Google Quality Score

4 Reasons a High Google Adscore Will Save Your Law Firm Money

Google Adwords Marketing for Lawyers – Quality Score (QS) I would say most lawyers would NOT know what a Google adwords quality score is.  Im sure they would all make great educated guesses but most non marketing people would not know what  this is or why its important.   Yet when you say its the thing that can save you 1000’s over lifetime of your adwords campaigns. The quality  score in AdWords is very important and simply put, if you can make your ad near perfect, Google will reward you with a high quality score (1-10) and lower costs per click.  Yet if do everything wrong and have a low quality score, well then you will pay more for every click. What Is The AdWords Quality Score? In the simplest of definitions, the AdWords Quality Score is a numerical value given to a keyword that sits between 1 and 10, that then tells the advertiser how relevant Google thinks your keywords, ads, and landing pages are in combination. The lower the score, the more you pay per click. The higher the score, the less you pay per click on Google adwords. 4 Reasons a High Google Adscore Will Save Your Legal Practice Money Reason #1 – Quality score affects your CPC: Google has a tough job when it comes to AdWords. They want to make money, but, at the same time, they don’t want to lower the quality of their search results. So how do you balance this? Google came up with their ad rank formula. Since your ad rank is determined by some formula involving multiplying quality score by CPC, this means that one way you can decrease your CPC, is by improving your quality score. ** You want to make sure that your Ad Copy is top notch and that your landing pages are all optimized and setup correctly.  So if your a bankruptcy lawyer, you want to create different ad groups for chaper 7 keywords, chapter 13 keywords, general filing keywords.  Then in each ad group, you will have a small set of keywords related to the group and then your landing page should be about that topic.  SO if its the Chapter 7 keywords, then the landing page would be about Chapter 7 and have the keywords your bidding on that page, as well as a contact form.   THIS is a much better idea then making the landing page your home page or other not as relevant page. Any page with a high landing page quality can show up on the higher ad spots, which have a higher click-through rate and have an overall lower cost. The ad campaigns in this higher ad group have a higher quality score than those shown in the ad group on the right of the search engine. If someone wants to drive traffic to a low quality landing page with a high bounce rate, they’re going to have to pay much more per click. Obviously, the less you pay per click, the more likely it is that you can profit from the traffic, and vice versa. Reason #2 – You can also get lower bid estimates: When you set an advertising campaign on AdWords, you’ll get bid estimates. These are the amounts that Google recommends that you bid if you want to show up in the top few ad spots, when a relevant search query is entered. Reason #3 – A higher quality score equals a better ad position:  As you improve your quality score during an advertising campaign, you will notice that your average ad rank starts to improve as well (unless it was already in first position). This is due to the ad rank formula. The higher your quality score goes, the better your ad rank gets. Reason #4 – Some extensions require high quality scores: One way to get a higher clickthrough rate (CTR) on your ads is with ad extensions. These are special features that make your ad campaign stand out of the ad group to a potential customer, and will attract a higher CTR. There’s a few different common Google Ad Extensions: Locations Business contact info Star ratings Sitelinks (just more links to different parts of your site) Some are added automatically by Google, while you’ll have to set up others. In order to get these extensions to actually appear, you need a high enough quality score and ad rank. If you have a low quality score, it is very difficult to get them to show up, because your ad rank will be too low. You’d have to pay a ton per click and it probably wouldn’t be worth it. Increasing the quality score of your ad campaign will increase your ad rank.  The bottom line is that if your going to do Google adwords and pay per click marketing for your law firm, then you want to do whatever you can to cut costs and have your marketing dollars go farther. The key is the LANDING Page that you use. You want to have a lot of different landing pages, one for each of your practice areas, maybe more then one.  You want to test them out and there are a lot of different things you can do.  It would make sense to take a look at what your competitors are doing and see what kind of landing pages are working for them. Google Adwords for Lawyers – Free PPC Analysis Let us help you create a new PPC account at adwords OR fix an existing account.   Do you think your account could be working better? We will take a look and run a free PPC analysis and let you know what your doing right and wrong, and what your competitors are doing, exactly. —> Call us at 312-620-6190 [Contact_Form_Builder id=”13″]

4 Reasons a High Google Adscore Will Save Your Law Firm Money Read More »

Google Adwords Quality Score (QS) Explained

Google Adwords Marketing for Lawyers Quality Score, aka QS is super key when it comes down to how the whole Google adwords formula works.      Just because you spend the most money, doesnt always mean you are going to be #1 when bidding at Google adwords. ‘ Google adwords is actually now known as Google Ads but either way its the main pay per click marketing option most lawyers would use in order to drive traffic to the firms website and landing pages.    There are many things that go into doing a Google adwords campaign and its really easy to mess it up and if your bidding on high dollar keywords, which most lawyers are, then it makes sense to bring in a pro that has been doing Google adwords marketing for years and is familiar with everything that goes into it.    The main factor is your QS or Google Quality Score. What Is The AdWords Quality Score? In the simplest of definitions, the AdWords Quality Score is a numerical value given to a keyword that sits between 1 and 10, that then tells the advertiser how relevant Google thinks your keywords, ads, and landing pages are in combination. The lower the score, the more you pay per click. The higher the score, the less you pay per click (notice how I said “click”, not “conversion”). HOW GOOGLE ADWORDS WORKS – ITS NOT WHO BIDS THE MOST If you look at the graphic below, it shows how 4 different advertisers would be ranked based on factors like how much the max bid is, the quality score and then ad rank to determine the actual amount spent per click.     The main thing to notice here is how advertiser #1 has the lowest max  bid, but a high QS. So the bottom line is that they are only paying $1.61 as the #1 advertiser for that keyword, where the advertiser #3 had a max bid of $6 and wound up paying $4.01 as the #3 spot.   Doesnt seem to make sense but it comes down to the formula that I will explain and really its all about the QS, if you can get this higher, you will pay less no matter what. —>  The Max Bid TIMES the Quality Score = AD Rank —> Then the CPC = The Ad Rank of competitor below you / Your Quality Score + 0.01 SO in the example above, the #1 person is bidding $2 times his 10 QS = Ad Rank of 20 Then his cost is 16/10 + 0.01 = $1.61. It call comes down the QS and getting that higher. First here is some basics on Google Quality Scores for lawyers. Let’s start with the GQS basics… Any time that someone searches a term in Google, AdWords may show ad campaigns above and to the side of the organic search results.  I say “may” because ads will only be shown if advertisers are interested in bidding on the keyword contained in the search term. With AdWords, the ads are ordered based on their “Ad rank.”   Your ad’s ad rank is composed of 2 factors: how much you bid (cost per click – CPC) and your quality score. The quality score is Google’s best guess at how useful your landing page is for the searcher of that search term. This can be understood as the ad relevance. It’s composed of many different factors. Since it depends on the specific keyword searched, your landing page will get an individual quality score for each keyword in your advertising campaign. Usually they will cluster around one specific number (from 1 to 10), but sometimes you’ll see significant variation in quality score. —> Read more on PPC Marketing for Attorneys —> Free PPC and Google Adwords Analysis for Lawyers 4 Reasons a High Google Adscore Will Save Your Legal Practice Money Reason #1 – Quality score affects your CPC: Google has a tough job when it comes to AdWords. They want to make money, but, at the same time, they don’t want to lower the quality of their search results. So how do you balance this? Google came up with their ad rank formula. Since your ad rank is determined by some formula involving multiplying quality score by CPC, this means that one way you can decrease your CPC, is by improving your quality score. —> Read the full article on Google Quality Score Google Adwords for Law Firms – Free Analysis Google PPC For Lawyers Let us help you create a new PPC account at adwords OR fix an existing account.   Do you think your account could be working better? We will take a look and run a free PPC analysis and let you know what your doing right and wrong, and what your competitors are doing, exactly. Call us at 312-620-6190 —> Read more on PPC Marketing for Attorneys —> Free PPC and Google Adwords Analysis for Lawyers [Contact_Form_Builder id=”15″]

Google Adwords Quality Score (QS) Explained Read More »