Wordpress Blogs

Website Design Special for Lawyers

Transform Your Law Firm’s Online Presence 🚀 Limited Time Offer: Professional Website Design with FREE Bonuses! In today’s digital age, your website is often a potential client’s first impression of your firm. Make it count with our professional website design services, now available with exclusive bonuses! Get a FREE Professionally done video and a FREE basic SEO marketing package for a limited time.  🏆 What You Get: 1. Custom WordPress Website Design/Redesign – Tailored to your firm’s unique brand and practice areas– Mobile-responsive design for seamless viewing on all devices– User-friendly interface to enhance client engagement– Secure, fast-loading pages optimized for performance– Built-in contact forms and call-to-action elements 2. **FREE Professional Video (Value: $500)** – Showcase your expertise with a custom-made video– Perfect for your homepage or “About Us” section– Increase visitor engagement and time on site 3. **FREE Basic SEO Package (Value: $750)** – On-page SEO optimization to boost your search rankings– Local SEO setup to attract nearby clients– Google My Business optimization   đź’Ľ Why Choose Our Website Design Service? Attract More Clients: A professional website helps you stand out in a crowded legal market Establish Credibility: Showcase your expertise and case results effectively Improve User Experience: Easy navigation and clear information help convert visitors into clients Boost Online Visibility: SEO-optimized design helps you rank higher in search results Save Time: Focus on your practice while we handle your online presence Free WebDesign Estimate Legal Website FREE Estimate Form Contact Legal Search We are located in the heart of the city of Chicago near Wrigley Field.  Contact us for assistance with your law firms website, SEO or AI needs.  PHONE: ‪(312) 970-1055‬  EMAIL: legalsearchmarketing@gmail.com   Live Chat with out AI Chatbot  Book a 15 Minute Free Call   Free SEO Site Analysis Don’t miss this opportunity to supercharge your online presence and attract more clients! Ready to take your law firm’s online presence to the next level? Contact us today to get started on your next legal website design project. *Offer valid for a limited time. Terms and conditions apply.* đź“… Limited Time Offer! Act now to take advantage of this special package. The first 10 firms to sign up will also receive a **free 1-hour digital marketing strategy session** (Value: $300). —> Book Your Free Consultation Now

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WordPress Services for Lawyers

  WORDPRESS FOR ATTORNEYS Do you need help with your legal wordpress site or blog? We can assist you with a variety of services related to WordPress including creating a new WordPress site or blog, updating an existing wordpress site or fixing a wordpress site. WordPress is the worlds top CMS or Content Management System.  It makes it super easy for lawyers to make updates to their own sites and do blog posts.  There are a lot of things you can add on to wordpress in the form of plugins. These expand your wordpress site and are things like Security, Speed and Performance, SEO, Image Optimization, Contact Forms and other useful plugins for your lawyer website. We can  maintain your lawyer wordpress site, create content for your legal blog and all other things related to WordPress!  This includes WordPress Security, Backups, Video, Mobile and SEO. WORDPRESS DESIGN, SPEED, SECURITY AND SEO You want your Lawyer WordPress site to look good, be fast, secure and optimized for SEO. Let us help you with your WordPress legal needs, we provide the following wordpress services: New WordPress Site – We can create you a custom wordpress theme design that includes everything you need. WordPress Website Hosting – If you need a new site or have an existing WordPress site, high quality web hosting makes a difference. Edit Existing WordPress Site – We can make edits to your existing site, including updating the existing theme and layout. WordPress Security for Lawyers – Is your site secure? We can help make your site bulletproof to keep the hackers at bay. WE ARE CHEAPER THEN THE REST AND PROVIDE GREAT VALUE! Why Pay more then you should?  We provide the same service for a fraction of the cost. —-> Contact us today for a FREE Site analysis and to see how we can save your law firm money today.  Get FREE Legal Site Analysis  Organic SEO Marketing for Lawyers WordPress Services for Attorneys PPC Marketing for Lawyers Signup for Lawyer SEO Newsletter

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New Legal Site Design: Chicago Corporate Attorneys

WordPress for Lawyers – Site Redesign and Upgrades Sometimes you might want to upgrade the look and theme of your lawyer wordpress site.  We helped a Chicago Corporate Lawyer update the firms corporate site and did a number of things to help improve the overall site.   We had a new logo created, bought new legal images, setup advanced plugins and created a mobile version of site. Chicago Corporate Lawyers – WordPress for Lawyers Site Redesign   SOME OF THE OTHER FEATURES OF THIS NEW WEB SITE DESIGN PROJECT INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: * Setup of Top of the line Hosting * Setup of Premium Security Plugins to lockdown site * Setup of Yoast SEO with advanced configuration * Setup of Premium Cache and CDN to improve the SPEED of website * Setup of Custom Mobile Site including logo, images, dual menus, icons, performance and Mobile SEO. * Setup of Social Media Campaigns including creation of Twitter, YouTube, Google and Facebook accounts. Visit Chicago Corporate Attorneys – Horowitz Law Offices   LAWYER WORDPRESS SITE DESIGN Fill out the form below or call us at 630-393-0460 for a free legal site proposal. [Contact_Form_Builder id=”12″]  

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WordPress Security Tip – Change Your Default Admin Name

WORDPRESS SECURITY FOR LAWYERS Security is a big deal and you must make sure you protect your site.  You can do some basic things to help yourself like making sure to create a long complicated password, instead of the basic your last name and a number!  It should be something more like rE^&(3wwww8UTTrrT instead of smith123.  Another thing to do ASAP is delete the admin account that is setup by default when setting up WordPress. You need to create another user that has administrator rights.   The FIRST user name hackers will try to use is ADMIN, then all they need to do is figure out your password (which can be much easier than you think, seriously).  To beef up your security, I recommend you change the administrator’s username from “admin” to something else today. Then also change your password to something more secure while your at it. HOW TO REMOVE THE ADMIN USER There are many articles and blog posts with instructions on how to change your WordPress admin username by installing a WordPress plugin or by editing your database tables. However, there is a much easier way to go about doing this. If you are still using the “admin” user account in your WordPress blog, follow these easy instructions to change it. #1- Login to your WordPress Admin Area #2.  Click on “Add new” in the “Users” menu #3.  Type in the information for the new user account. NOTES: 1- You need to use a different email address than what you have setup for your “admin” username. 2- Make sure you select “Administrator” as the role. 3-  Choose a new user name that is not similar to the name you display publicly on your blog. 4-  Choose a hard-to-guess password. I recommend using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 5- Click on the ”Add User” button. 6-  Logout of WordPress. 7-  Login to your WordPress again, using your new username. 8-  Click on “Users” in the “Users” menu. 9-  Move your mouse cursor over the “admin” row. You will see links for “Edit” and “Delete”. Click on “Delete”. 10- Select “Attribute all posts and links to” and then select your new username from the drop-down list. Make sure you select this option — so all your posts don’t get deleted! 11. Click on the ”Confirm Deletion” button. Now you have changed your administrator username — and all your blog posts that were created using the “admin” username are reassigned to your new username.   Now you have made it harder for the hackers to break into your site because you no longer have the generic Admin name setup.  Now make sure you also have a tough password to crack. If your law firm needs assistance with WordPress or security for your law firm site, contact us today. [si-contact-form form=’1′]

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Attorney Web Design – New Legal Web Site

NEW LEGAL WEB SITE DESIGN – California DUI Lawyer Here is a site redesign for a Riverside, CA DUI Attorney. We upgraded the site from a basic HTML site to a wordpress CMS site so the lawyers can easily make edits to the site. We added additional pages to the site, created new content, created a new firm logo, added new legal images and setup a DUI legal blog. Visit Riverside DUI Lawyers to view legal web site.

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Lawyer Web Design – Practice Area Focus

One strategy you can use with Internet marketing is creating multiple websites in addition to having your main website.  You can create geographic specific sites that focus on one location, or you can create a practice area specific site that focuses on specific area of your legal practice. Sometimes there might be a class action or brand new type of legal matter that you want to focus on right away. Sometimes creating a site that is focused just on that specific area can be a good idea and a good way to come up in the organic search results.  If done right, you might even get multiple sites to come up on the first page of the search results. The latest practice area specific site that we have created is for a Securities law firm that focuses on securities litigation and class action matters.  This new site is for a Lehman Brothers matter.  The firm is  currently investigating claims on behalf of investors in several securities tied to Lehman Brothers.   So we have created a site for the Lehman Brothers UBS matter that focuses specifically on this investigation. The site has information about the firm and then information on this specific Lehman Brothers matter and a way to contact the firm. The goal of this site is to get organic search engine traffic for all Lehman brothers related keywords. The site can also be used as a good landing page for the pay per click campaigns at Google adwords.   Having a landing page that focuses specifically on the keywords your bidding on can improve your Google adwords quality score. Its also best to send people to a specific page instead of just your home page.  People have short attention spans and want to find what they are looking for right away, make it easy for them and they will probably contact you. If you would like us to create a wordpress legal site for your law firm, contact us today.

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Backing Up Your WordPress Site

Your WordPress database contains every post, every comment and every link you have on your blog. If your database gets erased or corrupted, you stand to lose everything you have written. There are many reasons why this could happen and not all are things you can control. But what you can do is back up your data. After all, it is important. Right? Some people might not even realize they need to backup the site or that its even possible. Usually you can do it from the web hosting control panel, but its somewhat complex and technical.  Yet like most things in WordPress, theres an easier way to get it done using a plugin. WordPress has plenty of information on how to backup your WordPress site and how important it is here. There are plenty of free plugins available to backup your wordpress sites but I am using one that is a paid plugin called Backup Buddy and its very easy to use and works well.  Hopefully you will never need to know if it works but it’s important to have this done. Also when you backup your files, you should have them on a different server then your site is on, in case something bad happens to your existing web server. BACKUP BUDDY PLUGIN FOR WORDPRESS: BackupBuddy is an all-in-one solution for backups, restoration, and migration. The single backup file created by the plugin can be used with the importer script to quickly and easily restore your site on the same server or even migrate to a new server with a different domain and database. Whether you’re an end user or a developer, this plugin is sure to bring you peace of mind and added safety in the event of data loss. Our goal is to keep the backup, restoration, and migration processes easy, fast, and reliable. You can find more about it here

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WordPress Blogs For Attorneys

If your going to create a blog, use WordPress. Its the best blogging system by far and its very flexible and easy to use. We have created a number of new wordpress sites / blogs for lawyers and the latest creation is for the Renton Personal Injury Lawyers.  This is a new website that is just focused on the Renton Washington area, it has a blog setup as well and a blog is a great way to create new content and every time you make a new post, it creates a new page in your site.  WordPress blogs when setup correctly are very search engine friendly and the best way to get top seo results.  If your a lawyer that would like to setup a new website or blog using WordPress, contact us today for further information.

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WordPress Plugin : Google XML Sitemaps

This plugin will create a Google sitemaps compliant XML-Sitemap of your WordPress blog. It supports all of the WordPress generated pages as well as custom ones. Everytime you edit or create a post, your sitemap is updated and all major search engines that support the sitemap protocol, like ASK.com, Google, MSN Search and YAHOO, are notified about the update. Related Links: Plugin Homepage Changelog Plugin and sitemaps FAQ Support Forum This is a must have for your blog, its important to create a Google XML sitemap for your site or blog.

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