SEO Tips

Boost Your Law Firm’s Visibility with Our Attorney SEO Services

Attorney SEO Marketing Services Nowadays, building a solid online presence is essential for law firms if they want to grow their clientele and compete in a crowded market. Our attorney SEO services can help your law firm increase its visibility, draw in relevant traffic, and generate valuable leads. With our expertise in law firm SEO, we can tailor our services to meet the specific requirements of your law firm and help you elevate your online presence. Key Takeaways Boost your law firm’s visibility with our attorney SEO services. Increase your online presence, draw in relevant traffic, and generate valuable leads. Tailor our services to meet the specific requirements of your law firm. Stay ahead of the competition in the digital landscape and maximize your potential for online success. Invest in attorney SEO services to improve your law firm’s online visibility, attract targeted traffic, and generate more qualified leads. The Significance of Lawyer SEO for Law Firms In today’s digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in helping law firms increase their online visibility and attract targeted visitors. Lawyer SEO services are specifically designed to enhance the online presence of legal professionals and improve their organic search rankings. By investing in law firm SEO services, attorneys can effectively market their services, generate qualified leads, and stay ahead of the competition. Search engine optimization for attorneys involves various strategies and techniques aimed at optimizing websites, creating valuable content, and improving online visibility. With the right attorney SEO services, law firms can enhance their website design, optimize site structure and navigation, and develop high-quality content that resonates with their target audience. By implementing effective SEO strategies, law firms can attract more organic traffic, increase their visibility in search engine results, and ultimately grow their clientele. Attorney marketing services that focus on law firm SEO provide invaluable benefits to legal professionals. By improving online visibility and search engine rankings, law firms can establish credibility, build trust with potential clients, and position themselves as industry leaders. With the help of lawyer SEO services, attorneys can effectively target specific keywords, optimize their online content, and attract visitors who are actively searching for legal services online. This targeted approach to marketing ensures that law firms reach their desired audience and increase the likelihood of converting visitors into clients. “Investing in law firm SEO services is a strategic decision that can have a significant impact on the success of legal professionals in the digital landscape.” Choosing the right attorney SEO service provider is essential for law firms looking to maximize their online potential. It is important to select a company that specializes in law firm SEO services and has a proven track record of delivering results. Transparency, communication, and detailed reporting are key factors to consider when choosing a lawyer SEO company. By partnering with a reputable SEO provider, law firms can ensure that their online presence is optimized for search engines, attracting relevant traffic, and generating valuable leads. With our law firm SEO services, tailored to meet the specific needs of legal professionals, we can help your law firm improve its online visibility, attract targeted visitors, and ultimately grow its clientele. Contact us today to learn how our attorney SEO services can benefit your law firm. Choosing the Right Lawyer SEO Company When it comes to selecting the right lawyer SEO company for your law firm, making the right choice is vital. A reputable and experienced company can significantly contribute to the success of your online presence. Here are a few key factors to consider when making your decision: Proven Track Record Look for a lawyer SEO company that has a proven track record of delivering outstanding results for their clients. A company with a successful history of increasing organic site traffic and generating quality leads can provide you with the confidence that they have the expertise to help your law firm succeed. Expertise in Attorney Website Optimization Ensure that the lawyer SEO company you choose has expertise in attorney website optimization. They should be knowledgeable about the unique aspects of the legal industry and how to optimize your website accordingly. This expertise will enable them to make strategic recommendations and implement effective SEO strategies to improve your online presence. Transparency and Communication Transparency is key when working with a lawyer SEO company. Look for a company that values open and honest communication. Regular updates, detailed reporting, and a clear understanding of the services they provide will give you peace of mind and help build a strong working relationship.   How Law Firms Can Benefit from SEO Services Law firms can greatly benefit from SEO services in several ways. Firstly, SEO services improve the online visibility of your law firm’s website, making it easier for potential clients to find you. With the right attorney marketing services, your website can rank higher in search engine results pages, increasing your chances of attracting targeted traffic and capturing the attention of potential clients. Additionally, law firm SEO benefits include increased website traffic. Through strategic optimization techniques, SEO services can drive more organic traffic to your website. This means that more people who are actively searching for legal services will come across your firm’s website, giving you the opportunity to showcase your expertise and services. Another benefit of SEO services for law firms is enhanced reputation. When your website appears at the top of search results, it instills a sense of trust and credibility in potential clients. They are more likely to view your firm as a reputable authority in the legal field. This can influence their decision to choose your firm over competitors. “The right SEO strategy can give law firms a competitive edge over local competitors by ensuring their website stands out and attracts potential clients.” Finally, investing in law firm SEO services offers a cost-effective marketing solution. Compared to traditional advertising methods, SEO allows you to target your audience more efficiently and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. By focusing on specific keywords and

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SEO Tips for lawyers

Top SEO Tips for Lawyers: Boost Rankings

SEO Tips for Attorneys – Boost Rankings & Gain Clients As a lawyer, you know how important it is to attract clients to your legal practice. With more people turning to online search engines to find legal services, implementing effective SEO strategies is crucial to ensure that your website appears on the first page of search results. SEO Tips for lawyers can be a game-changer for your legal practice, helping you stand out in a crowded market and attract more potential clients. In this article, we’ll explore the key SEO concepts and strategies that lawyers can use to boost their online presence, optimize their website, and generate more leads and conversions. Key Takeaways: SEO is crucial for lawyers to attract more potential clients and stand out in a crowded market. Effective SEO strategies can help your website rank higher in search results and generate more leads and conversions. Understanding Lawyer SEO: Key Concepts and Strategies If you’re a lawyer looking to boost your online presence and attract more clients, understanding the basics of SEO is crucial. Search engine optimization involves optimizing your website so that it appears higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), ultimately increasing visibility and traffic to your site. However, SEO can be a complex and ever-evolving field, and implementing successful strategies can be challenging, especially for legal professionals. Attorney SEO strategy requires a unique approach that takes into account the legal industry’s nuances and challenges. To achieve SEO success, you must first understand the key concepts and strategies of lawyer SEO. Here are some essential elements to keep in mind: Key Concepts Strategies Keyword Research Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords to target in your website content and metadata. On-Page Optimization Optimize individual pages on your website for specific keywords, ensuring that they include title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and content optimized for the target keyword. Mobile Responsiveness Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, meaning that it is optimized for use on mobile devices and provides a seamless user experience across all devices. User Experience Create a user-friendly website with easy navigation, fast loading speeds, and high-quality content that engages and informs potential clients. Website Speed Optimize your website’s loading speeds to ensure that it loads quickly and efficiently for users, as slow loading speeds can negatively impact your SEO and user experience. Understanding Lawyer SEO: Key Concepts and Strategies In addition to these strategies, it’s important to keep up-to-date with the latest algorithm updates and best practices in the industry. Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve can give you a competitive edge in the legal field. By understanding the key concepts and strategies of lawyer SEO, you can begin to implement effective optimization techniques that can help your website rank higher, attract more traffic, and ultimately, gain more clients. y elements, you’ll be able to improve your website’s ranking on SERPs and attract more potential clients to your legal practice. Creating High-Quality Legal Content: A Must for SEO Content is king, and for lawyers, this is no exception. Creating high-quality legal content is a must for effective SEO. By doing so, you can establish your expertise in your field, provide value to your potential clients, and increase your website’s search engine rankings. Here are some tips to help you create high-quality legal content: Do your keyword research: Use keyword research tools to identify relevant keywords and phrases that potential clients might use in their search queries. Incorporate them naturally into your content. Provide informative and engaging content: Write about topics that potential clients may find valuable and interesting. Make your content easy to read and understand, avoiding complex legal jargon. Use different types of content: Create blog posts, articles, videos, FAQs, and other forms of content that may resonate with your target audience. Optimize your content: Use on-page optimization techniques such as title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags to signal search engines what your content is about. By creating high-quality legal content, you can boost your SEO efforts and attract potential clients to your website. Remember to make sure your content is unique, informative, and engaging. Local SEO for Lawyers: Dominating the Local Market Now that you understand the basics of SEO for your law firm, it’s time to focus on local SEO. This not only increases your visibility to potential clients in your area but also helps you compete with other local law firms. First, make sure your business information is accurate and consistent across all online platforms. This includes your name, address, phone number, and website. Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing is also crucial and can help you appear in Google’s Local Pack and Maps results. Tip: Encourage your satisfied clients to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing. Positive reviews can boost your local search rankings and help establish credibility with potential clients. Another important factor in local SEO is the use of location-specific keywords on your website. This helps search engines understand the areas you serve and can increase your visibility for relevant local searches. Additionally, getting listed in local directories, such as Yelp and Avvo, can also help improve your local search visibility. Just make sure you choose directories that are relevant to your practice area and location. Keep in mind that while local SEO can be highly effective, it’s important to continuously monitor and update your local listings and website to ensure accuracy and relevance. “With the rise of mobile searches, optimizing your website for local keywords and local search is even more important for law firms. Don’t miss the opportunity to dominate your local market by ignoring local SEO.” – John Smith, Legal Marketing Expert Building High-Quality Backlinks: Enhancing SEO Authority Backlinks are an essential aspect of SEO for lawyers. High-quality backlinks from reputable and related websites show search engines that your website is trustworthy, relevant, and valuable. This, in turn, can improve your website’s authority and rankings in search results.

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optimizing law firm websites

Optimizing Law Firm Websites: Expert Strategies

Law Firm Website Optimization Tips in 2023 Welcome to our comprehensive guide on optimizing law firm websites. As professionals in the digital marketing industry, we understand the importance of a strong online presence for law firms. This is especially true in today’s fast-paced world where most clients search for legal help online. With that being said, simply having a website is no longer enough. Law firms must take the necessary steps to optimize their website effectively to attract the right clients. In this section, we will discuss expert strategies and tips for optimizing law firm websites and beyond. We will explore the importance of law firm SEO and the process of website optimization for law firms. By the end of this section, you will have a full understanding of what it takes to optimize your law firm’s website for success. Key Takeaways Optimizing your law firm website is crucial to attract clients in today’s digital age. Law firm SEO is a powerful tool to improve your website ranking and attract potential clients. Website optimization for law firms involves specific techniques to enhance user experience and increase visibility. Understanding the Importance of Law Firm SEO At our company, we understand the vital role that law firm SEO plays in the online success of attorneys. In today’s digital age, potential clients turn to search engines to find qualified lawyers and legal services. Therefore, having a strong online presence is essential for law firms looking to grow their business. Search engine optimization for lawyers revolves around utilizing specific techniques and strategies to improve the website ranking of law firms in search engine results pages (SERPs). By doing so, law firms can increase their visibility and attract more potential clients. The Importance of SEO for Attorneys Ranking highly in SERPs is critical for law firms, as studies have shown that the majority of users only click on the top few results. Therefore, failing to implement effective SEO strategies can result in a significant loss of potential clients. Law firm website ranking is influenced by various factors, including the quality and relevance of website content, the use of relevant keywords, and the website’s overall user experience. As such, it’s important for law firms to optimize their websites to provide high-quality content that is both informative and engaging for potential clients. Effective Strategies for Law Firm SEO To improve website ranking and increase visibility, our company recommends implementing various SEO strategies. Specifically, targeting relevant keywords, optimizing content, and leveraging social media platforms are proven methods to enhance law firm online presence. Targeting relevant keywords involves conducting thorough research to identify the specific search terms and phrases potential clients are using to find legal services and incorporating them into website content. Optimizing content refers to creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that is valuable to potential clients. This approach can help to establish law firms as industry experts while simultaneously boosting website ranking in search results. Finally, leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote law firms and engage with potential clients can also play a role in improving website ranking and increasing visibility. By implementing these effective strategies for law firm SEO, our company has helped countless lawyers and law firms improve their online presence and attract more potential clients. Contact us today to learn how we can help your law firm thrive in the digital age. Effective Website Optimization for Law Firms When it comes to website optimization for law firms, the design of the website is just as important as the content on the site. A well-designed website can help establish credibility and trust with potential clients. In addition to design, there are other key elements that play a crucial role in effective website optimization for law firms. Law Firm Website Design First impressions are everything, which is why law firm website design is crucial. A visually appealing and user-friendly website can help attract and retain potential clients. When designing a law firm website, it’s important to consider the following: Use a professional and modern design that reflects the values of the law firm. Ensure that the website is mobile-friendly and responsive to all devices. Include clear and concise navigation to make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. Use high-quality images and graphics to enhance the user experience. Law Firm Digital Marketing Law firm digital marketing is a crucial component of website optimization. Utilizing digital marketing strategies can help drive traffic and increase the online visibility of a law firm. Some effective digital marketing strategies for law firms include: Search engine optimization (SEO) to improve website ranking and attract more potential clients. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to drive traffic to the website. Email marketing campaigns to stay in touch with clients and build relationships. Social media marketing to engage with potential clients and increase brand awareness. Law Firm SEO Services While it’s possible for law firms to handle their own SEO, it’s often more effective to utilize professional law firm SEO services. SEO experts have the knowledge and tools to optimize a law firm website for search engines and improve its online visibility. Some benefits of using law firm SEO services include: Customized SEO strategies tailored to the specific needs of a law firm. Improved website ranking and increased traffic to the website. Expert analysis and tracking of website performance. Continued optimization and maintenance of the website to ensure long-term success. Strategies for Enhancing Law Firm Online Presence Attracting potential clients to your law firm website can be challenging without a robust online presence. Fortunately, there are several strategies and tactics that can help you enhance your online presence and increase visibility among your target audience. Target Specific Keywords One of the most effective ways to improve your law firm’s search engine ranking is by targeting specific keywords relevant to your practice area. Conducting thorough keyword research can help you identify high-traffic keywords that potential clients are using to search for attorneys online. Incorporating these keywords strategically

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seo tips for attorneys

SEO Tips for Attorneys: Boost Your Law Firm’s Online Presence

Top SEO Tips for Attorneys in 2023 As an attorney, you know the importance of staying ahead of the competition and attracting potential clients. In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. With effective SEO strategies, you can enhance your website’s visibility in search engine results and reach your target audience. At Legal Search Marketing, we understand the unique challenges faced by attorneys when it comes to SEO. That’s why we have compiled a comprehensive guide highlighting proven tips and strategies to help you optimize your website for search engines and grow your law firm’s online presence. Key Takeaways: SEO is crucial for attorneys looking to improve their online presence Effective SEO strategies can increase your website’s visibility and attract potential clients Our comprehensive guide provides valuable tips and strategies for optimizing your attorney’s website Tip #1 – Understand the Basics of Attorney SEO As a law firm, it’s important to have a strong online presence to attract potential clients. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial component of digital marketing that enables potential clients to find your law firm through online search engines. In this section, we will provide an overview of the fundamental aspects of attorney SEO to help you improve your law firm’s online visibility and attract more qualified leads. Keyword Research One of the first steps in optimizing your website for search engines is identifying the right keywords to target. Keyword research involves identifying terms or phrases that potential clients are likely to use when searching for legal services online. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to determine which keywords have high search volumes with relatively low competition. By strategically integrating these keywords into your website’s content, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract more potential clients to your law firm. On-Page Optimization On-page optimization refers to the various factors that can be optimized within your website to improve your search engine rankings. This includes optimizing meta tags (such as title tags and meta descriptions), improving website speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and creating compelling content. By optimizing these on-page factors, you can improve user experience and increase your website’s relevance to search engine algorithms, ultimately improving your search engine rankings. Website Structure The structure of your website can also have a significant impact on your search engine rankings. A well-structured website with clear navigation and organized pages can improve user experience and make it easier for search engine algorithms to crawl and index your website. This can help increase the relevance and authority of your website, ultimately improving your search engine rankings. Tip #2 – Conducting Keyword Research for Your Firm Effective keyword research is essential for maximizing your online presence as an attorney. By targeting the right keywords, you can attract potential clients who are searching for legal services online. Here are a few tips on conducting keyword research for your law firm: Start by identifying your practice areas and the legal services you offer. This will help you generate a list of relevant keywords to target. Research your competitors and see which keywords they are targeting. This can provide you with valuable insights and help you identify high-value keywords to target. Utilize keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to identify search volume, competition, and related keywords. Focus on long-tail keywords (phrases containing three or more words) that are highly relevant to your practice areas. These keywords typically have lower competition and can drive more targeted traffic to your website. Don’t forget to consider local keywords, especially if you serve a specific geographical area. This can help you attract potential clients in your local community. By incorporating high-value keywords into your website’s content and meta tags, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract more potential clients. Tip #3 – Optimizing Your Attorney Website Optimizing your attorney website is a crucial aspect of attorney SEO. By implementing on-page optimization techniques and creating compelling content, you can improve user experience and drive more organic traffic to your website. One essential technique is optimizing your meta tags, including your title tag and meta description. Your title tag should clearly convey your law firm’s name and practice areas while incorporating relevant keywords. The meta description should provide a brief overview of your law firm’s services and highlight your unique selling points, encouraging potential clients to click through to your website. Creating high-quality, valuable content is also essential for improving your search engine rankings. By creating comprehensive blog posts and informative pages that provide value to your target audience, you can establish your law firm as an authoritative source, increasing the likelihood of earning backlinks from reputable sources. Improving page load speed is another crucial aspect of optimizing your attorney website. Potential clients are unlikely to wait long for a website to load, and slow page load speeds can negatively impact your search engine rankings. Consider compressing images and minimizing code to improve page load speeds for optimal user experience. Lastly, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly is crucial for improving your search engine rankings and providing the best user experience for potential clients. With an increasing number of users accessing websites on mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website is essential for attracting and retaining potential clients. Tip #4 – Building High-Quality Backlinks for Your Law Firm Backlinks are an important aspect of attorney SEO that can help increase the credibility and visibility of your law firm’s website. In this section, we will discuss how to build high-quality backlinks for your legal website. Why are backlinks important for attorney SEO? Backlinks serve as endorsements from other authoritative websites that vouch for the relevance and usefulness of your content. These endorsements can improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site. How to earn high-quality backlinks for your law firm Here are some effective strategies for earning high-quality backlinks: Create valuable and informative content that other websites

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SEO For Lawyers

Effective SEO for Lawyers: Boost Your Law Firm’s Online Presence

SEO For Lawyers in 2023 Welcome to our guide on SEO for lawyers. In today’s digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses, including law firms. With the increased use of search engines to find legal services, it’s important to ensure your website ranks high in search engine results pages. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. In this guide, we will outline the various SEO strategies specifically tailored for lawyers and explain how they can help boost your law firm’s online presence. We’ll start by exploring the importance of SEO for lawyers, followed by discussing the challenges that lawyers face in terms of online visibility and why having an effective SEO strategy is essential. We’ll then dive into the different SEO tactics that can be used to maximize your law firm’s online visibility, such as optimizing your website’s content and building high-quality backlinks. We’ll also guide you through the process of conducting effective keyword research and show you how local SEO can be leveraged to attract potential clients in specific geographic areas. Key Takeaways: SEO is crucial for lawyers to ensure their website ranks high in search engine results pages. An effective SEO strategy can help boost a law firm’s online presence and attract potential clients. Challenges that lawyers face in terms of online visibility can be overcome with tailored SEO strategies. Optimizing website content, building high-quality backlinks, and conducting effective keyword research are all essential components of a successful SEO strategy for lawyers. Local SEO can be leveraged to attract clients in specific geographic areas. Understanding the Importance of SEO for Lawyers As a law firm, your online presence plays a crucial role in attracting potential clients and growing your business. With more people turning to search engines to find legal services, having effective SEO strategies in place is more important than ever before. SEO for lawyers involves optimizing your website and online presence to appear prominently in search engine results when potential clients search for legal services. This can help your law firm to stand out from competitors and attract more clients. However, the legal industry faces unique challenges in terms of online visibility. With so many law firms competing for attention, it can be challenging to achieve a high ranking in search results. This is where SEO for lawyers comes in, as it enables you to optimize your website and online presence in a way that is tailored specifically for the legal industry. Why is SEO important for lawyers? Research shows that 96% of people seeking legal advice use online search engines to find a lawyer or law firm. This means that having a strong online presence is crucial for attracting potential clients and growing your business. SEO is essential for improving your law firm’s online visibility and ensuring that your website appears at the top of search engine results pages. This gives you a competitive edge and helps potential clients to find your services easily. Without effective SEO strategies in place, your law firm is likely to be overshadowed by competitors who have invested in SEO and are visible in search results. The challenges of SEO for lawyers SEO for lawyers poses unique challenges compared to other industries. The legal industry has a complex regulatory environment, which can make it difficult to promote legal services online. Furthermore, the language used in legal documents and processes can be complex, making it challenging to optimize website content for common legal search terms. Another challenge is the high competition in the legal industry. Law firms need to compete not just against other law firms, but also legal directories, which can dominate search results for legal services. By investing in effective SEO strategies, however, law firms can overcome these challenges and improve their online visibility, attracting more potential clients and growing their business. Tailored SEO Strategies for Lawyers As a lawyer, your target audience is specific and discerning, which is why having a tailored SEO strategy is essential to ensure your law firm’s online presence stands out from the competition. Below are some of the most effective SEO strategies specifically designed for lawyers: Optimizing Your Website’s Content One of the most important aspects of SEO for lawyers is ensuring that your website’s content is optimized for search engines as well as your potential clients. This involves creating informative, engaging content that incorporates relevant legal keywords and phrases. It is important to avoid “keyword stuffing” and instead focus on providing high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. Utilizing Local SEO Techniques Local SEO is particularly important for lawyers, as potential clients are often searching for legal services within a specific geographic area. Optimizing your website for local search involves creating and verifying a Google My Business listing, ensuring your NAP (name, address, phone number) is consistent across all online directories, and obtaining positive online reviews from satisfied clients. Building High-Quality Backlinks High-quality backlinks are essential for improving your law firm’s online visibility and search engine rankings. To obtain high-quality backlinks, consider guest blogging on legal websites, creating valuable legal resources such as eBooks or infographics, and networking with other professionals in the legal industry. Implementing Effective Keyword Research Conducting effective keyword research is crucial for lawyers looking to improve their SEO. This involves identifying high-value legal keywords and incorporating them strategically into your website’s content. It is important to keep in mind user intent when selecting keywords, as this will help to drive targeted traffic to your website. By utilizing these tailored SEO strategies for lawyers, you can enhance your law firm’s online visibility and attract more potential clients in a highly competitive online landscape. Optimizing Your Law Firm’s Website for SEO Optimizing your law firm’s website for SEO is critical for increasing your online visibility and attracting potential clients. In this section, we will cover the key aspects of website optimization that will help improve your SEO rankings and drive traffic to your website. On-Page Optimization On-page optimization is the process

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Setup a Lawyer Chatbot Virtual Assistant

Chatbot Virtual Assistants for Attorneys I wrote about using a chatbot for your legal site over the last month and there are two different types of chatbots.    One is the kind you will use at Facebook with facebook messenger and facebook ads.  THEN the other kind is the virtual assistant kind that is specifically for your website that I am writing about here. REPLACE YOUR LIVE CHAT TODAY LIVE Chat has been the next big thing for awhile now and a LOT of law firms have those chat boxes setup where they have a “Live” agent ready to answer any questions and collect names, phone #s and email lead info.   They are trained on what to say….almost like ROBOTS!  Wait, how about just using a robot, or BOT?  They pretty much do the exact same thing and the Bot here via AI (Artificial Intelligence) can get smarter as it learns and it can suggest new questions and answers to use. SO usually these Live chat services are PRICEY, like a monthly fee and then a per lead fee.  So for every lead they collect, it can be like $20-30 or more. Maybe its less now but I know its a pretty high fee and if you get 10 leads thats awesome, but for $300 over the week?!   Plus a monthly fee and another vendor to deal with. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? It’s using a Virtual Assistant Chatbot.    Ive tested this out and its a really awesome system.  It allows you to have a chat box come up where your asking the person if they have any questions.  THEN you can have some answer buttons that they can click on, and you can also program the BOT so that it has answers to many different questions.  SO if someone asks the question “Do you give free consultations”, the BOT will respond with YES if you do, along with some info and links to the form.   Then if they ask for directions or hours or anything related to a specific practice area or attorney name, the BOT will have the answer and will try to engage the user and will have the person leave their name, email and phone #. CHATBOT VIRTUAL ASSISTANT FOR LAWYERS Setup this chatbot box on your website so that you can capture users that might otherwise leave.   Here they might click on the chat and wind up leaving an email or phone number, which is a HOT LEAD!  Plus when someone is looking for info, they appreciate it if you make it easier for them.   So you can program the bot here to answer a lot of questions,     You could also do some pay per click marketing and send the user to a landing page that has the chatbox come up to engage them right away and hopefully at least get the contact info.   ALSO another difference with this system vs the facebook chat system, is that YOU can jump in to the chat and take over and answer any questions live with the person.  OR you can leave it to the bot to follow a script and have a big FAQ library.   This makes sense and the thing here is that once this is setup, it works like a charm.   The BOT works 24/7, 365 days and will email any new leads it gets of any new chats. What answers can my Legal Chatbot Agent provide? You can teach your Agent answers on dozens of questions.  The best part of it is that your Virtual Agent includes Self-Learning features that will automatically detect valuable questions for which it has no answers. More about Self-Learning It is quite complex for website owners to find out what visitors look for (in their own words), what questions they have, and what the best answers are, in order to convert. This is exaclty what your Agent will learn for you, i.e. what questions/answers are most important for visitors to turn into leads. The Agent self-learning feature determines this based on analyzing previous chats against lead generation rate.This in turn enables it to identify important question that have no answers.   Your Agent will send you notifications on newly added “questions” for which it is recommended to provide answers.Once new answers are provided, it use them in chats with visitors, and it will measure the impact of the changes on the lead generation rate, and provide new recommendations. Over the course of weeks and months your Virtual Agent becomes smarter and smarter, making it your best skilled salesmen into the art of converting visitors into leads! Give your Legal Bot a Personality! Your Bot doesnt have to be lame!  Make it so it has a big fun personality, while keeping a professional tone as well.    Yet you can make it so it has non robotic answers showing a good sense of humor.   You can even have it suggest a good joke once in awhile.  Clean of course and maybe even a lawyer joke.  The main thing you want your bot to be is SMART and Helpful. If its also funny, well that a triple threat that your not going to get from most human assistants! HIRE US TO CREATE A BOT FOR YOUR LEGAL WEBSITE We can help you setup a bot like we have on this website.   Your bot can be pretty basic where its just collecting basic info from anyone who engages in a chat. It can also be more advanced where you program it with answers to questions related to your firm and practice. —> Fill out online BOT Contact Form —> Chatbot Marketing For Lawyers —> Facebook Messenger Chatbot (Use now)

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Top 7 WordPress Plugins for Lawyers

Top WordPress Plugins for Attorneys WordPress plugins are great tools for adding and extending functionality to WordPress. Below are the top 7 any law firm or any other business site should have setup. They are all FREE and most of them have some kind of premium version you can buy to expand plugin further but all the free versions are usually plenty for what your going to need from them. There are plenty of handy plugins in WordPress framework which reduce lots of work on your part. The official plugin repository has over 47,000 WordPress plugins and counting. That means there are plugins for almost every function or feature you need on your website.   TOP 7 WORDPRESS PLUGINS FOR LAWYERS #1 – Jetpack (Freemium) A powerful plugin from the brilliant team behind the WordPress software itself (Automattic), Jetpack is a must have plugin for every WordPress website. As the name suggests, it offers a pack of awesome features for your website to fly up high and make it a success. Jetpack takes care of your site security, website performance, traffic growth, image optimization, website appearance and a lot more. Most of all, it protects your website security by preventing brute force attacks. It also monitors your site every five minutes for downtime and instantly notifies you for any issues found. —> Download for FREE #2 – YOAST SEO PLUGIN Yoast SEO (formerly known as WordPress SEO by Yoast) is one of the most popular WordPress plugins. It allows you to optimize your WordPress site for search engines. It not only helps you add meta tags, it optimizes your site as a whole.  Yoast SEO is an awesome plugin which guides you all the way to create better content and improve your ranking on search results. It focuses on creating the content which is useful to the users as well as technically SEO friendly. The goal is to help the users, gain trust and sustain the rankings which they call sustainable SEO. —> Download Here ************************ #3 – Akismet (Freemium) Akismet is yet another plugin developed by the people behind WordPress (Matt and his team at Automattic). It is one of the default plugins of WordPress that comes with every new WordPress core installation. It is basically an anti-spam plugin which checks all comments and filters out the spammy comments. The plugin provides a status history for each comment so that you can learn which comments were found spammy by Akismet or the moderator. Moderators also can view the number of approved comments for each user, see the URLs in the comment body and remove the suspicious links. The plugin is free for the personal site and blogs while you have to subscribe its monthly plans for commercial sites. The premium plans provide advanced security solution besides spam protection. —> Download Here for Free ***********************  # 4- W3 Total Cache (Freemium) Speed is one of the most important SEO factors. Faster websites rank higher in Google, this means more visitors for your business website and more conversions. W3 Total Cache allows you to serve compressed and cached files to your visitors. This reduces the load on your server and your website becomes faster. W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin is one of the most popular plugins and probably the best caching plugin for WordPress. It features page cache, database caching, object caching, browser caching and a lot more. Besides, it lets you integrate CDN services to reduce page load time. Besides, it has options to minify and HTTP compression of the HTML, JS, and CSS files so that you can save bandwidth up to 80%. —> Download here for free # 5 – All in One Rich Snippets Rich Snippets are special markup that you can add to your content and describe your content more precisely to search engines. This information is then used by search engines to show your content differently. For example, star ratings below your product listings, maps when someone searches for your business, and so on. All in One rich snippets plugin provides you an easy user interface to generate that markup and use it in your WordPress posts and pages.   —> Download Here  #6 – Everest Forms (FREE) One of the fundamental pages you need in a website is ‘Contact‘ page. No matter how big or small website you have or whatever type of website it is, you definitely need a contact page from where your website audience can contact you. The purpose of contact can be anything; to provide you feedback on your work, reach you out for business deals, or suggestions in general, a well-designed contact page is a must. So, to create contact forms, here is a plugin ‘Everest Forms‘. It’s a modern WordPress contact form plugin with drag and drop interface that lets you build beautiful contact forms easily and quickly. It has a set of general fields along with advanced fields which you can easily drag and drop to create forms. View Everest Forms demo, and learn how it works. The plugin is available for free, however, it comes with a complete set of features to enable you to build full-fledged forms. It features Google reCaptcha support, editable email settings, redirect page options after successful submission, editable form validation message etc. Summing up, it’s an incredible plugin for WordPress contact forms. —> Download here for free   #7 – WP Smush (Freemium) Images are the great assets for your post/ page which easily grab the users’ attention. Uploading images helps you deliver the message many times better that simply the texts can. They make your page look attractive, catchy and engaging. While being so helpful to make you site more appealing to users, images also take up a lot of storage space and slow down your website. You can’t simply afford to ignore the slow site speed and look for the disaster to happen. Wait a while, here’s good news – you can compress images! Yes, you can compress and optimize the images without reducing the quality of the images using WP Smush plugin. It optimizes

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SEO Tips for Lawyers: Use Unique Titles

What is a Title? The TITLE is one of the most important things to focus on with organic SEO.  A title shows the name of a web page and is displayed by the browser, usually at the top of your computer screen, and tells a reader what page they are on. Meta titles are “read” by search engine robots and seen by site visitors. What you put between the <TITLE> and </TITLE> element is very important so try to get it right. The metal title is very important for helping the page rank higher in search engine returns and should be written to cater to search engine robots first and to site visitors second. Meta titles should make sense to the reader, but the wording should be based on keyword search popularity and relevance to the rest of the web page including other meta data and content. USE UNIQUE TITLES ON ALL PAGES Most lawyers don’t even realize that they are using the same TITLE on every page, they dont know what a title is or how important it is to organic SEO.  You want to make sure that for every page you have, especially your more important practice area pages, that you create a unique title for each page and include your most important keywords in the Title. You don’t want to overdo it though and stuff your title with as many keywords as you can think of, this is not a good idea. You want to limit your TITLE to about 65-70 characters and include two keyprases that are related to the page and that you want to be ranked on at the search engines. So if your a Chicago Criminal Lawyer and have a practice area page devoted to Drug Charges, then you want to have a TITLE that includes keywords related to your location (Chicago and Illinois) and the practice area of Drug Law. So a sample TITLE would read Chicago Drug Lawyers | Illinois Drug Offenses It’s also a good idea to include these two main keyword phrases that your using in the title on the actual page within the content of page.  Having unique Titles is important and can make the difference in getting ranked for your most important keywords at Google.

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