Website Speed

Best Web Hosting for Lawyers in 2023

Top WordPress Web Hosting for Attorneys Who is the flat-out best web host for lawyers who have wordpress sites? There are two sites we would suggest with WP Engine being again the top choice for the 10th year in a row. If you have a WordPress site, they make the most sense usually for a few different reasons. #1= WP Engine without a doubt is the top web host for WordPress sites.  ** Special $120 off all plans, or get 4 months free by paying annually for the year of hosting. –> Come see what makes WP Engine different. One thing that makes WP ENGINE the top choice is the speed of the websites. You can click the above image and it will take you to the WP engine speed page, which explains in more detail on why the web hosting is so blazing fast. WordPress is the most common platform these days to run your legal website on, so your current site is probably already on wordpress. —-> We will Upgrade your website hosting to Wp Engine and Migrate you over for FREE – Contact us today…… [bctt tweet=”Your website hosting is the #1 factor in your Sites Speed Score“] If there is one thing to NOT be cheap on with your website, its the web hosting account.  $5 vs. $50 per month seems like a huge deal and no doubt people are going to be tempted to save some money by going with the cheaper hosting. HUGE MISTAKE….. Do not do it… —> Your website hosting is the #1 factor in your Sites Speed Score and how fast it loads.  Go with the best to make sure your site loads as fast as possible.   Google uses the speed of your site as a SEO Ranking Factor.  Ive been using WP Engine for the last few year sand they just have faster servers, better customer support and everything is easier. Vs these cheaper webhosts like hostgator and a million other of them. There are so many confusing options and usually the hosting starts out with a super low $5 per month offer but then jumps up and usually your site gets hacked, or its super slow, or a number of other issues including bad customer support.  No thanks! The Ghetto vs. The Gold Coast, which is the better Location? The Gold Coast is the obvious answer and this is the place you want your lawyer website to live.   The $25-40 extra per month is really no big deal, especially for businesses who spend $50 and more per click at pay per click sites. IF its obvious that a better web host will help with your organic SEO, why not go with the better web hosting?  It just makes sense here because a better web host can: #1- Make your site load faster in Google eyes #2- Give you an SSL Certificate, another SEO ranking factor (httpS vs. http) #3- Have better all around site security so you NEVER get hacked #4- Have the best customer support in the business, so if your site ever goes down, they will get it back up ASAP #5- Have the best backups in the game at your fingertips. They have multiple backups of your site which you can easily restore anytime. Are you a  law firm that has a wordpress site? Or maybe multiple wordpress sites? Well sometimes web hosting can make a big difference in how your site operates. WP Engine in my opinion is the BEST web host for WordPress sites, no doubt.  Take the pepsi challenge and you will see this is a WAY better host then what you have now. *** Also its VERY easy to migrate your current site over to this new webhost. WordPress Hosting for Lawyers  Does your law firm use WordPress? Then you should use top of the line hosting made specifically for WordPress sites. Hosting that focuses on Speed, Performance and Security. WP Engine is a great web host and they are a little more expensive, but you get what you pay for and trying to save money on web hosting isn’t wise. Your web hosting can make a difference in your organic SEO. Faster websites just get better results overall. Also you want a host who will help you if your site goes down or gets hacked. WP Engine is THE Best. —> Does Your Firm Need Top Web Hosting? —> Get Fastest, Most Secure Web Hosting —> Web Hosting Special 20% Off all plans, pay annual and get months free. WordPress sites can get by with super cheap hosting, even basically free web hosting. Yet like a Free wordpress plugin or theme, it might suck after a while and let you down when you need it the most. Do NOT be suckered by cheap website hosting, go with the best!! WP ENGINE WEB HOSTING FOR WORDPRESS LEGAL WEBHOSTING FOR WORDPRESS SITES Contact us today for a FREE Site analysis and to see how we can save your law firm money today.  Get FREE Legal Site Analysis  Organic SEO Marketing for Lawyers WordPress Services for Attorneys PPC Marketing for Lawyers

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WordPress Plugins for Lawyers: Smush It

In 2014 everything is starting to become more about SPEED and how fast your site loads.   Google has made a lot of comments about making sure  your site loads quickly and that it is Mobile Friendly.  There are a number of things you can do to make sure your site loads quickly, including making sure you dont use that many large sized images. Yet if you are going to use images, make sure they are optimized and load as quickly as possible.  If you are running wordrpess, then the plugin of Smush It is a very useful plugin that will help optimize your images and hopefully make your site load a little quicker. How does it work? Every image you add to a page or post will be automatically run through behind the scenes. You don’t have to do anything different. Existing images You can also run your existing images through via the WordPress Media Library. Click on the now! link for any image you’d like to smush. As of version 1.4.0 there is a new, experimental Bulk feature. You can find the link under the Media Library tab. You can see below that some of the images have been reduced in size. This can add up if you have a lot of images in your site. Errors Sometimes the service goes down or is under heavy load. If the plugin has difficulty connecting to then automatically smushing is temporarily disabled (currently for 6 hours). You can always re-enable it via the Media > Settings screen or manually smush the image from the Media Library. Yahoo’s excellent Exceptional Performance series recommends optimizing images in several lossless ways: stripping meta data from JPEGs optimizing JPEG compression converting certain GIFs to indexed PNGs stripping the un-used colours from indexed images offers an API that performs these optimizations (except for stripping JPEG meta data) automatically, and this plugin seamlessly integrates with WordPress. Download the Smush it Plugin here…

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Website Speed Analysis Tools

Google Page Speed & Yahoo Yslow speed analysis tools Speed is a crucial aspect in providing a pleasant user experience to visitors of your site. It ensures that a visitor’s limited attention span and time are spent on actual content and not wasted waiting for images and scripts to load. Studies have shown that users will not tolerate more than a 4 second load time. If your site fails to offer a quick response, your users will leave.   In terms of SEO, Google is hinting at using Page Speed score in its ranking algorithm. As developers and marketers look to optimize their sites, page speed should be among the top optimizations to consider. Two of the major speed analysis tools are Google’s Page Speed and Yahoo’s YSlow. Both require Firefox and the Firebug add-on. Here’s a run down of each: Page Speed “When you profile a web page with Page Speed, it evaluates the page’s conformance to a number of different rules. These rules are general front-end best practices you can apply at any stage of web development. We provide documentation of each of the rules here, so whether or not you run the Page Speed tool – maybe you’re just developing a brand new site and aren’t ready to test it, you can refer to these pages at any time. We give you specific tips and suggestions for how you can best implement the rules and incorporate them into your development process.” Read more about Google Page Speed YSlow “YSlow grades web page based on one of three predefined ruleset or a user-defined ruleset. It offers suggestions for improving the page’s performance, summarizes the page’s components, displays statistics about the page, and provides tools for performance analysis, including™ and JSLint.” Read more about Yahoo! YSlow What’s the difference? Page Speed and YSlow generally offer the same service, however there are differences in their calculations. Each service analyzes a page using a set of rules that they believe are most relevant to page speed and performance. Most of the rules overlap or are very similar to each other, but in general your scores should be comparable. These are tools that you can use to see how your website currently ranks on a scale of 1-100 and you can also find out your web page load time speed.  The idea here is that you can see what Google and Yahoo think of your sites load times and if you have a low score below 90, then you probably need to do something about it.  Otherwise you very well might have a site that is loading super slow and that can be a huge turn off to anyone visiting your site and if they have to wait more then 5 seconds, then they will usually leave. GETTING YOUR SITE BETTER GOOGLE PAGE SPEED SCORES & LOAD TIMES So I will be showing you some examples of legal sites and how I have helped improve the Google page speed score from a 60 to a 95 and helped increase the load time from 10 seconds to 2.5 seconds.  Many lawyers dont even realize that they have super slow sites and might be losing potential clients because of it.   If your legal site is running slow, contact us today for assistance. [si-contact-form form=’1′]

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Google Page Speed Insights Tool

Does Your Legal Site Load Quickly? Google Hopes So Making sure your website loads quickly is a very important thing and Google has talked a lot about how “High performance web sites lead to higher visitor engagement, retention and conversions”. They also talk about how faster loading web pages can be a factor in how your website can rank in the organic search results at Google. Google PageSpeed Insights Page Speed Insights measures the performance of a page for mobile devices and desktop devices. It fetches the url twice, once with a mobile user-agent, and once with a desktop-user agent. The PageSpeed Score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well. Please note that PageSpeed Insights is being continually improved and so the score will change as we add new rules or improve our analysis. PageSpeed Insights measures how the page can improve its performance on: time to above-the-fold load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new page and to the moment the above-the-fold content is rendered by the browser. time to full page load: Elapsed time from the moment a user requests a new page to the moment the page is fully rendered by the browser. However, since the performance of a network connection varies considerably, PageSpeed Insights only considers the network-independent aspects of page performance: the server configuration, the HTML structure of a page, and its use of external resources such as images, JavaScript, and CSS. Implementing the suggestions should improve the relative performance of the page. However, the absolute performance of the page will still be dependent upon a user’s network connection.  You Can Visit Google’s PageSpeed Tool Here and test your site. Most sites are graphic heavy and have a lot of different things going on and have a lot of requests and things to load every time a person visits the home page. So there  are a number of things you can do in order to improve the load time of your site.   Google has a service now they are offering for free that helps your site load quicker but if your running a WordPress site, your can setup a number of different plugins designed to help your site load quicker.  You can also optimize your images so they will load quicker and a number of other things that can help improve your overall Google score. If your law firm needs assistance with how your site is loading, contact us today. [si-contact-form form=’1′]

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WordPress Plugins For Lawyers: Increasing Page Loadtimes

WordPress allows you to further enhance your site by adding plugins. Most plugins are free and some are no brainers to add to your site. Page Speed Plugins Google and other search engines are obsessed with speed. A faster internet means better user experience. According to several reports that are widely available on the internet, user no longer have the patience to wait for a long time for a page to render.  This means “seconds”, and any site that takes more than 10 seconds (that’s a lot already) to load is nearing the borderline of loosing traffic. WP Super Cache / W3Total Cache – These plugins are highly recommended as they reduce page speed load time by serving cached version of your files. Essentially, these plugins generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve those file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. This improves the user experience (UX) of your site by increasing server performance, reducing the download times. Better UX, good for SEO. They really help a great deal but you have to make sure that they dont interfere with any other plugins. I find sometimes they can cause other plugins to not work correctly, so you have to sometimes test things out but usually they work fine and do make a difference. A faster loading website can not only provide a better experience for the user that is visiting your site, but it can sometimes make a difference in getting better organic SEO rankings for your lawyer site. Contact us today at 630-393-0460 or fill out contact form below for a FREE Web Site Analysis and Proposal. [si-contact-form form=’1′]

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Make Sure Your Legal Site Loads Fast

Making sure that your legal web site loads fast is important for a number of reasons.  The obvious is that you want to make sure the site loads quickly for any visitor that comes to your site, if the site doesn’t load right away or takes over a few seconds, then that potential client may just leave your site. Another reason is that your site may not rank as high at the search engines if its not loading fast. Sometimes you might not even know that your site is loading slowly and at times it could be that your web host has issues with its web server or database server.  It can happen at times where your site just doesnt come up at all for a few minutes. Its important to check your site out and test the site load time.  You can access this tool in the Google webmaster account to see how fast your site loads. EXAMPLE OF A WEB HOST CAUSING ISSUES I had noticed a few sites of a clients loading very slowing at times and I checked with their web host and got the usual excuses and run around.  Yet the more I looked at the site and examined why it was not loading faster, I came to the conclusion it was the web hosts database server causing load time issues. SO what I did was move the site to another web host and almost instantly I could tell the site loaded much faster. I also checked with the Google site speed and it went from like an outrageous load time of 9 seconds to 2.2, which was much better.  Also a week later, I noticed a sharp increase in organic SEO rankings.  SO make sure your web site is loading fast! GOOGLE ENJOYS SITES THAT LOAD FAST! Google has talked a lot recently about how its important for your website to load fast and how that’s now related to your organic SEO rankings.  So if your site loads slowly, that might be a reason your sites not better ranked at Google.  Also important is that if your site is loading slow, it might be turning visitors who are potential clients off and having them leave the site out of frustration. FROM GOOGLE BLOG ABOUT IMPORTANCE OF SITE SPEED At Google, we are passionate about speed and making the web faster, and we are glad to see that many website owners share the same idea. A faster web is better for both users and businesses. A slow loading landing page not only impacts your conversion rate, but can also impact AdWords Landing Page Quality and ranking in Google search. To improve the performance of your pages, you first need to measure and diagnose the speed of a page, which can be a difficult task. Furthermore, even with page speed measurements, it’s critical to look at page speed in context of other web analytics data. Therefore, we are thrilled to announce the availability of the Site Speed report in the new Google Analytics platform. With the Site Speed report you can measure the page load time across your site. Uses for the Site Speed Report Content: Which landing pages are slowest? Traffic sources: Which campaigns correspond to faster page loads overall? Visitor: How does page load time vary across geographies? Technology: Does your site load faster or slower for different browsers? WORDPRESS PLUGIN – W3 CACHE W3 Total Cache IS A WORDPRESS PLUGIN for Lawyers that improves the user experience of your site by improving your server performance, caching every aspect of your site, reducing the download times and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration. – DOWNLOAD HERE

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