  Usually those links are NO FOLLOW and will not pass link juice to your site. YET that doesnt mean its bad thing and you want to get some no follow links because that makes up a more natural link profile in Googles eyes. Yet you want to focus on getting links that are DO Follow and do pass link juice because this will help build your attorneys website authority. Earning Links via Guest Posting Guest Posting is all the rage these days and its probably the top way that you can actually get some backlinks for your site, that matter. You can read my article on Guest Posting for Lawyers here.   Guest posting is simply doing a post on someone else website with unique content that you create and then you will have a backlink to your website within the content of this post. If your law firm wants more information on our guest posting for attorneys service, call us at 312-620-6190 or fill out the online contact form. 

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Google Launches Disavow Links Tool

Google has launched a new and widely anticipated “disavow links” tool. The tool was announced by the head of Google’s web spam team Matt Cutts, when speaking during a keynote at the Pubcon conference today. The tool is live and can be found here. It has been beta tested by some selected SEOs already for the past few weeks. About 45 minutes after Cutts spoke, Google formally announced the tool on the Google Webmaster Central blog. Matt Cutts Video From Google Blog: Today we’re introducing a tool that enables you to disavow links to your site. If you’ve been notified of a manual spam action based on “unnatural links” pointing to your site, this tool can help you address the issue. If you haven’t gotten this notification, this tool generally isn’t something you need to worry about. First, a quick refresher. Links are one of the most well-known signals we use to order search results. By looking at the links between pages, we can get a sense of which pages are reputable and important, and thus more likely to be relevant to our users. This is the basis of PageRank, which is one of more than 200 signals we rely on to determine rankings. Since PageRank is so well-known, it’s also a target for spammers, and we fight linkspam constantly with algorithms and by taking manual action. If you’ve ever been caught up in linkspam, you may have seen a message in Webmaster Tools about “unnatural links” pointing to your site. We send you this message when we see evidence of paid links, link exchanges, or other link schemes that violate our quality guidelines. If you get this message, we recommend that you remove from the web as many spammy or low-quality links to your site as possible. This is the best approach because it addresses the problem at the root. By removing the bad links directly, you’re helping to prevent Google (and other search engines) from taking action again in the future. You’re also helping to protect your site’s image, since people will no longer find spammy links pointing to your site on the web and jump to conclusions about your website or business. If you’ve done as much as you can to remove the problematic links, and there are still some links you just can’t seem to get down, that’s a good time to visit our new Disavow links page. Read full post on Google Blog

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Google Now Shows You Your Most Recent Links

Google has added a new option for downloading your links in Google Webmaster Tools. You can now click on a “download latest links” button. The latest links download option will download your links that Google Webmaster Tools discovered but do so sorted by date. Google will have the link in one column and in the other column list out the date Google discovered the link. Matt Cutts tweeted the feature upgrade recently, saying: You can now download links from Google *sorted by date*. Nice. Look for “Download latest links” in console UI. Pass it on! This may be one of the best features with the link reporting tool within webmaster tools. Being able to quickly see your most recently acquired new links might be helpful in tracking link acquisitions, as well as determining which links might have caused a penalty. This is very useful information and for example, if Google sends you a letter about them detecting spammy links to your site, you can look at this list and try and determine the links they are talking about and do something about them.

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Google Eliminates Another Link Network

The battle between Google and those trying to artificially manipulate its search results is an ongoing battle. Google on March 19th took down one of those blog/link networks named confirmed Google has deindexed an “overwhelming majority” of their network as of March 19, 2012. The management of has decided to immediately shut down their service and provide refunds to customers. thought that Google would allow their network since they felt they provided “better quality service,” which was a “bit different from other networks.” But as they admitted on their blog, “this was not the case. The bottom line is that Google has been cracking down for awhile now and its a new era of SEO.  You need to create good content, include videos and work harder to obtain links then in the past. Jennifer Ledbetter at PotPieGirl has a lot more on this network being hit by Google on her blog. It might also just be one of several networks hit.  

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